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TW*** Suicide attempt

Due to the nunmber of people concerned about Mudd's well-being and being baffled and upset about her being banned, I asked Shrinklady's permission to explain what happened which she freely gave.

Last Wednesday, Mudd contacted a member on this forum by PM and informed them that she had used a means of suicide. This member wrote back urging Mudd to contact 911 and not allow herself to die. When she received no response from Mudd, she contacted TN to ask if there was something she could do. TN and I are friends off the boards as we knew each other before either of us posted here. She sent me a text to ask if there was anyway for a moderator to determine someone's real identity.

There isn't since the only info retained by the system is someone's email address. Individual posts are identified by IP address but the most they can yield is a general location. They're only real use to identify if someone is using two different usernames. I told TN there was really nothing that could be done, but then remembered that Mudd had written to me at my blog address around the same time she started posting here. In fact, I believe she started posting here based on recommendation when I replied to her.

I normally do not track down people's real identities and treat email written to me at my blog address as confidential but since we thought Mudd's life was in danger, I thought these were extreme circumstances. It turned out that her email to me gave her full real name and there was a link to her pottery studio's Facebook page. Her facebook page provided an address for the pottery studio which provide a city in which to search. I then did a search on her name at using her full name and the city and found a home address for Mudd.

I then looked up the number for her local police department and placed an emergency call to their dispatcher and reported a suicide in progress (based on my training in suicide prevention and taking into consideration that she had informed the member that she had already taken action, I accessed this as a situation in which Mudd was in imminent danger so a call to emergency services was in order).

I informed the police that I was from psychcafe forum and explained the information I had and gave them Mudd's name and address and they took my cell phone number.

An officer called me back to tell me that he was at the house and his partner was waiting inside with Mudd (she had told them that it felt too threatening to have two policemen in the house so Officer Small had stepped outside). He told me that when they arrived, Mudd denied that anything was going on and had shown them the means that she had said she had used to the other psychcafe member and they were untouched. Officer Small told me that they were having an Mental Health Crisis worker come to the house to talk to Mudd as that was standard protocol, but without hearing directy from the person who had heard the threat, they could not commit her involuntarily. But he also told me as far as they could tell, no attempt had been carried through and she was safe.

I have been suspicious of Mudd's stories for some time as many details of her hospitalizations have not been credible with friends who have been inpatients and some other interaction I had with her, so at this point I became convinced that the suicide attempt may only have been a bid for attention. I became even more suspect when her "apology" did not match up with what the officer had described about her behavior and what she had said.

Upon taking a closer look at her studio facebook page, I noticed a couple of entries that very happily discussed pottery classes and outings and how well they had gone that were published on the same dates as posts she had put up on psychcafe discussing how terrible her hospitization was and her experiences there, convincing me that the hospitization had never happened.

Both TN and myself contacted Shrinklady to tell her what happened (I wanted her to know what I had done as psychcafe would be mentioned in the official police report). Based on the fact that Mudd had informed a member of the method, time and place of a suicide attempt, not to mention the cruelty if this had been a faked attempt to involve and upset someone powerless to do anything about it, Shrinklady decided to ban her, believing that no matter what had motivated her behavior, she was too unstable to be involved in the forum.

I am very sorry as I know a number of you have spent significant amounts of time interacting with and supporting Mudd, but thought you deserved to know the truth, if for no other reason than I believe you do not need to fear that she is truly facing so many terrible situations as it is clear that she had manufactured at least some of what she was saying.

I am sorry to not have expressed any doubts sooner than this but without proof did not feel it was fair to Mudd, as if what she was saying was true, then she was in need of support. I was also worried that it might just be personal dislike on my part. But I did act in good faith in calling the police, believing her life to be in danger and will be very honest that I was pretty angry after speaking to the police officer.

If anyone has any questions they are not comfortable asking here on OF, please feel free to PM me and I will do my best to answer, although I have tried to convey everything I know in this account.

Original Post

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Thank you, AG.

