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Hi Anyone, just wanted to let you know that I am out here listening. I am sorry that I don't have better answers for you today, but I am listening.
i hope that you don;t cancel your appts, It is very hard to face our fears; it can be extremely overwhelming. I complelely understand how you feel. It is a very scary thing to do. In a lot of ways, the way I look at it, is, as hard as it is, facing those fears do provide us tools we need for ourselves to be better prepared for day to day life. I agree that it would be nice if we knew what we were "getting ourselves into before we started therapy! I am so sorry your physical pain is so bad.

in 24 hrs, my thoughts and moods go up and down like crazy so I know that I have to learn to control my emotion

That is very hard, I know. I can relate to that. It is exhausting to feel that way.

Just wanted to let you know someone is here.


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