Ive finished an excellent book by Linda Sherby, a Therapist/Analyst who wrote Love and Loss in Life and in Treatment. It is somewhat like Yalom's books IMO but with more "heart." It is about how what is going on in her life affects the "treatment" she provides for her clients. She is honest, articulate and compassionate and reading it helped to humanize the process of therapy. One of the taglines for the book is "Have you ever wondered what your therapist thinks?" The author deals with the illness and death of her husband and interweaves those events into how it affects her therapy relationships. You can get it on Amazon. She also has a blog where she writes about various clients and that gives you a flavor of what her book is like. You can google it easily and find it.
Another really good series of reads is the NY Times series called of all things "Couch" which is a series of essays by either therapists or clients about their experiences in therapy, all very well written and thought provoking.