I had quite a strong feeling for a significant amount of time, which was validated here. I'm truly sorry to anyone hurt in this, it's truly awful and unfortunate to hear... Hopefully she is receiving the help she needs, as this is an indication of illness (as many of us suffer from illnesses here). She is deserving of compassion in healing despite her actions, but I have little else to offer. Many and most of us are wonderful, genuine people and I hope as a community we can remain a close group, and support each other through whatever hurt may come.

Hug two
that's a sad story. i hope she gets all the help she needs.

i think you all did the right thing, AG, TN and ShrinkLady, bordering on heroic. you could have just let it go, but time and research went into this with the hopes of saving anothers' life. BRAVO to all of you!

i rater liked the personification of mudd, although much of what she wrote did seem a bit of a dramatization at times. i'm glad it was, but not happy about the effect she had on others here.

cat, what you said is perfect. she does deserve compassion, but little else, at least from us.

we learn and we move on. it's all we can do. what others do is beyond our control.
Thanks for posting this, AG. I'd *heard* something about this and I also had mudd's email address. I started googling her email and discovered the websites that you mentioned. This makes me feel very disheartened, foolish, wary, angry and more. Now the question exists - are you (all of us) really who you say you are?

Generally, I think that here at the Psych Café, many of us are leaving behind the secretary, lawyer, teacher, artist, programmer, young/old, male/female labels and instead offering a sliver of ourselves that rarely (if ever) gets talked about anywhere else. We're like a club of people who "get it" regarding being in therapy. I don't know anyone IRL who "gets it" and therefore never talk about any of this stuff to anyone. Only here. Now I've been duped. We've all been duped. And it feels downright abusive. Talk about boundary violation....

So... I am really Red Tomato. The information I've shared about myself both in OF and in PMs is all true. All the feelings I've expressed have been absolutely how I felt (although I sure wish I'd been making THAT up). I have really done the stupid ass things I've written about.


PS - I think you all (AG, TN, SL) took appropriate action considering the circumstances.
Sorry to hear that. Frowner I agree that it's still something that deserves compassion and needs help. I had wondered about some of the stories, but I am a benefit of the doubt person, so I simply said nothing.

I have always been and plan to continue to be, despite a lot of reasons in my past to be otherwise. If I didn't give the benefit of the doubt, with all my projections constantly, the world (and my T) would be in big trouble.

I'm sorry for those who were hurt by this or reminded of other betrayals, but also sorry for the sort of pain that would lead to feeling the need to do something like this.

For the record, I am me, just as I share myself on here, though I spend a good portion of my time not fully sure who that really is. I'm sure that's like a lot of us.

Just...sad for hurting people right now.
AG and TN, thank you for being the protectors of what this forum is about. It's about helping each other through piles of crap that have been heaped on us by many, including ourselves. It's not about pretending, there is real pain that members are dealing with. I am so sorry for the member who mudd used as a prop. They had to be so scared. It was a very bad thing to do to somebody with
zero power to help. Mudd, not cool, not cool at all.
Thank you all for being so supportive about what was done; I have very much appreciated the affirmations.

RT, its true here as it is in real life, the vast majority of people are caring, genuine people whom you can trust, but there are always some that when you make that leap of faith, turn out to be untrustworthy, for whatever reason. Better to be occasionally hurt by trusting the wrong person, than close ourselves off from trust and miss all that loving, trusting relationships bring.

I am sorry, truly, for everyone who is struggling with hurt over this. I hope you can find comfort in knowing that the support and reaching out to Mudd was a testament to the strengths of this community.

First of all I want to say thank you to AG, TN, and ShrinkLady for all you do and did in this situation.

Second, I want to thank all of you for your posts here. I was really, really disheartened over this. I know there are many like me who struggle with sharing here and find it very scary. So, this news about Mudd really put me out of balance. The posts from all of you today has made me feel better. I had thought about disappearing, but I think I will stick around. I still don't post much, but I'm trying.

Mudd reached out to me trying to engage me I would guess about the time she was being banned. I responded to her PM and also posting here with support and encouragement.

I do believe she needs compassion if she is ill. However, ill or not we all are held accountable to our behaviors and actions. Thus, banning her was the right thing to do.

