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I had a session today with my T that makes me wonder if anything will ever be enough for me. I'm wondering if this might be a good time to quit therapy or at least take a long break.

I know my T is a good therapist. Today we got back to a topic that keeps coming up and seems such a core problem for me. I think T doesn't care for me and wishes I would quit (or sometimes I think he is going to fire me). We've discussed my fear of rejection and inability to trust him many times before. He is always accepting of my feelings and willing to help me discuss them. He always acknowledges that with my childhood it is to be expected I wouldn't trust him and I would be afraid of him rejecting me.

Today he told me that he thought these feelings were coming back so strongly right now because of the many painful childhood memories I've been telling him about over the last few weeks. I told him I thought I would feel more trust when I reached the point where I could speak more freely (which I just reached this month after almost 3 years of therapy). He said he didn't think so because he thinks the more honest one is the more vulnerable one feels at least at the beginning.

He told me that he accepts and understands my feelings and he wouldn't argue with me about them but he accepts them as my feelings and not necessarily the facts. I asked him how I was supposed to tell if my feelings were facts and he said over time you explore the feelings, recognize that some feelings belong to the past and are haunting you in the present and some feelings are related to the present. I told him I believed him but I didn't think it mattered and he pointed out that feeling it didn't matter seemed to relate to some deep belief that my feelings don't matter because nobody in my family cared about them.

I cried for most of this session and at this point I couldn't speak because of the emotion. Eventually I choked out that I thought he was right and I didn't think he cared, or I thought if he did care he would get tired of caring, or he would get tired of faking that he cared.
He told me it must be very painful to not be able to trust and he accepted my pain. What he didn't do was tell me he cared, maybe I wouldn't believe him if he had told me but I would have liked him to say it.

I feel bad writing such a long post but I wanted you to know why I think he is a good T. I feel stupid for complaining when so many people have insensitive Ts. I think my T accepts my pain and I don't think it is enough. I'm not in love with him, I don't think we could be friends, I just want him to care about me appropriately and express it. When I read other people feeling such relief because their T understands and accepts their feelings and that is enough I think there must be something wrong with me. I'm thinking of quitting therapy or at least taking a break because it is so painful and it feels like my fault for not getting what he is offering.
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I think this is normal. Even though "getting" that my T cares for and accepts me feels like a giant step forward, I am still constantly projecting his disappointment and anger. I interpret things as if he is manipulating me, walking on eggshells because I am so weak, trying to leave himself an escape route in case he gets sick of me, etc. And even though I can logically say, "I know this is not true," it still FEELS true. And as long as it FEELS that way, it doesn't seem to matter to me whether it actually IS that way. Because that feeling so strongly means there is at least a small possibility that my logic is flawed and my feelings are correct. If that's the case, then I must be prepared for his rejection by assuming it ahead of it won't hurt so much. I too wonder if any amount of him being caring and consistent will get me to the point of: 1) trusting people enough to be OK needing and receiving from them; 2) accept the limitations of human love (especially in wanting parental love that I CAN'T have) and allow God to comfort my disappointed feelings. So, I guess just commiserating here that I don't know if it will ever be enough for me...but I figure it's enough to see I've made a few small steps forward and if I keep moving in this direction, things will at least get better than they are. And that's something!
Today he told me that he thought these feelings were coming back so strongly right now because of the many painful childhood memories I've been telling him about over the last few weeks. I told him I thought I would feel more trust when I reached the point where I could speak more freely (which I just reached this month after almost 3 years of therapy). He said he didn't think so because he thinks the more honest one is the more vulnerable one feels at least at the beginning.

Incognito, this paragraph really stood out for me and spoke volumes. First of all... you ARE making progress by addressing really difficult subjects that it took some years to reach... BUT you ARE talking about them with him. And may I kindly point out to you that say that you thought you would feel more trust after disclosing these painful things to your T... well, incognito... you ARE feeling more trust even though you don't quite accept it yet, otherwise you would have never addressed or revealed those subject to your T. You ARE trusting him and you are doing the really hard work it takes to get well.

Please don't stop now. I know you are feeling the urge to run because you made yourself vulnerable to him and that is scary as hell for you. But your T is saying and doing all the right things and I think he 's a good T and he won't hurt you. I have never picked up any red flags from your description of your T (and I'm now a student expert of red flags Big Grin). I do think the hardest part of therapy is staying when you are scared and things feel overwhelming.

But if you go, if you leave, you leave with all those troubling feelings still with you and you will be without T support. As I like to say "wherever you go, there you are". To stay and sit through the pain is very hard and takes a lot of courage and trust. I see in you both courage and trust in your T. This may be a real turning point for you, incognito. But if you leave now you will never know.

Again, I would advise staying but slowing down on the trauma processing for a bit, until you feel strong enough to tackle it again.

I have seen a lot of growth in you and in your being able to talk about what is happening in therapy, how it makes you feel and in reaching out here for support.

