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That the have done their own therapy and have worked through their own issues
That they can keep a lid on personal disclosures
Lots and lots of patience
Ability to genuinely care about me
Healthy boundaries that are flexible when necessary

Just to name a few. It is not an easy job!
I agree with the other responses here but would also add that I feel that they have a responsibility to stay up to date on the latest research and therapy techniques and also that they attend a consultation group. These two things help ensure their ability to effectively help their clients.

Also I believe they need to take good care of themselves in general so that they can stay stable in what is a very challenging yet rewarding career.
Big problems there LTF; it depends on what kind of therapy the Doc uses, their beliefs and concepts, and type of disorders their patients have etc. 'Therapy' has branched out into so many different sub groups, that often sends patients hither and dither from one kind of therapy to another. I am not sure that is a good thing or bad. Then again that would depend on who makes a care plan for the patient, who assess and evaluates that plan. And what does the patient think of the therapy offered to them? Then there is the ongoing old school of thought verses new and up coming theories which inevitably causes conflict among T's.

Why cant they all get along, and accept change like we have to. ( cough)
Why cant they all get along, and accept change like we have to. ( cough)

Yeah true.

Big problems there LTF; it depends on what kind of therapy the Doc uses, their beliefs and concepts, and type of disorders their patients have etc.

This is what I look for in a therapist. If they do not seek consultation I see that as a red flag to stay away from them.
River...You are absolutely is not an easy job...and to convey all of those things at the right timing, etc. can be very challenging.

Muff...I agree with cutting their prices in half when they have us hooked Wink Sometimes I wonder if the Therapist doesn't get more out of the therapy process than the client...

L2F...Absolutely Smiler Consultations are needed...and are definitely good if you have some blind spots...

I think one of the important things is creating a unique therapy for each individual as no two people are alike...flexibility in boundaries when warranted and with the benefit of the client in mind...


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