Funny thing is that my T always talks about my gut instinct and how good it is... amazingly good. I had a funny gut feeling about Mudd's posts from time to time, but didn't listen to my gut as I normally do.

By the way, I too am who I am. I just wished I could be more sharing here.

Rebuilding Me
Wow, that is all I can say. I haven't been on in a few weeks and didn't know what was going on. I was also contacted privately by Mudd but her replies to my messages were sporadic, must have been when this was happening.

Thank you SG for sharing the story. You did a courageous thing. Although it's too bad Mudd manipulated so many people like she did, but now maybe she will get the help she needs.

Hi AG,
Thanks for the imformation. I really get triggered when someone is banned her, so It is good to have a clear explanation.
As for Mudd, I really liked her and am very upset to hear she was not who she said she was. However she clearly has huge problems and I hope she is being helped.
I too would like to add that I have never written anything here which is not true and despite this I will continue to trust people to be who they say they are.
Hugs to everyone who is feeling bad over this!

Can I add my thanks to you; and to TN and SL as well. I was asked last week if I had any information that could get help to Mudd quickly; and although I've been in contact with her for several months, unfortunately I didn't. Thank you for your diligence in finding a way to get help to her, as I too was concerned for her safety.

I know Mudd has apologised to a number of us for the hurt she has caused. I still have contact with her at present, and I know this will be of small comfort to those of you hurting still; but she does offer her sincere apologies to all those she has hurt so deeply. I know too that she is very ashamed over what she has done and wishes it were possible to put things right.

Quite rightly, she is not asking any of us to forgive her, as her actions were unforgiveable; but I did think it important that I gave her a 'voice' here to apologise to those she wasn't able to contact directly.

Mudd; I know you read here, and I too hope you find the support you need.
You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din. Smiler

This was very difficult for me to read AV, as I am quite angry about the pain and havoc she has caused so many people here, in a reckless disregard for their well-being. I am not presently prone to listen to anything she has to say and take it at face value. It was very generous of you to post this.

My concern is focused much more on the people that she hurt and it being safe for them to have a voice. I don't want to focus on her loss or bad feelings, I want to focus on helping people with the hurt and damage to their trust that she caused by her actions. And I would find it easier to swallow an apology if it had not come only after her deceptions had been revealed. Day late and a dollar short.

But those are all my feelings and my problem (which I appreciate having a chance to express); as I said, I think you are the better person. You are also in a better position than I to judge her sincerity. I have no wish to turn this into a string of condemnations, as that would serve no one well, but needed to say this. Thanks.

Wow I missed this I guess. I feel bad for all involved including Mudd. I have to say that when she PM-ed me about hospitalizations I wondered if she was in another country because it did not sound like my times in the hospital at all. That was the only thing I could not figure out. For one thing when I was hospitalized for psychiatric reasons they took my phone away and I had no access to any computer. (made me crazy right there) Anyway no judgement. I just hope that Mudd finds the help she needs if she is searching.

PS I am the real Turtle here. I don't make things up. I am embarrassingly real. Ugh...

Thank you for not graciously accepting Mudd's apologies. And thank you for sharing your anger. It helps to validate my feelings.

I felt like I must be a jerk to not feel compassion for someone who spent the last six months lying to all of us. Others expressed their compassion for Mudd - as she must be so ill that she did this. But I don't know that to be true. Certainly there is a pathology about it. But maybe she doesn't have a conscience and was getting a kick out of making up these terrible stories to see what kind of response she'd get from us. Maybe she is writing a book and needed some "material." Maybe she likes to toy with people's feelings. Frankly, I don't feel compassion for that. I feel angry, especially as a victim of it. Perhaps as an outsider I might be able to feel compassion. But I'm an insider.

The sad thing, to me, is that if she truly does need support and attention, she could have had it, legitimately, right here, by being honest.

Her apology? How can we know if even that is true?

Now I wonder/worry if/that mudd will create a new account so she can come back to the forum with a voice.

In my little world, Words and Honesty are king. Mudd blew it with both.

