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I'm so confused about this. I've been really confused about myself lately, especially since yesterday my suspicions about my therapist were raised so much so that I question what trust actually feels like.

When I go to see her, I'm excited and pleased to see her. I get nervous. It's like I have a crush (I'm not even sure if I do or not). But for some reason I get this feelings that things arn't real. For her to listen to me feels unreal.

I feel like she is too boundaried anyway.

Yesterday was the first session I hadn't seen her in one month. Anyway, I was suspicious about her neutrality in session. She feels very guarded but I'm not sure. Like she's watching on the sideline almost. I've been suspicious about that for ages. Anyway one month ago at end of session I asked if she was a mother. She said that we could talk about it in next session.

So at the end of this session, I asked her 'are you a mother' and she replied 'you ask this at the end of session. Lets discuss it next time'. She wants to get into my pathology of why I would want to know. Sure, its useful. I want her to be an image and likeness of the mother I never had. I think I crave it a lot.

I said to her 'can you not just answer with a yes or no' and she repeated 'lets talk about this in next session'. I said 'but what's so difficult about answering now?' and she replied 'in life things can be complicated' or something along those lines which said to me that she was a mother but somehow lost a child or lost something.

I know she's experienced tragedy. when i was crying in session once she looked at me very empathetically and said 'i understand what you are going through, i have been through it and it does get better'.

she also refers to her clients as her 'babies'.

no problem with that though i feel a bit patronized by it and furthers my suspicion of her. I got a bit rude at the end and angry/frustrated and said to her 'maybe you decided to become a therapist because you cant have kids'. She didn't reply to it. She kept silent whilst I paid her and I turned to he rand said 'I've pissed you off haven't i?' to which she replied 'I'll see you next week'. I could see that she was holding herself from retorting. I said to her again after that response 'so I have pissed you off then' and she repeated 'I'll see you next week'.

I can understand if its a harsh topic for her. I worry about my paranoia about all this because it has made me feel really rubbish. I feel needy of her (it almost feels like we could bond on a very good level outside of therapy but im aware that im needy of closeness), very empathetic of her tragedy (whatever it was) to the point of wanting to protect/rescue her (for some reason I became very sad at the fact that she's experienced bad stuff. It made me cry afterward), shameful for being rude and angry at her, distrusting because I keep suspecting that she's become a therapist to fill the void of what she lost and generally upset because therapy with her will end quite soon.

But what does trust feel like? my friend, on response to this said to me that it sounds like i dont trust her.

...but I'm SO attached to her. I need her so much to the point where i have dreams of wanting to get closer to her a lot of the time.

can you be attached to someone yet not trust them?

because despite what happened, i still feel the need to have to see her.

what does trust FEEL like? in the body, in mind,..

im so confused about this. x
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trust to me feels like another person's actions are true to themselves and with no intention to harm. reliability and ease; and actually it's if I can feel another person if I can look at them and hear/feel/see pieces of myself I feel more trust worthy.

Another thing is consistency - not all the time but at least relative. But it's more intuitive to me and they have to give me a sense that they are not objectifying me - that's what took so long to build trust with my T because of a few mistakes on her part, and my own fears of closeness/relationships, I felt very objectified and it took a while for me to learn she means well.

anyway... that's kind of random but it feels like... a a warm feeling, a relaxation of my muscles and a warmness in their proximity and when I think of them. Like I know their soul and their inherent goodness and in that their behaviors are favorable - I think you can know a person's soul who hurts you and then you know... you can trust what they will do and you do not want to be with it. Same goes for the good stuff.
FMN - I think that's a really good question, and it's one that I don't have an answer for yet. I think I'm starting to learn what it feels like, so for now, I'd kind of describe it as being able to give a piece of yourself to someone and know that it's safe with them.

I might be making too much out of it, but your T calling her clients her babies is a red flag to me and seems to validate your suspicion that she became a therapist to fill a void.

And it's completely possible to be attached to someone but not trust them. The word "attachment" is not synonymous with secure attachment. There are kinds of attachment that make you feel like you need the other person - but it's not always healthy. It's also seen with people who had violent homes when they were a child but still seek out their parents in times of need (even if it's harmful) or protect them in various ways. That's one of the things that I'm struggling with at the moment.

I'm so sorry it's so confusing right now. Frowner Keep us updated. When is your next session?

I have to agree with Kashley that trust and attachment are not the same! It's possible to cling like mad to someone you don't trust.

