There are so many things that I wish I could talk to T about particularly things that involve our relationship and how I feel about him and what I think he feels or thinks about me. I've started to have those conversations (which were impossible to imagine for a long time) but T doesn't respond in a way I can understand, he seems to have less and less to say if I talk about our relationship which I think means he doesn't want to talk about it and I shut down. Now there is such a buildup of things we could never get through them all and any difficult session where I feel like we missed having a relationship conversation (I started it but it died, or I wrote an email but we didn't follow it up) ends with me panicked and upset. My T will remind me that we can discuss it next time we meet but I don't believe that we will and it becomes one more thing that is important to me that gets ignored because my feelings are too much. I'm not satisfied with things, they don't feel resolved for me and I don't know what I need to say or how to say it. It is a pattern that has repeated over and over in my life with my parents, and siblings, and husband and now T so I think it is me.
I told my T therapy couldn't work for me because not being able to talk to him for days when I was so upset was too difficult for me. Usually by the time I get back to his office I'm not in the same place and the feelings are gone or something happens in my life that becomes a new topic of conversation. I don't know how other people manage the feeling of not getting everything said. My T told me he thought that not everyone had the same intensity and pressure about things that weren't said as I did. He also agreed we would never get to talk about everything. It feels the same as when my husband says he needs time to think about a topic so could I please stop talking about it and then he never mentions the topic again. Then when I would bring it up again he just says “oh I decided you were right so we don’t have to talk about it” and I don’t feel like it is resolved because I don’t understand why he changed his mind or what he thinks now. Or when my father told me we could help for me after I told my parents about the CSA and then he never mentioned it again. I waited months before I realized my parents weren’t going to do anything and it would be like I never told. It took 27 years before I told them I was angry about that.