How heart-warming it is to read the posts here, supportive of steps taken by TN and AG as well and reiterating our own validity, in many cases. I would rather err on the side of compassion than coldness, and love how much of that very virtue I'm seeing here.

We learn from the past so we can move on a little wiser. Mudd, if you're reading, please get psychiatric help.
And to the rest of us, I would say....

Extra big hugs to whomever received that initial contact, and I pray you feel the love and gratitude so many have expressed here.

Hug two
That was really hard for me to say, as I strongly believe in forgiveness and grace, and second chances. Especially as I so often stand in need of them. Mudd's apology may very well be heartfelt and sincere which is why I understand AV posting about it. But I have to recognize and admit that I am struggling and am falling short of that ideal right now and need some time. But I am glad that what I said helped.

AG, Thank you for sharing your anger. I am with you on that. I struggle greatly here and had been slowly finding my way. To reach out, to trust to be vulnerable is incredibly hard for me, and harder now after this. There were a few people here who knew my struggle. Mudd was one who drew me out more via PM's. I no longer know what her intentions were. It has me spooked and has shaken my trust.

What Mudd did was dangerous and reckless to all of us here. We all have vulnerability due to the nature of the site alone. Some are more vulnerable than others, some are farther along in their journey than others. Whether intentional, or illness led her to her actions, we probably will never know.

What I do know is that I am angry that she created havoc in a place where many of us try to find safety, companionship, learning and growth for a better and healthier future. I can only imagine what AG and TN went through and whoever else was involved in trying to find and save Mudd. What a scary thing that must have been.

I am rambling now. I'll leave for a break and go have my tea while I contemplate my presence here.
Rebuilding Me -

I don't think we've exchanged words before, so hello.

I want to thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings here. As reaching out and being vulnerable is "incredibly hard" for you "and harder now after this," I just want to commend you for letting yourself be heard despite being spooked and shaken. I appreciate your courage - and your presence here.

I just wanted to come on and acknowledge the thank you's from all the gracious members here. I really appreciate hearing that.

I, too, am angry because I wasted a lot of time at work and it caused me great stress worrying if mudd was going to die of an overdose before help could get to her. AG also took a lot of time out of her busy day to help keep someone alive (or so we thought we were doing). I was also in contact with a board member who mudd was PMing with who was frantic because mudd would not respond to her PMs after discussing certain things that led to all the worry.

I was also already concerned because of some postings made by mudd which she did not respond to. All of this caused me great and needless worry.

I just want to say that AG is a very forgiving person, more than I am, but I understand her difficulty with this. We were lied to and deceived and taken advantage of for many, many months and for a slew of various things. I cannot imagine anyone doing this unless they had no conscience at all and get their kicks by manipulating caring people in the worst possible way.

I'm just sorry that so many here were hurt.

Whoa, did not see that coming. That's actually just really really sad. I hope Mudd is able to stabilize herself and find true happiness so that thereis no need to make up stories. I also hope that we can all continue to trust in one another because I do believe in a lo of the people here on this forum!
The truth is you should always be careful when engaging with other people online. You really do now know who you are dealing with. I saw this show one time where a woman was adopting out dogs and she was on this dog forum and she was showing pictures of her pregnant belly because she was about to give birth. She had a little calendar marking the days until her baby was born. Well this very sick woman pretended she wanted a dog and then she went over there and killed the woman and took her baby. I know that's an extreme but it opened my eyes up big time to the possibilities. It's sad that some ruin for the majority.
This is definitely NOT the first time something similar has happened on this forum, and I can promise everyone it will not be the last. Many of us on this forum have a LOT of compassion, and unfortunately some people will use that against us. The last time I was very naive and it ended with me having to explain to my own T why someone else was leaving angry messages about me on her voicemail. The best we can do is use these experiences to develop better radar for people who cook up drama for their own purposes, so that we can withdraw our own attention to protect ourselves.
Wow I am shocked. Sad in the sense that there must be underlying issues attached to her need to mislead us. There were times when I wondered about some of the things she wrote but I don't know the health system in the States and so I left it at that. Some of the things she wrote to me about on PM I understood and I sympathized with her, but at one point in time I stopped supporting her and told her why. I somehow don't think she made all of it up - maybe exaggerated it and fed off the attention? Not sure - only Mudd knows.

