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I saw T today after a break for the holidays. In a happy reversal from last year, when I came back from a 9-day break from oldT and she thought it had only been 5 days, this time T thought we had missed two weeks when it was only one

In the course of our session, we started talking about "what now." I said that I don't seem to have any glaring problems or issues in my life that need to be worked on at this point, yet don't seem ready to totally ditch therapy yet. T said she was comfortable doing whatever I felt like doing, whether that was coming less often or taking a break. Which was all par for the course. But then out of nowhere she started to say that there are some situations where she WOULD have a strong opinion that a client should come every week. As I was trying to take in that information, she went ON to say "and there was a time in the past when I felt that way about you but it's no longer the case."

I'm not really why hearing that came as such a shock to me. I said, "but you never TOLD me that!" and she said "well, you didn't need to know it back then, and you can handle it now." After I had sort of picked my jaw off the ground, I asked her why she had thought I needed to come every week earlier on. She said something about whatever happened with oldT having been very "disorganizing" for me, and she thought that I needed to have consistency and frequency for a while to establish trust and I guess to have support through that.

I was literally sitting there with my head spinning, telling her I didn't know why this information was hitting me so hard. She asked me if I was feeling sad...I said it was more that it was bringing up how things were back then, early last year, and how hard it was. I guess there was a little anger about how confused I was at the time about what I needed and what it was OK to have, and that if she had just said to me, "I think you need XYZ to recover from this" it could have made things a lot less conflicted for me. She said "but you CAME every week" and I said "but I barely felt the right to!" So she apologized for having missed my need to hear that back then. But I think I wasn't really mad at her specifically for any kind of negligence, just appalled that my perception of things back then was so different from the reality in ways that made it hard for me.

So we had a little more discussion about the confusion between whether I had a legitimate "need" for therapy at all, or whether I was so messed up that oldT couldn't handle me, and how oldT referred me because she thought I needed more consistency and contact, and how I turned out to have LESS of that with T instead of more, and how it all worked out in the end.

But it all made me think about how our T's sometimes have thoughts about what we need that they don't necessarily share with us, and whether or not that's a good thing.

So I'm still scratching my head a little over all of this. It almost feels like I'm negotiating some kind of awkward adolescent phase of therapy where I'm trying to stay in contact with T without "needing" her as much as I did in the past, at the same time as trying to process some more "adult" realities about the nature of the relationship. It's not a bad thing, and I'm sure it hasn't hurt things between us. It's just...different.

Just felt like sharing that. Anyone else had revelations from their T that changed their perception of how things were in earlier phases of therapy?
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Wow. I can see why that was so mind-spinning for you. That was a lot to process unexpectedly and all at once.

just appalled that my perception of things back then was so different from the reality in ways that made it hard for me.

I hate when that happens. Between M and OldT, though, it's understandable why you would feel that way.

So we had a little more discussion about the confusion between whether I had a legitimate "need" for therapy at all, or whether I was so messed up that oldT couldn't handle me, and how oldT referred me because she thought I needed more consistency and contact, and how I turned out to have LESS of that with T instead of more, and how it all worked out in the end.

What were her thoughts about all this?

I'm a little confused about the Less of that with T because I thought she gave you unlimited contact? Or is it just that you needed it less?

But it all made me think about how our T's sometimes have thoughts about what we need that they don't necessarily share with us, and whether or not that's a good thing.

It seems odd that she didn't think you could handle that back then. Afterall, you'd had two bad experiences right in a row and it seems to make sense that you would be wondering if this relationship was going to turn out the same way and if she really wanted to work with you. A little reassurance would have helped.

t almost feels like I'm negotiating some kind of awkward adolescent phase of therapy where I'm trying to stay in contact with T without "needing" her as much as I did in the past, at the same time as trying to process some more "adult" realities about the nature of the relationship. It's not a bad thing, and I'm sure it hasn't hurt things between us. It's just...different.

I had a conversation with my T about me being able to come to therapy without needing him. He was the one who said it was fine. I think on some level I think I need to need him in order to need therapy?? Does that make sense? Is that how you feel?

Anyone else had revelations from their T that changed their perception of how things were in earlier phases of therapy?

Yes, but mine is quite the opposite of yours and really nuts. My T had his issues with me becoming too dependent on him and I thought he wanted me to be dependent on him.

So, he had a wall up. I felt the wall but completely misinterpreted it.

T and I have talked about this often now. I also thought he was doing things to steer the therapy a certain way or to get reactions out of me. He has admitted that he was "treating" me but not to the extent that I thought he was or not in the way I thought he was.

I guess this is where the reality testing stuff comes in? I was SO walled off myself and living in my own loop and definitely wasn't testing reality.

What were her thoughts about all this?

I'm a little confused about the Less of that with T because I thought she gave you unlimited contact? Or is it just that you needed it less?

Well, she said that the thing about not knowing if I "needed" or "deserved" therapy was really just a manifestation of the part of me that has trouble feeling like I deserve support in general, but I did need therapy to deal with my attachment issues, just not on the level of "being on the edge of becoming psychotic" (yes she actually said that!)

I do think I've had more *consistency* with T than I did with oldT, but not substantially more contact. I saw oldT regularly twice a week, and I've only seen T twice in one week two or three times total. I had unlimited email contact with both, although T has been better about responding sooner. And I have been allowed to ask T for a call back to check in, but I've only used that a handful of times (less than 5 I think?)

It seems odd that she didn't think you could handle that back then. Afterall, you'd had two bad experiences right in a row and it seems to make sense that you would be wondering if this relationship was going to turn out the same way and if she really wanted to work with you. A little reassurance would have helped.

Well, she didn't exactly say I couldn't have handled it then. I think her position was she thought she was doing enough to communicate her availability, and based on the fact that I *was* showing up, there was no need to push the issue?

I had a conversation with my T about me being able to come to therapy without needing him. He was the one who said it was fine. I think on some level I think I need to need him in order to need therapy?? Does that make sense? Is that how you feel?

Actually, lately I feel like I don't need therapy per se, but I still need T because she is meeting some needs for support that I don't get elsewhere due to not having many friends locally yet... But I don't need her AS MUCH as I used to. I can understand how you could feel like needing your T was a requirement for therapy, though.

Reality testing is good, huh?! I find myself now wondering what other things T hasn't told me about, lol!
Oh, all of that makes sense now that you write it out. Now I get what she means about you showing up. If you had been so uncomfortable about whether or not she wanted you there, you might have cancelled appointments, etc.

I didn't know attachment issues could border on the psychotic. Eeker I feel like my attachment issues are so much worse than yours. Ugggghhhhhh. Do you think when there is stalking involved, that they consider that psychotic? I never thought of it like that.

Haha. But now that you mention it, my T did tell me once that it was clear I was not psychotic.

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