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Tonight's session was weird. We started out talking about me playing the drums for church on Sunday, because there is a song I'm not good enough to play and it's stressing me out (and T plays (guitar) in his church's band too, so he was trying to let me know that as long as I kept the beat, it's enough). Then, I brought up all the triggery family stuff that's going on, just so he would know where I've been at the last day or two.

Then, T wanted to move on to some practical/conceptual stuff as part of his trying to slow me down. I said OK, even though I worried that it would mean I wouldn't feel connected (I didn't say this out loud). He asked if I had found the book he recommended and I admitted that I think I had a copy in storage and hadn't looked for it yet. So, he went to his shelf (on my side of the room, so he was still a few feet away, but not divided by the table). He pulled a couple of books off his shelf and was offering them to me, explaining something about their contents (I really don't remember).

I completely blanked--no sketching as usual, but just raw overload. I became so overwhelmed. T went back to sit down and asked what was up, but I just couldn't describe it. He asked what triggered it, if it was the topic or if it was him being on my side of the room, but I just kept saying, "I'm sorry. I don't know!" He tried a bit more to coax me to communicate about what I was feeling, but I was so lost.

Then, T asked if it was OK to move on to the assignment on "The Word" that he had given. He asked me one general question about the exercise, something about if there was anything in there that told me how Jesus could be there in my current feelings or deal with them...I don't really remember that either (usually, I will remember exact wordings of things he says). I just couldn't answer. And he said something like, "OK, no, well I can say something about it." Again, I don't remember clearly.

T started trying to talk, but was clearly lost, with a lot of "Um," which isn't like him. Then he apologized and said that it was too difficult to move on when I was so clearly distraught. I felt him caring for me here, but it only made the feelings worse! It wasn't that he was trying to push to move on, but I think because I was obviously unable/unwilling to talk about what I was feeling, he thought we had to. I think I had my face buried in my hands for several minutes at this point.

I don't think I actually looked at him after he picked the books off the shelf until almost the end of the session. So, he asked if we could pray (trying to ground me, I guess) and I said OK, so he prayed over us again (we always start and finish the sessions that way). I was still stuck, so he said, "I think I want to do something I very rarely do with clients, if that is OK." and I felt guilty that he was having to change things for me. He asked if we could try some visualization and I said, "I guess." He asked if I meant no and I explained that I wasn't sure I would be successful at it, but I would try.

T tried to get me to think of a place I could be safe with God in. The places that came up weren't working. At first it was my bedroom, but my intimacy stuff lately has made that less safe. And, then, randomly a closet, which doesn't feel safe, just enclosed and dark, which is more about keeping others out than being with God. Then, being in cars, which is very connected to H too. T offered and did swerve his chair around, so it was more like we were side to side (though he was still six feet away, but it was a nice gesture).

Then, he asked if there maybe wasn't anywhere I felt safe as a child. I did tell him about hanging out in my English teacher/mentor's room before school and this brought me a little bit back to focus and we discussed some high school stuff for 10-15 minutes, which I was a little more engaged in. T actually attended the same high school as me (obviously years earlier), so he was able to visualize where I was talking about, which was cool.

At this point, I got a couple of missed calls on my phone and T thought maybe it was H worried about where I was and I realized we were 10 minutes over the hour. I had an anxiety attack that I was going to have to leave and apologized for the lateness and he said he didn't want me worrying about it and I should know that it was his responsibility (and choice) to manage the time however he saw fit.

I was feeling completely stuck and scared to leave and hopeful he would give me more time, but he just said, "OK, well shall we pray?" So, he was ending the session there and I was so hurt that he was basically stranding me there feeling so unsafe and abandoned and alone, but I couldn't say anything. I couldn't even look at him or toward him or near him. I just picked up my stuff, threw out my paper cup from my tea and opened the door. And he said, "Bye" instead of "God bless," like usual, so I just said "Bye" too and walked out. I almost started crying on the way out, but I was afraid of being heard and it was making me nauseous.

When I got to my car I texted him an apology for the rude goodbye. Then, I was still so upset that I couldn't drive, so I texted him to process what had happened. I said I thought it wasn't him approaching, but the giving/receiving of the book that set me off. And the only way I could describe the feeling was that it made me small, alone, cold...and threatened by loss of control (I had several SI urges in there, which usually don't happen when anyone else is around), like I was going to cry, but I was too ungrounded to let myself go and that his office was the opposite of grounding for me and now I was in suspension. I told him he could ignore the text if he wanted, so I'm not expecting a reply.

