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Especially... ESPECIALLY my T... and strangers. Does anyone else go MAD with this!?

[start rant]

I walk around thinking that I am SO spectacularly special... that everyone is thinking all kinds of things when really, they are probably like me and thinking of how sad they are that they are on the last season of a netflix show they have been watching for 6 days straight, or how much they want icecream, or how itchy their nose is... or how annoyed they are that two weeks ago the guy I pre-tipped from the sandwich shop to order a sandwich delivered it late and how I'll never pre-tip again and DAMN HIM for my slightly-less-than-perfectly-chill sandwich that I'm still bitter over - what if there had been MAYO!? I could have DIED.

And even though I'm not in their thoughts at all, I still assume I am (they're in mine, after all) with stuff like:

T doesn't believe me (why do I care?)

I look ______ (fat, gross, nasty, zit-covered, muffin-toppy, mean, ugly, confused, cringe worthy, out of place) and everyone knows it.

The fact that I'm buying non-organic bananas AGAIN must make me look like some kind of depraved psycho among all the hippies in my stupid hippy grocery store and I feel self conscious like my soul is going to be judged by the fact that I really, really badly crave bananas but am so poor I can only buy the less-good-tasting ones and CAN'T YOU PEOPLE STOP STARING AT ME AS YOU LAY DOWN YOUR OGANIC ONIONS AND QUINOA - I'm at least in my yoga clothes - I BELONG HERE JUST AS MUCH but I'm so self conscious and feel guilty for the entire earth because of one tiny banana craving and surely... surely everyone knows that I am singularly causing global warming. (why do I care? No one... cares).

I'm having... a bad... eating disorder day. I've spent more time staring at my rear than at my computer screen today - which let me tell you is a *significant* amount of time.

Why... why do I care?

Especially about T. I can't stop you guys... I feel like she doesn't believe me, wants to get rid of me, hates me, sees that I'm everything I think I am.

Sometimes I find it so strange that... I can think I'm terrible, but it really bugs me when I think my T thinks I'm terrible. Logic would lead me to... I must not be terrible if I have hope maybe she won't think I am. Or am I hoping I'm just acting well enough.

Right... anyway, if I was saying this in real life it would be quick, frantic, end in the word 'F!' and then I would dramatically clunk my head on the desk, sigh, let out a huge URGHHHH, then take another deep, deep breath... and say "Anyways..." and then pout. And then go back to my netflix marathon.

[end rant]

One day... I will do stage monologues of all of my therapy. This isn't therapy though. It's life. Sorry if I take it down, I just needed to write it and get it out of my head for a little.
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I don't know Cat. I am equally trapped in extremely negative self-talk/self-hatred but I am not as clear as what I am doing wrong most of the time. I did tell my T last week that I have this ongoing fear/fantasy that I get killed in an accident and when he finds out all he feels is relief that he won't have to see me anymore. I don't think most people I know are waiting for me to die but most people don't see as much of me as T does. I think most people just don't want to spend time with me.

It is so painful and I'm sorry you feel it too.
Oh cogs... Hug two I'm so sorry you are here with me... I told my T last week, I am so thankful you mentioned what you did, that I want to be hurt somehow - physically left half for dead from anything just to feel that I have 'atoned' for my all the negative I feel Frowner Not to die, but just to suffer. I'm sorry you are having those 'wish something would happen to me' feelings - I know those, and they are painful, and I'm sure painful for you also. Frowner I can relate so much to everything you're saying right now. Sigh. Hug two know that I'm thinking of you and you're not alone in the dark.
((cat)) Hugs to you! I'm so sorry you're struggling with these thoughts! I think them too. I always assume the worst about my T's thoughts about me. I think I bother and annoy her with my presence..especially if I email her between appointments. Gosh, the shame that comes with a lot. And then I think...WHY DO I CARE? WHY DOES IT MATTER? My T probably thinks of me for .45 seconds and then moves on. But I fixate on, what does she think of me? Does she think I'm fat? Does she think I'm pretty? Does she think I'm annoying? So annoying! When I'm in a good space, I sometimes ask myself questions and will come up with good, does my T like me? yes! Does my T look forward to seeing me? yes! But those times are not the norm, unfortunately. Mostly I'm thinking she thinks I'm annoying and ugly. It is nice though to have a break in my negative thinking.

