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It was Sunday evening and I'd had enough of my hair. I decided I needed a change. Called my hairdresser and made an appointment for the following day. And then I instructed her to whack it off. As in a short pixie cut. Then I decided I wanted a color change too, so I went from a medium brunette with blond highlights to a deep auburn.

I've always been conservative with my hairstyles and have never had my hair cut this short before. So everyone, of course, has noticed the change.

There was one time it was almost this short, long ago when I was 16, and my father told me it was a sure sign of evil rebellion. To back up his opinion, he pointed out that a female friend had recently cut her long hair short right about the same time that she cheated on her husband. Whatever! I never believed that line of thinking, but nevertheless, the males in my life have always preferred longer hair. (I can't write here what my H threatened to do if I cut it short.) I guess now I have made a statement that the males in my life will no longer dictate my personal choices. Or at least that's where I thought my motivations laid. Until...

I was staring at myself in the mirror and it dawned on me that I had just made my hair look like my T's! Its a darker auburn than her reddish hair, but definitely a similar cut and color. Red Face

I knew I had an appointment the next day and started to panic. Should I wear a hat to cover it? Then I realized I really couldn't wear a hat every single time I came. Sooner or later she was going to have to see it. So I just went "as is" and sure enough, when I walked through the door, both she and the secretary's jaws dropped. They actually didn't know what to say. I was so embarrassed that now she would really think I was a freak even more than she already did due to the internet searching, because now I was trying to look like her double! (well, actually that is impossible because I could never be as thin as she is)

The thing is, I didn't consciously think about trying to look like my T when I was with the hairdresser and choosing my new hairstyle. It wasn't deliberate. But try convincing her of that, right?

I've noticed that since the haircut, T likes to bring up "separation-individuation" a lot. Roll Eyes
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That must have been stressful and I'm sure I would have been having the same paranoia about what T and the receptionist were thinking if I were in your shoes! I think it couldn't hurt to bring it up by addressing it via your assumption about HER judgment from bringing up the "separation-individuation" stuff. That may just be your perception that these things are linked. And it will give you an opportunity to (hopefully) laugh together over this unconscious matching.

Luckily, my T is a guy, my dad's age and bald. Wink

Oh no, Monte! Do we have the same therapist? :P
Style trends happen because people we like, do something we like. We just get influenced by it. I went shopping for some new shirts recently, and just before I paid, I realized I picked shirts very similar to what my T wears… I was by no means intentionally trying to do that… I put the shirts away, but honestly, I still wanted to get them… I suddenly found myself liking them. Ugh. I realized though that I’d be so weirded out showing up for therapy wearing a shirt like my T’s. Kids often have a similar hairstyle to their parents when they are younger, even when they choose what they want. Maybe you subconsciously picked up a liking for that hairstyle and color in the process of attaching to your T and when it came up that you wanted something new, you just were naturally internally drawn to it in a not bad way... and yeah, I can see how a T might take it as something intentional... I love my T’s super short hair and honestly, I could see myself doing the same thing without thinking about it. The fact that the real reason you went for a change, to any short hairstyle, is a really cool reason. It's cool that you could go short and not let the (stupid and awful) shame of men who have been in your life dictate your hairstyle.

I am sorry this is distressing for you. The cut sounds adorable!! I agree with what JD said completely.

I'd also like to give you an example from my therapy. My T cut all of her hair off and got a cut that is very very similar to mine. The color is different, but it's darn near the same cut and style. The truth is that there are many reasons people get their hair cut and styled a particular way. Maybe it was subconscious on some level, but maybe you just wanted a cute short hair cut. My T and I sometimes dress alike, even show up to T in the same color pants and top on many days. We always laugh about it and I tease T and say that I have been channeling her closet in the morning when I get dressed. I've never assumed that she cut her hair to look like mine and she's never assumed that I dress a certain way to look like her. We just happen to have similar tastes. Just as people out in the "real world" often have similar tastes and styles.

If it is interfering in any way then I'd bring it up with T and clear the air so to speak.
You guys are great. Thanks. Big Grin Yep, I'm trying to have a sense of humor about it, despite the awkwardness I've felt. I admit there were probably some unconscious T influences in my hairstyle choice. When I think about it, I admire that T doesn't allow men to control her life, so even that issue could have been about me wanting to emulate T. In that sense, I think it's a good thing.

No, T hasn't come out directly to say she thinks I cut my hair just to copy hers. It's possible she doesn't think that and its all just me worrying for nothing. But I think the thought has at least crossed her mind because in the last few sessions she's brought up how my identity is merged with hers, and yesterday all she talked about was how I need to focus on growth. She was probably thinking about growth of hair! Confused She even gave me a green teddybear, stressing that GREEN stood for GROWTH, which is what she wants the bear to remind me of. So now I'm thinking, if my embarrassment has earned me a teddybear then it was well worth it! Wink I've been waiting forever for a transitional object from her, and this is most likely the one and only tangible gift I will ever receive.
ooooooh MH!! I love that you are feeling good about YOUR choice especially under the circumstances!! And you can be assured that once again you are not alone!

I was once in the same situation with my previous T. My hair was fairly long, as it had always been but had started looking really thin. I had been losing it due to nutitional deficiencies and had to do something. So asked my stylist for recommendations, and she actually did suggest a certain cut to make it appear fuller. It was seriously not until 2 weeks later that I realized it was really identical to my Ts. It didn't help that we both naturally have dark curly-ish hair and that both of us colored a little darker too - both of us had done this before we had met.

I, too was MORTIFIED when it dawned on me finally!! Ugh!! I Was re-playing and re-playing and re-playing the inquisitive head to one-side look she gave me at my first appt after the cut. Red Face Eeker

Sorry you are going through this. It really does sound cute and stylish, MH! Wear it proud!!
If my T gave me anything, I'd want to accept it so badly, but I'm afraid my receiving issues and allowing him to see my neediness toward him (even though I have directly told him about it) would probably keep me from doing so. Frowner He once asked me to do a drawing exercise and offered to bring in crayons and I was too embarrassed to seem childlike in front of him. I think it's awesome that you can laugh and accept yourself and enjoy your bond with your T!

Just caught onto your thread and you gave me the laugh of the week. Actually, I think it's a sign of strength that you noticed the simililarity but said, screw it, I'm going to my appointment anyway. I don't care why I did this. Maybe it was actually a combination of things that possessed you to do it. If you were thinking about your father in your head when you did it, wouldn't that be a strong indicator that that's what the motivation was?

Glad you finally got that transitional object!!!!

Glad my T is man only in this one instance so I won't be tempted to cut my hair in the same style.

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