Trust is basically about feeling safe with someone. You feel relaxed around that person, free to be yourself and share vulnerable things. You feel you can rely on that person to be there for you.

It occurs to me that maybe this is coming up for your because it seems like you've idealized your T for a long time. It's impossible for her to be perfect, so maybe now you're trying to deal with some of the negatives about her?

I hope you get it figured out and can feel better about the whole thing!
no problem with that though i feel a bit patronized by it and furthers my suspicion of her. I got a bit rude at the end and angry/frustrated and said to her 'maybe you decided to become a therapist because you cant have kids'. She didn't reply to it. She kept silent whilst I paid her and I turned to he rand said 'I've pissed you off haven't i?' to which she replied 'I'll see you next week'. I could see that she was holding herself from retorting. I said to her again after that response 'so I have pissed you off then' and she repeated 'I'll see you next week'.

Hi ((FMN))

I'm just curious about this... If your assumption happens to be correct, and your T became a T to 'fill a void' (perhaps of losing a child), why is that a problem?

Hopefully, whatever brought your T to the profession, is something that she is managing and not acting out on. I think it's hard to think of our Ts as humans who have suffered, but I would hazard a guess and say, that it *is* in fact, those who have suffered who are most likely to be drawn to this profession.

As far as what trust feels like, that's an excellent question... I wish I knew Smiler I imagine it feels... easy. Like gliding over very still water. The channels of communication are just open and information can just flow effortlessly. That's what I imagine it to be like. Hmmm I'll have to think about it more...

Effed, I asked this to myself too. I think what I'm doing is attempting to push her away because therapy ends pretty soon. I'm crying about it a lot and the goodbye hasn't even happened. I can't take grief alone. I idealize suicide, self harm and immediately fall into depression.

I can't take saying goodbye to her. I fall dangerously.

I just started writing an e-mail informing the clinic where she works that I won't be attending anymore and to thank her for her help but I've not sent it. I'm on the edge of sending it.

Why is it an issue that she might be filling a void? Because I'm in desperate need of a mother or a caregiver and if she is filling the void and I sense it, then she is close yet so far and the reasons for her entering therapy feels like it collides with the reasons why I'm there. I mean, its too, way too close to home and it upsets me TOO much to know that she's lost a child. It makes me hurt a lot and I don't know if that is counter productive.

It feels like there's two of us and she's in need of 'mothering' the child or children she lost and I'm in need of being mothered. It almost feels like there is an underlying thing going on and if so, then why not quit therapy and make a friendship over it. I know I'm just being idealistic. I've been idealistic over her the past 9 months and its always been painful.

I just don't know. I'm going out for the day and I'm not sure how I'll feel when I get back.

Do I send her that e-mail or see her next Saturday. My impulsive side says 'quit! quit! quit! and forget about her! you're right, she's a fraud!' and the other side of me is saying 'no, you need to talk this through with her and raise your suspicions'.

Either way I'm frantically trying to avoid the pain of separation. It hurts too much to do it alone.

I don't know. I won't send her that e-mail right now. I was about to click send and then I thought of this forum and decided to see what you guys wrote back.

But generally speaking, I think I'm trying to push her away.
ps. BLT: yes you are right, I have idealized her in a perfect light. I can't imagine her not being perfect actually. I want her to be all that I want her to be. I've created an image of her as almost a Goddess or something and knowing that she's suffered tragedy hurts me a LOT. Frowner. I was crying on the train going home yesterday because I knew she'd been through a lot. Why can't I handle that though? Why is it so sad? Why can't I handle the truth that she is just human and she's suffered? Its hurts a lot.
I think what I'm doing is attempting to push her away because therapy ends pretty soon. I'm crying about it a lot and the goodbye hasn't even happened. I can't take grief alone

((FMN)) I am so sorry your therapy is ending. Are you continuing with someone else or dropping it for good?

I totally get what you mean about things "hitting too close to home." I experience this in my own therapy as well. I don't know what else to say except keep fighting the good fight. I hope you make it to your Saturday session!

Hey effed. Thanks for your support Smiler. I made it to my saturday session, yes. That's the thing, I need to talk to her regardless of a lot of things that go on, I need someone there to listen to me. After all my life not having it, I crave it now.

I'm going to be continuing therapy with someone else. I had an assessment and they diagnosed mem BPD (which I still question sometimes) but anyway, I'll be having therapy with a psychologist from the mental health team.

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