I don't really have any advice...but I can totally relate. Sometimes to try to get myself out of negative thinking, I play devil's advocate with myself. I'll be, what if she likes me? Doesn't think I'm annoying? Thinks I'm pretty and smart? What would that mean for me? I try to follow that train of thought. Sometimes it works. I don't know if that is helpful at all. It's so hard to be stuck in your head. Anyway, hugs to you dear cat. Hug two
Cat this is exactly what my T and I were talking about last session. The ED talk in my brain makes me convinced that people are disgusted by seeing me. That they look at my fat body and can't stand to be around me. I told her I believe that she is disgusted by having to look at me. She didn't answer that. She said "at the risk of adding fuel to the fire, where does it end, if you were thin don't you think people would whisper behind your back about your yard, or your kids, or your car". I understand she was trying to get me to see that worrying about what others may be thinking about me is a waste of energy. But the ED voice keeps saying, don't eat today, your too fat, your thighs jiggle when you walk and other people can see it.

Just wanted you to know your not alone in the struggle.

Gooood morning!

I am in a state of pre-coffee right now, just so you are all aware.

Thank you guys for relating... that's what I need right now. My misery... she needs company Frowner


((erica)) I think a lot of us struggle with this stuff. Sometimes I just need to blow off all the steam so I don't pop. The thing is... we care because... well of unresolved stuff I guess, and it's part of being in a society, that aside though... it's bloody annoying. I tell my T about 'inside my head T' who sometimes really helps me out/calms me... but sometimes inside my head T hurts my feelings with all my own projections. T said on the phone yesterday, as she had before that... inside my head her is a pretty mean projection of someone else. I know.. I know I know... I KNOW. Sigh. I do the devil's advocate game, too... and sometimes it works... but sometimes I'm SO committed to feeling hurt or rejected I find a way out of it. Thanks for the hugs and understanding Hug two What you wrote in your second message (and I don't even remember where I put such an admission) but it was the same my T said to me yesterday, as I tried to look her in the eye to feel some sort of something, and I couldn't Frowner Thanks so much for your words, erica. You have a very unique way of helping me think of new stuff, and talking me down from the edge. You're very good to me (and many here) and I'm sorry you feel so similarly!

((Jill)) Yes... the ED talk Mad a constant running dialogue of every single inch of my body. I understand, too, what your T is saying about where does it end... I think it's a quest for perfectionism that we'll never win. The easiest place to take all of that sort of stuff out is on our bodies. I remember my RT said to me once, as I said I can't like myself where I was and just want to lose xx more lbs and she said "You know, I don't think I'd even LIKE you at xx more lbs" the normal response should have been "What... why would it matter how much I weigh if you like me or not!?" but... my ED was there too strongly and I just said "Well... I'd like me at least". Oops. I have a house with a full length mirror (two actually, it's my entire pantry door which is about a half-wall long)... it sucks. It's on the way to the kitchen, and on the way out. Frowner Thank you for letting me know I'm not alone.

An update...

I'm significantly less grumpy today. I see my T, and wish I could let loose and rant and feel and finish what I said above with tears. But... the well is dry. I have only... things to laugh about right now because they are so... painful (???? somewhere???) that I can't tell them w/o just smiling and laughing. Hmph. I might write something today and bring that. We shal see.
Oh Cat - I know what you mean. I'm always wondering and afraid of what other peole think. I believe I have to be a step above so no one can ever say anything bad about me. Sick I know. But it is scary when you think people are always judging you. I know that most times they aren't but it doesn't make it any easier.

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