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this is some thoughts i had in reaction to a small dissagrement my T ond i had about things being harder as a child to handle.i felt it was easier and this is why.i hope to some day be able to share this with her but i am scared she would think i was insane or that it was all stupid.

I find it amazing the ability that a child has to adapt and survive the most horrendous situations. If only in my adult life I could do the same. Just be able to adapt to whatever has been thrown at me and move on and continue to grow
as long as I can remember the nightmare I lived as a child had been buffered by the safety and comfort of this unbelievably amazing imaginary world that I created and was able to retreat to whenever there was a need .unfortunately every child must grow up .the innocence is eventually tarnished and stretched to the point of being shattered and ripped away .I fear this is what must have happened to me. Eventually this safe comforting world that I created for myself betrayed me. Eventually it turned into a horror show in my head, chastising me for my failures to cope. It became punishing and unforgiving. As I became older it was no longer the escape that kept me safe but had become an uncontrollable hell.
As young child I think I eventually learned I needed no one. I basically had no use for people at all except for my basic care. Even then I was able to just accept what was given and not ask. When I was made to stay in my room for long lengths of time I was able to create my own entertainment in the form of an imaginary world. This went beyond just creating an imaginary friend per say but could best be described as a net work of support, encouragement, entertainment, and comfort. It is so hard to describe what I was able to do. I became the center of my own world. I was able to close out anything from the world outside. If lonely I always had thoughts from this world to keep me company. If I was to draw something, I needed no one in the outside world to tell me how beautiful it was .I was the center of my internal world and when needed had a cascade of imaginary people and thoughts to make me feel it was the most beautiful thing that had ever been drawn, I needed nothing else. For hours I could sit in my room and have the most wonderful conversations with myself and my world .I know it is hard to explain but I was never alone. If sitting at the window in my room counting cars that drove bye I was able to be in my head with my world counting the cars with me, maybe even taking turns noticing the cars. But of course I was always the best at it, after all it was my world. At the time I needed nothing else. As long as I had my internal world I could stay in that room for as long as the mother wanted me to.
The need to have other people in my life became less important. My internal world was much more comfortable to be in, it was predictable the outside world was horrible and cruel. Not only did I have a hatred for my home but I also had a huge hatred for people in general. School did not escape this hatred either. I never had any use for the other kids or teachers. I saw them as scary and I wanted nothing to do with them at all. I have wonderful memories of walking around the school playground with the most amazing music running in my head to entertain and calm me. Music created from my own mind, with my own words. Any insecurity I may have had on the school yard and in class were always alleviated by my internal world. Never from these teachers that I was convinced hated me. My imaginary world kept me far away from and safe from the cruelty of the other students.
The shame, humiliation, isolation, neglect horrible beatings, or whatever the mother threw at me was always buffered and endured with the ability to escape into my head. I was safe she may have been able to abuse my body but I wasn’t there. With each blow my internal world was supportive and encouraging, reminding me that this is something that I can handle. Always reminding me I am strong and that this is nothing and that I can handle anything. I am able to shut out the pain, think about other things and listen to the words of my mind. Revel in the fact that these blows don’t need to touch me. I am able to know how amazing I am, to be able to handle the beatings better than anyone in the outside world. It will end and once again I will have dealt with it better then the time before. In my internal world it was just a part of a big competition that if endured I would always win and in the end always be praised. It would be reason to celebrate, with each blow I would be reminded of the outcome. That I would receive the comfort that is rightfully mine.
As I have said it is amazing the power of the mind. Just as this world I created in my mind had comforted me and had kept me safe and untouched for so many years. It also turned out to be just as punishing and unforgiving when it was denied. For many years I often wondered what happened to the safety of that world. What had made things go so wrong? I believe the beginning of this world turning in on me came in the form of a friend from the outside world. I think on some level this was seen as a huge betrayal to everything that has kept me safe, comforted, and protected. I believe this caused the worst upset in my internal world ever. It was an attack to every deep belief I had. That people were horrible, mean, and dangerous. I think on some level I saw it as a failure of strength. I swear this created an war and anger in my internal world that I think still on some level still exists today. But that is another entry at a later date
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Originally posted by Blanket Girl:
(((Granite))) I am so sorry for the abuse you suffered as a child. No child should be expected to be alone for such long periods of time, much less endure beatings. Mothers should protect, not hurt.

There was so much lost here. It's a powerful thing to get in touch with the pain of accept that child and respect how they survived what they never should have had to endure.

thanks for your responce BG .i am trying to figure out a way to talk to my T about this kind of relates to some things she has been bringing up. not sure if i will be able to do it this wednsday but who knows it does seem to be easier to talk and i have talked about stuff i never thought i would ever be able to put words to,neverming verbalise them
Granite, I really appreciate you writing this. Although your childhood was much more difficult than mine, I could relate to a lot of what you wrote, and I thought that you expressed it very well. I also spent a lot of time living in different fantasy worlds when I was younger, whether it was books, video games, stories I would write, or just in my head. I hope that as you heal you will find other ways to use your imagination that you can enjoy and share with others, because it won't be needed any more as an escape.

granite, you did what you needed to do in order to survive your circumstances. and when you think about it, for a little kid it's pretty fricking SMART!!! like BLT said, i can relate to alot of what you wrote, although i did not suffer the abuse you did. i had an imaginary Chinaman friend that would kick anybody's ass should they approach me at night. and the usual little kid imaginary stuff. i think what you wrote is beautiful and i don't think it would be a bad idea to print it out and either send it to your T in the mail, email it or bring it in with you to your next sesh. i really think it's beautiful and i don't think it's anything you need to be ashamed of sharing with your T. thanks for putting it here. i'm glad you're here

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