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So for some reason my fellow psych major classmates have been obsessed with finding out everyone's personality types based on the Myers Briggs test. At first, I mainly thought it was just for fun, but as I looked more in depth I realized that knowing the different personality types has helped me to relate better to others. I can be more flexible to others needs and it's also helped me to figure out why I sometimes clash a lot with my mom and roommates. It's so great! Plus I love fading the profile of my personality type because it is so me!!! Ha! So take the test! What are you?

I am an INFJ Smiler
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I tested about 15 years ago as an INTJ. My roommate at a hospital had worked at some kind of company that provided temporary professionals (accountants, lawyers etc.) and they gave all candidates Myers Briggs before they would place them somewhere. When I told her I was INTJ she said "oh no I'm sorry!" then later said she wanted me to be tested again and that types do change and that she really didn't think I was an INTJ.
YIKES not clear what she or her former company thought INTJs did that was such a problem.
I love seeing everyone personality types! It's fun Smiler

I don't know what my mom is. I can't pinpoint if she's an INTP or INFP. I'm wanna find out so bad lol. That way ican adjust to her personality better and not get hurt by certain things that she does. To make sure she takes it I sent it to her email and posted it on her FB wall ha!

My friends were surprised that im actually an introvert. They used to freak out if I needed like 3 days alone time after a big get together or some big social event. I'm an introvert who acts like an extrovert lol.

INFJs unite! We're the rarest personality type but I fel like I've been meeting a lot of INFJs lately ha!

I'm borderline introvert and extrovert. I have my days when I need to be around people but I've always leaned more towards the I Smiler my friends are still trying to adjust and understand me lol

I need more InTJs in my life. My roommate is one and she helps me solve all my problems lol.

I need more thinkers and sensors around me! Me fellow feelers are great but sometimes I need to actually solve problems and understand stuff rather than just feel...thinking furballs are great! Wink

INTJs are awesome! She was probably a feeler that didn't her stuff and obviously didn't take the time to find out what INTJs are all about

Oh Penguin lol. I just honk it's interesting and fun. I've learned that this thing doesn't define you but it can if you let it. For a while I was letting it define me but now I know it's just a simple tool to help understand and relate to one another better which is always a good thing! Smiler
It is funny, the test you have linked to always pegs me as an ENFJ. I have done the humanmetrics one many times over the years. I had to be tested a couple of years back in my old job by a consultancy and the questionaire was very long.

Interestingly, I got a completely different result for the one I did at work, which told me I was an ESTP. I suspect this is because I am right on the midline for everything but Extraversion, for which I show a moderate preference. Everything else could swing either way. I think the test is fun but it bothers me how some organisations seem to have developed a full blown ideology around it - kind of scary. One of the ops directors at my old place wanted to use it as a recruitment tool, which made me incredibly uneasy.

There is one I used once to help me think about what career I wanted to go into. If I can remember where the hell I found it I will post it.
INFJ this time. Though a different test recently gave me INFP. I think it's just a matter of how the questions are worded, like what I value vs. how I tend to behave, because I actually value in others a lot of ways (i.e. wishing I were more flexible in the P/J dynamic) I tend not to be myself, lol. Wink

In the last few years, I think I've gotten INFJ most of the time, because I remember being labeled as the "idealist counselor" most often, then "healer" after (INFP). I was surprised that I was also very middle of the road in two of the categories, moreso than I would have thought.

My H remembers scoring as an INTP, and the description fits him for the most part.
I wondered if therapists were more extrovert... and also whether they tended to be dog or cat-persons. I know my T is more of a dog-person (while I am so not! Cats rule the world!) so I was wondering if people liking dogs were more extrovert (it seems to be statistically true) and whether therapists were therefore dog persons... *I want to find a survey about this fascinating question*
Yeah, I asked. We were talking about personality typing systems one time. . . she brought it up. She asked if I knew what my enneagram type was, and I said no, but that I used to be very into the MBTI and asked if she was familiar with it. She was so I asked about her type. Smiler

I wouldn't have pegged her correctly if I had guessed-- I was thinking INFJ. However, I asked her to guess my type and she got it right. A good thing I suppose, since she's the T and I'm the client. Smiler

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