Like BLT says she is not the first person to deceive and she won't be the last. She is certainly not the first person I have communicated with here on the forum that has been banned - hope that doesn't say something about my choices??? Anyway banned or not I've learnt a lot from them (some more than others), I've been supported in times when I couldn't find any other support and understanding, and some of those people taught me things about myself that I will always appreciate.

That being said I think it is extremely important to protect your real identity because on-line "relationships" can easily be masked and as it turns out disruptive (especially if they start calling your place of work - which I have heard of, or your therapist like BLT said). This is probably a word of caution for all of us.

Mudd, if you are reading this I want you to know that I forgive you and that although we both know what you did was wrong and you won't be able to make it right on here, you can still try and make it right with you. There is a lesson in everything. All the best.

I just read all this for the first time and this Big Kid is very, very angry. I'm angry for being duped. I'm angry for having my trust broken. But what I'm most angry about is knowing I let li'l one post on here, after years of her mistrusting big people.

We are who we say we are.

I'm sorry but we cannot forgive Mudd for what she's done.

I was the person that Mudd was PMing and it I was the one who contacted TN. I am so very thankful for TN and AG. I do truly believe we did the right thing given the circumstances. I was so terribly worried for Mudds's children. In many ways I still am. What must it be like to grow up with a mom that will fabricate such intricate lies?

I am really struggling with what happened. My own issues around anger are preventing me from really being able to experience anger at the situation. Right now I'm just totally lost in sadness. Sadness that I've lost a friendship that I treasured. I like cat's analogy that it was a character that she portrayed. It just felt very real until that last day.

Thank you all for the positive wishes and understanding. I am not planning to disappear and I am choosing to continue to try to trust others and be a part of this community. I am really the person that I post about. You can trust me.

Thanks everyone.

I am angry and this has affected me and I know I will withdraw for a while.

I want to know which bits were real? I need to understand things and what she said and did in order to understand my thinking about it and for me to file away things so that this experience doesn't reinforce all my beliefs that you can't trust people, can't reach out to people etc etc. All this example has done is to reinforce my old coping beliefs.

The timing of this is unfortunate for me and so I am more activated than usual.

I didn't have much to do with her apart from her PMing me at the end asking me questions about parts work (which I am not the right person to ask and couldn't help much), but her story affected me as it was so severe and extreme and I felt helpless and distressed. I rarely commented on her threads as I couldn't relate to her level of distress. This made me feel badly toward myself and I tended to avoid her. This again made me feel badly toward myself.

I can't make sense of it.

I saw a post of hers that had been taken down - but I saw it as i was another timezone. The image of what she wrote worried me, I ignored it and when I went back to it it had been gone but 2 people had offered support, their posts had been removed too. I didn't know what happened and I was too scared to ask. It made me feel that I had just walked past a dying person and had left them in the street but went back later to make sure. That is a horrible example, but that is how I felt. I didn't feel good about myself. I have thought about it a lot over the past week or so.

Anyway I have great ability at shutting off and forgetting stuff - so that is exactly what I will do.

great, big, giant, warm, safe hugs to everybody above (((((hugs everybody!))))

you know, it really is sad how something like this can potentially draw a wedge between virtually everybody. i don't like admitting this, but i recognize this dynamic in my own mother. it is this very thing that can cause suspicion between members and ruin relationships. mudd, i still do like the personification of you, but who you really are is a different story. at the moment i am feeling nothing but RAGE that you would cast this imaginary person on a bunch of compassionate, loving people ... all for what??? all for yourself. whatever purpose this served ... did it do you well? do you feel better? do you??? how about the people you f*cked with? does it make you feel better to know you did?

you know what i hope? i hope that this isn't a stepping stone. i hope that this is a learning lesson, not just for "mudd" (whoever the hell THAT is), but for all of us. like they used to say in the opening lines of NYPD Blues ... "let's be careful out there". thanks for reminding us of that important lesson in life, mudd (like any of us needed that reminder). a$$hole.
Hollow, that was kind of my own fault. It's a long story but I did give out some of my T's information over private chat. I just never dreamed anyone would want to use it for that purpose. As I said...I was naive.

