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What I want to post on Facebook to my friends and family, but am not ready to:

Facing mental health is every way (I won't disclose what H and I pay a month for him and me but it is over the top), emotional (I was really angry for awhile and now I am sad), spiritual (just too many questions about this), physical (side affects of meds, lost 15lbs this month and still don't feel like eating, I can't sleep many nights and some nights it is only 2 hours total), relationships (many people run away from me instead of embrace me). I think therapy is still helping, and now I sought meds on my own (found an awesome PA) after quitting them last June. I know there is a stigma around mental health, but I am not perfect, I am flawed, I can change some things by working hard (some I can't and have to learn to love myself the way I am), and I know this will be a life-long challenge for me. I hope you can love me for who I am, because there is a ton of good in me.
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Bless you Ninn That is a lovely little paragraph and explains how you feel very nicely.

I've been wanting to express myself on facebook to family and friends. I might get a psychiatric assessment and if its proven of anything, I am considering writing on facebook how I feel and what I go through for people to understand.

Best of luck to you Ninn. Smiler xxx
I too, applaud you for your candor here Ninn. I have often been tempted to post something, anything, on Facebook to let my "friends" know that something is going on beyond what they see.

Society makes mental health such a taboo, yet, if more people sought out the support that we get from Ts and Pdocs and any support people that help us... maybe the world would be a little less harsh.

fmn - I am not brave enough to actually go through with posting on facebook, but I have a page in my journal where I write out what I would say if I were brave enough- my mock facebook status updates Smiler

Yaku - isn't it ironic that our friends list is often the last group of people we want to share personal stuff with?

Hugs to all of you...
FMN - You don't need a psychiatric assessment to be feeling things/going through things/need friend's and family's love. Hugs to you, too!

Yaku - do you have any on your "friends list" that you could write to at all privately? I have three I can, and only one I tell everything to.

R2G - I remember when I went through outpatient (IOP) for a few weeks after going inpatient, we talked about the stigma of depression....even my therapist's intake forms have on it that "we should realize there is a negative view of therapy in the world and it may affect our life." It is so sad!

LK - If I post anything on Facebook, I actually delete it after a few weeks, even photos. I think my friends think I am so weird about that, not one of them do that. And, I have no one can see my stuff unless their my "friend." But, I see your concern. LOL, I even delete my posts here after a few days....I can't stand knowing this isn't "private."

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