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I'm on 450 also. I was on 75 mg of zoloft but just weaned myself to 50 mg. I feel like my brain is vibrating and I feel very anxious yet at the same time, all I want to do is sleep.

Ever since I went from 300 to 450, I've had constant multiple cankersores in my mouth and 2 severe panic attacks. My P upped the zoloft from 50 to 75 after the panic attacks although now I just weaned myself back down to 50.
Hi Liese,
Constant cankersores sounds painful. I'm thinking by adjusting your Zoloft on your own is causing your panic attacks and brain vibrating. Welbutrin has helped me to sleep before and then caused insomnia but I think the Zoloft was meant to keep the anxiety down and by tweaking it on your own it's throwing things off. Maybe you have the brain stuff going on with maybe possible onset of menopause...unless of course you're in it already. I think this all sounds familiar like I wrote something similar a few months back. Our close to 50 year old brains get out of balance "I think" with so many issues at the same time.

Hope you get it figured out soon!


I have not taken Wellbutrin. However, I am on Zoloft. I get the brain vibrating too and I get if I don't take the medication at the same time every day (I've been on it for a very long time) so I can imagine that weaning yourself down could definately cause the vibrating. Possibly the panic attacks too. I had severly increased anxiety during my recent wean on the Zoloft.

I hope you get it worked out and start feeling better. I tried to do a wean myself once and it didn't work out well. Take care of yourself
Hi everyone,

Thanks for all the thoughts and suggestions. My P doesn't know I've weaned myself to 50mg. I did it on my own. My T knows though. I told him to keep it in mind in case I start acting really whacky.

My P upped me from 300 to 450 because I was complaining that I just didn't have the clarity of thought that I wanted. He said, "well let's give it a boost." It did help. I actually can't remember why he started me on the zoloft. He tried something else that isn't an AD but just a natural supplement that was supposed to boost the effects of the wellbutrin and I thought I was having side effects to it. So, then he tried the zoloft.

Once he boosted the wellbutrin, though, that's when I started having panic attacks so that's why he increased the zoloft from 50 to 75.

I was starting to sleep more and gain weight so that's why I cut back to 50, thinking it was the zoloft.

He did tell me that the two drugs interact in such a way as to heighten the effect of the other. So, for instance, even though I'm taking only 75 mg of zoloft, it's like I'm taking 150. And the same for the wellbutrin. He was very careful about the dosage.

I did ask him about the cankersores, IG, because I read the same thing. He said that they are not a side effect of wellbutrin but maybe the wellbutrin is loweirng my immune system or maybe it's the dry mouth that's making me more susceptible to cankersores. I'd rather just blame it on the wellbutrin.

I don't see him for another 2 months but maybe I'll call him today to see if I can get in sooner. I'm just really down in the dumps. I've lost all motivation and all I want to do is sleep. I haven't been like this in a while. What is my amygdala trying to tell me? I wish it would communicate more directly to me instead of making me do some mental work trying to figure out what the heck is going on.

Oh, I'm rather rambly today. Good wishes to everyone.
I do hope ur feeling a bit better soon. I know that feeling of wanting to sleep can be so powerful & addicting. Id end up sleeping all day if I could.
I've been on 450 of wellbutrin for maybe 8-9 yrs. To augment it & help w/ clarity I was also taking Concerta, a stimulant, but recently built up a tolerance to it. We kept the wellbutrin, stopped cencerta cold turkey & started the guessing game of finding something else. We recently did zoloft which is what I took during all my pregnancies so we knew it worked. This time I had terrible racing thoughts, which he said were bipolar,but I don't get those highs. Never had that diagnosis before. He stopped zoloft cold turkey, we don't really do any weaning least not w/ me & he'll run a dose up to Max in like 3 days. Weird.
So I was surprised that I had such a different reaction to the zoloft the second time. He said it was probably my hormones levels being different while I guess you never know.
Keep trying & keep ur chin upSmiler
I put an aweful lot of trust I'n my P but yet it's not like I can argue w/him bec he's the expert. I just don't know how he can balance all the side effects of ea drug. Now I'm up to 8 Rx so does he really know what is reacting to what?
My SI works for the FDA. She's told me that during drug trials is one person has a negative side effect than it has to be listed even if no one else had the side effect.
I think meds r basically a crap shoot but I keep my fingers crossed
I took Wellbutrin and I hated it. It made me feel like an emotionless zombie. I think it made the depression worse when I was on it. I'm still boggled by the fact that I was prescribed the max dose when I was 16! Ridiculous!!! I absolutely refused to take it again after months of being on it. I don't really remember a lot of physical symptoms but I do remember sleeping a lot more than usual. Wellbutrin did not make me feel very "well" Razzer

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