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Finally caved in and agreed to bringing my family in for a session... T's been pestering me about it for months. It's going to be all my siblings since a lot of my problems come from the problems I have with them. I'm nervous; what kinds of questions will she ask? I keep picturing every possible scenario. I know my twin sister's going to cry, my brother's going to laugh, my 21 year old sister's going to talk the whole time about her sappy emotional bullshit of "wanting me to get better", and my two oldest sisters are just going to be uncomfortable and distracted the whole time and won't say a word. Those of you that have been to a family therapy session with a particularly difficult family, was it as awkward as you thought it would be? Thanks!!!
Original Post
Hi Rachel,

When my younger sister was 16 (she's 46 now!) she was addicted to drugs and pregnant. My parents committed her to a drug rehab facility. I was in college at the time. They scheduled family therapy for our family. I considered it awful at the time. Part of that was because I had escaped our dysfunctional family by leaving for college and hated being dragged back into it all.

Before you have your family session I would suggest you and your T be very clear about what you want to accomplish with it. What is it you want to get out of that session? What do you want to work on? How likely is it that having all those people in a session together is really going to accomplish your goals? I would wonder if it would be better first to focus on some of your individual relationships before bringing all the family in. For example: You and your parents first. Then maybe you and your twin. As communication gets better in those relationships then maybe move to the larger family.

Just my thoughts. I'm not an expert so take it with a grain of salt.


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