I do think this incident invites us to consider what this forum is really for and how we realistically can help people. It's a fact that anyone can show up here, say they got terminated or abused by a past T, and be treated to practically infinite amounts of attention and support, nearly without condition. People can also show up here saying they are having suicidal thoughts or have been hospitalized and get the same thing. You might hope that nobody would exploit those things, but I've seen it happen at least 4 different times in the past 2 years. Either we need to accept that some people are going to do that and we won't always know right away, or we need to limit what we offer in some way to make it less attractive for people to exploit. I don't have any brilliant ideas about it at the moment, but it's certainly on my mind.
I don't know how the forum rules address this, but members of this forum should not be allowed to pm another member about suicide or plans to even do so (or having done so). Doing so should be grounds for immediate dismissal from the forum, not as punishment, but because the person who is contemplating suicide is already at an extreme level of instability.

Suppose there is a member who does contact another member and the member they contact is not emotionally strong? That is a lot for a person to carry if the person indicating a suicide attempt actually follows through.

Most of us on here have a Therapist and if someone is in that much distress, they should contact their therapist.

We are here to be supportive; most of us (with the exception of the very few) do not have the training to assist another person who is in such distress.

I understand people who are suicidal need support. I am just not sure a forum is the ideal place to receive the kind of support they truly need.

This situation was not true; yet, look at how it has affected so many people.

Some of us have such a difficult time with trust, we may post and while our replies are sincere, we only open up so much because these types of things happen.

This occurrence has muddied the waters here. Trust, even on a forum, is important. Many of us struggle with trust.

I honestly think anyone on this forum should be honest and things should line up. IP addresses, etc. should line up. Names, etc. should line up. If they don't, it should raise a red flag.

While this forum is here for everyone, to offer support to all who come here, this forum and the people who make up this forum should feel this is a safe place.

What a shame for something like this to happen.
What a shame.
I didn't really interact with Mudd because I guess she was active on the forum at a time when I wasn't around much. But I thought I would chime in to say that this kind of thing makes me want to go away again and withdraw into hiding, because it just doesn't seem safe. You can't ever know what is real online. Hard to feel like sharing sensitive things when you must question everything.
Dear (((All))) I don't interact when uncomfortable and/or when I see many others are giving support but I do promise I am exactly who you see, like it or not! That said - we've had people who have created havoc and pain from time to time during my forum membership and I just feel the need to say that 98% of us are true and genuine, caring individuals! so I'm hoping that those of our forum family and more especially new members, who have trust issues don't leave/hide/run away because of recent events!!

gentle s
((((All)))) I want to apologise unreservedly to all those I upset and made angry(ier) last night by posting mudds apology. I gave her the benefit of the doubt one last time and the lying deceitful woman screwed me over for the last time. To say I am as angry now as the rest of you is an understatement. JillAnn, AG, TN, SL; I want to say sorry to you personally as I know you were most affected.

I am no longer in contact with mudd. She is now on her own I'm afraid. I feel sorry for her H and family (if she has one, her T's (if she has any) and anyone else who crosses her path IRL.

Please; is there any way I can request to have a 54 page toxic PM thread started by mudd removed from my screen? I can no longer bear to see it there.

With the stuff I've got going on right now; and everything I post is honest; the last thing I needed was to get tangled up with mudd.

Sorry it took me a day longer to realise you guys were right all along; I always was a bit slow.

(((AV))) This is the kind of difficult situation in which finding yourself to be right is not really a welcome thing, I am sorry that I was. It is totally understandable, and commendable that you wanted to extend compassion and understanding, I am sorry for your hurt, especially on top of what you are going through with your T.

As for getting rid of the PM, if you look in your PM list, the left most column are checkboxes. Click on the checkbox for the thread you wish to delete (it should fill in with a check mark) then scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the brown "Delete Checked" button. It will no longer appear.

Hug two

Link copied to your clipboard.