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For me comfort is definitely curling up in bed, all comfy and cozy, even if I am not sleeping, just laying there is soothing. I also will pull out a super soft blanket and just run it through my fingers. If all else fails, calling Ts voicemail and listening to the outgoing message is helpful. So is chocolate. I'd say that a hug is the most comforting for me, but since there are few people in my life that I feel safe enough to hug, they rarely happen.
(((Outsider))) -

Doesn't sound ridiculous at all. My T used to tell me to self-comfort, self-nurture, all the time. I never understood at the time.

For me, it's a warm bubble bath with soft music. Laying in bed with nothing but white noise in the background. A long slow walk on a breezy day. Cuddling in a blanket by the fire. Hot soup. Ice cream Smiler
Well for me my understanding is if you comfort someone you make them feel better, so I guess comfort is whatever makes you feel better.

You see climbing in a bed with cosy blankets can make you feel better on one occasion, and on another occasion it may be the place where you isolate yourself. Comfort may be sitting next to a friend one day and alone another. Eating chocolate may make you feel good one day and terrible another. At least that is how all of those examples are for me.

I don't know if I have an answer to your comfort question apart from to say for me comfort is a place where you can simply be YOU without having to pretend or justify. A place that provides positive feelings in a present moment. It is about where you enter a place in your mind where you are neither concerned or affected by the past or the future.

Laughter and cuddles are my best comfort but sometimes it just depends on the day like B2W referenced. Mostly it's making my friends or roomies love on me and play with my hair (tee hee they're used to it by now) and other days ill find the best comfort in a good walk out by the lake and soaking in the scenery. Also laughter just makes me feel so much better about life in general. Even if it is at someone else's expense Embarrassed also I am very blessed to have a T that understands my unique needs and isn't opposed to letting me curl up beside her and play with my hair. I almost always leave sessions in a dream like relaxed state...and then make my roomie love on me some more ha! But yeah, cuddles, snuggles, hugs, touch, are all my best comforts...I'm a very touchy feely kind of person.
That is a hard question to answer, especially when you don't find comfort easily. I would be stumped too.
My biggest, but maybe not most convenient, comfort is sleep. It takes everything away @ least for some time. I always looked to nap in the sun... like a cat.
Before kids my H & I had this "hour of power" & for one hour we could indulge in anything & not feel guilty about it. It gave ourselves a break from society saying you shouldn't do this or that...or nap. That was...decadent

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