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I am wondering what is a reasonable expectation when it comes to the Therapist remembering parts of your story?

Is it unreasonable to expect them to remember because they have so many clients and have to remember so much?

Just curious as to what some of your thoughts are...and have there been situations where the Therapist did not remember something really important and how did you view it?

Thank you for your replies Smiler T.
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Luci, I am amazed at what my T remembers, like I can give her a whole speil of something and she can remember every detail of it as well as remembering things from years ago such as peoples names and places. I guess it comesd down to careful listening and concentrating; she doesn't write anything down either and says she only makes minimal notes at the end.

It is important for me that she does remember, I would hate to have to keep repeating things that were difficult over and over.

I've often been startled at just how good my T's memory for my stories is. She'll remember minor details of stories I've told her many months ago. A few times I've said things to her like, "Wow, I can't believe you remember that!" or, "How do you remember all this stuff?" She just tells me she has a really good memory. A couple times she's forgotten something small, like my brother's name (we hardly ever talk about him anyway) and she was all blushing and apologetic about it, so I sense that that is rare. On the other hand, she does forget things like appointments from time to time. Not sure how that works.

I think I would be okay with her forgetting small things more often than she does, but I do think a good T should remember the important stuff-- take notes and skim them before sessions if that's what it takes. The adjunct T I've written about a few times once forgot something fairly major regarding one of my traumas. I didn't like that and have felt a little ho hum about going to see her since then. Maybe an unreasonable reaction, but it made me feel like I was just one in a series on a conveyor belt in an assembly line.
both my ts remember a lot... they both see patterns well also. i have a very good memory also. sometimes i can tell they forget names, but i think they see context in what i'm talking about - or they'll ask. i don't think its unreasonable to expect your t to remember many things. i often wonder how many people my t sees in a week. i imagine all her clients as long term just like me for some reason. whats weird about that is i know at my own job i will forget details about long projects but remember short projects very well. dunno how it works for ts.
My T remembers a lot, if not everything, which disturbs me really as I sometimes say stuff and think that I wish I hadn't and really want my T to forget it. Wink

I first went to this T over a decade ago and so my past file had been destroyed. This made me pleased as i didn't want T to refer back to then. Pretty sure she has forgotten it all. she did say once that she remembered 1 thing from then - ever since then I have been trying to work out what that 1 thing was. I am not going to ask her....

But she remembers a lot.. too much in fact. I don't know how she does it.

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