Here I am, another question in hand.
I feel like I'm making some good progress in therapy. Two weeks ago, I had one of those shifts in knowing. You know, when it suddenly occurs to you that something your T has been saying, over and over, is so very very true that you don't just think it anymore, you actually feel it, you know it. So, my T has been saying that all my fears and worries about my marriage, and my spouse, are actually fears and worries and feelings from my abusive childhood. I know that, I knew that, but 2 weeks ago, I just FELT it.
So this past week I went into the session, and even though so many things are on fire on my *now* right now, I kinda forced myself to talk about two big trauma times - my childhood, and my second pregnancy.
In the midst of talking about these two times, I could feel my little person yanking on me all over the place. My T was asking me how it was feeling and I said I could feel that my little person was pulling me back as hard as she could, she didn't want me to talk about. When my T asked why, I said that I really *really* didn't want to feel all of the feelings, and ALSO that I didn't want it to be true.
So, that's my question. What does this mean - "I don't want it to be true."
My T spent a long time on this sentence, on where I seemed to be getting stuck, on this hook of not wanting any of the worst stuff to be true. My T kept trying to get me to the second part of this sentence, "If it is true that ___________ happened to me, then _______________." Like, maybe if it's true then I feel ugly. Or maybe if it's true, then I feel broken.
But that stuff didn't ring true for me. I was just overcome with feelings of - "I don't want this. I don't want to feel this AND I reject that this is true. I don't want this to be true. It cannot be that these horrible things are true, that these terrible things happened to me, that they are true."
I don't know - I don't think I'm making much sense. I got stuck on that sentence, and my T wanted me to go further with it, but I couldn't - I just know that I do NOT want this stuff to be true. I know that I'm not able to turn towards the feelings of my childhood or the pregnancy and process them, because I have so many feelings ABOUT my feelings. I don't want this horrible, traumatic truth to be true.
Any thoughts?