Sending you safe hugs,
Hi Incognito (and everyone else! Smiler)

I saw your post on the front page and wanted to respond. The way i understand what is happening is that your T is doing the most important thing he can do for you. If he reassures you now that he does care, while it will give you some much needed relief in the short term, in the long term it still will not help you understand inside yourself. You will struggle just as much to believe that he cares as to believe that he is not sick of you. So the process will stay the same but the topic or content will shift to something else.

What he is providing you with here is the opportunity to learn to distinguish inside yourself what is going on without having to rely on someone else telling you how it is. Incognito, i am so sorry that you have to struggle with this, it is dreadfully hard but if you can just relax into the process of what is happening soon you will begin to see for yourself that you are important and your feelings are important and that you have the capacity inside yourself to recognise these things.

By leaving a vacuum he is creating the space for you to grow, it is almost like something new in you has to form which is why this is so confusing and so painful. The only way to change this is to stay in this space and allow something to spark. You are at the point of breaking out of years and years of habit in thinking a certain way and there is usually much resistance to change especially when it is the very thing that has kept you alive all these years.

Insight needs time and space, if you can keep showing up your T will help you FEEL his care and when you feel it you will know it inside yourself and gradually with time and effort you will be able to believe it because you know, and not only because he said it.

Sorry to be so rushed, just wanted to say hi and that i am thinking of you.
Hope to be back soon!
Love Pan

I always find your posts so relevant to what goes on in my own therapy. My T doesn't respond to me unless I specifically ask a question. If I tell him, you don't care about me, I get a very different response than if I just asked him if he cared about me. I do realize like you that it really didn't matter what he said, even if he said he cared about me, I wouldn't believe him.

But you know what? I'm starting to believe he does care about me. It took me about 4-6 months to get from where you are to where I am now. And, you know what I keep saying to myself, I can't believe anyone would really want to help me. I can't believe he wouldn't want to abandon me also. But for some reason, he does want to help me and I'm starting to accept that.

I want to chime in and say hang in there, if you can. Even if you need to change the subject and go light for a while, you're probably getting close to something important.



TN said almost exactly what I was going to say so I won't repeat, but wanted you to know that I read and I care. I think you are in the hard part of therapy and of course your instincts are going to kick in and tell you to run. Being vulnerable is scary, but I really agree with TN that sticking it out is the way to go because I'm afraid if you quit you will take all of that with you and be without your T to support you (like TN said). Even as much as I trust my T and know she completely knows what she is doing I still get feelings like you describe. I think it is a normal part of the process.

Thank you all for understanding and answering my post. Last night I was feeling like I was the only one who didn’t get therapy (and has a good therapist). It is helpful to know that others sometimes feel the way I do. I feel a little better because of it.

Yak, I read your other post and you know that I completely get that feeling of exhaustion from doing so much work and not knowing how much improvement is possible.

TN, thank you for your encouragement and for watching out for red flags. I can see your point about I am trusting more because I’m talking more but I guess I hoped it would get easier or produce some relief. May be I thought when I got enough talked about he would do something that proved he cared not that I could think of something because I know realistically he can’t promise to be my T forever or always support me.

Pan, thanks for taking the time to respond and it is always helpful. I don’t know how to relax or more correctly I don’t know how to stay relaxed always. I think I suffer from black and white thinking or I know I do.

LG, I like the short form. I’ve often wished I’d been more creative with my name when I joined but I’m a lurker at heart so blending in was the plan then. I don’t know if I could ever say “I need to hear it” but maybe that should be one of my goals.

Liese, I don’t think I’ve ever asked specifically which I only realized after I wrote him an email last night telling him I struggle to my feelings into words and he side steps the question of his. Later I realized I don’t actually ask the question because that would be way to scary. I wish I could find a light subject but we seem to have used those up and it is one of those “all roads lead to Rome” things where it doesn’t matter where we start we end up here.

STRM, thanks for the hugs and understanding. I like reading about your T and the work you have done with her. Thanks for the links to other kinds of therapy.

PF, I realize our situations are different. I’ve never asked clearly and specifically for what I need (probably because I’m afraid of the answer). Maybe I need to reach the point where I trust myself to survive the “no” and be able to find a new T before I can ask. Let us know how things go with your T.


I love your "all roads lead to Rome" analogy. I have felt that way quite a few times lately so much so that it was either I quit therapy or I approach a particular topic. When I was having the "you don't care about me" conversation, at one point I told T this story about when I was little. I used to play with this mean girl all the time. When I went to her house, she told me I could have a yodel or an apple and which one did I want. I kept saying, I don't care, I don't care. She finally handed me the apple and stormed away. If you don't know what a yodel is, they are really yummy and my mother never bought them. Anyway, so in the middle of all this, T asks me if I'm going to ask for my yodel. And I still couldn't do it.

At one point, I told him that I felt like I was walking on broken glass and he actually did tell me then that he cared about me. I really think he wanted me to ask him directly. I agree that it is so scary. I think he's given up on me asking and we're just moving on anyway. We'll see.

Good luck with this. I know how hard it is and I still haven't asked. But I still think the conversation might come soon anymore. I agree that it has actually gotten harder for me to tell T things the longer I have been in therapy. I used to sit and cry at the beginning and I told him everything I could think of. Now, it's a different story.

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