I think I might text him tomorrow and let him know how hurtful it was to be left hanging like that. I don't know if he was at a loss or thought that my guilt for him running too far over would make things worse...and I know it's not true, but I felt like he could care less that I was still suffering so much. Frowner I do have issues around receiving, because of family manipulation stuff, but this didn't feel like that. I don't know WHAT it was, like being invisible or something. It was the most (as I said) "small" and lonely T has ever made me feel. What the hell is happening to me? And how do I make it stop, because I cannot get stuck in this feeling and make it through this week with all the BS that has been going on lately? I don't want this anymore. Frowner Frowner Frowner Frowner Frowner
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Thanks, Monte. It's possible that's what it was. But, I think maybe it was more, he's crossing over, but I know he won't stay here with me. He's giving me something, but I know he won't give me what I want right now (which at the time, was to sit next to me). Well, I guess I don't know that, because I refuse to ask, but I'm assuming him dealing with the division issues I've brought up by minimally turning his chair signals his unwillingness to break down that barrier. He'd probably just tell me to know Jesus is sitting next to me or something...and then I'd feel ashamed for wanting a person instead. I'm still feeling pretty abandoned by our ending this morning and I'm not sure if I want to tell T (because I know it's not ABOUT him, but maybe he could have handled it better). And I'm starting to be unsure of whether us venturing into practical stuff (like reading the book he lent me) will even make a difference in slowing me down. Because, maybe it's not my processing of things that is keeping me so activated all the time, but just the nature of the relationship...if I keep getting more intense, is he going to recommend I see someone else? I don't think it would be him getting tired of me, but maybe he'll start to think he can't help me and direct me to someone else. Eeker

That last bit made me smile...thanks for the quick break in the clouds.
Just sent T an eight page text about how I am feeling. Yes, eight texts in a row!!! Eeker I am apparently determined to make him hate me and push me away. Frowner I guess, at least now he knows where I'm at. If he really is the steady/consistent guy he says he is, doing this will only help. If he isn't, I need him to show his cards soon, because he is completely deconstructing me and if he leaves...I am actually afraid it will go very badly. That sounds so melodramatic and I hate myself for it, but that's how I feel. Roll Eyes

Ugh, if he just ignores this text today, it will be BAD!!! Let the projections begin.

What I wrote:

OK, this is really difficult & counting on you to understand I'm trying to be open, not critical, & it doesn't decrease my appreciation for how well you do your job...but, felt abandoned/stranded by the way things wrapped up last night. More than the usual anxiety/disappointment about ending, but actually hurt/angry about how it took place, especially w me being more than my usual level of distressed. Was hoping it would just go away, but still upset this morning & it's fueling a self-destruct. Again, it's MY problem, but I'm wondering if my processing isn't causing the instability, but rather this very powerful triggering that goes on when there is connection and the confusion of craving, fearing & hating the need to connect. & now I'm back to feeling I can't do my weeks this way...which is immature, I know, to always be begging for more support. It's like I'm a bottomless pit, empty & endless. Afraid you'll run out of ideas/energy & send me off. Also, paranoid you're triggering me on purpose, but don't actually believe it. I'm not even sure why I keep being so vulnerable like this when it feels like it's killing me & I know it will cause acting out. Frowner Sorry for texting so much...honestly don't understand how this can really be "blessing" you.-Yaku

I think T's lack of response to your text was bc you said a reply wasn't necessary, and not because he doesn't care.

However, I know first-hand how that can feel. I am sorry you are going through this.

I can sense your tightly-wound agitation coming through in your words as you share your experience with us. Can you try doing some deep breathing exercises to calm down and get more centered?

We are here for you....sending you lots of positive energy and strength today.
If I weren't too scared to send another text, I would let him know that I NEED to hear back on this one.

Breathing exercises never seem to help me (they remind me of being in labor, which actually stresses me out more) and I'm just trying to hold together, because I've got two toddlers here to take care of and if they weren't here, I'd probably be in an even worse place, honestly. Thank you all for giving me somewhere to get this stuff out. Why, again, do we put ourselves through this? And why can't T drop everything and come running just take care of me today? Wink
I appreciate everyone's support and all the cyber hugs and that is keeping me a bit more grounded. Really struggling with my usual acting out urges and approaching testing stuff again, so I am just trying to go moment by moment. I know I should probably call him when I start thinking this way, but I just can't. Frowner

At this point, I think only hearing reassuring words from T (that we are still solid despite how I am feeling) will help...but I don't want to DEMAND them from him, otherwise it will be even more impossible for me to believe they are true, and I will feel like a manipulate piece of garbage for asking him to demonstrate his care in that way.
I am stupid. I sent ANOTHER text. Honestly, I wasn't sure if I had done it or dreamed it, because I am so run down from sleep problems that I think a nap and I was so out of it and during my dreams, I dreamed he was sending me a response via email. I had to read it to even remember what I had written. I notified him of things I have been struggling with today, my projections about his indifference and how crippling that is after I have been vulnerable, said I knew he was busy, asked for even a one word reply that things were still "OK" after my previous texts and expressed how hard it was to ask, because it made me feel manipulative and like the response wouldn't be sincere, but that I knew I had to ask, because I've sent so many mixed messages on comm that I need to be direct. So, if he completely ignores it now, I'm not sure what I'll think. Why am I so ridiculous? I hate it.

I really feel how much you are hurting right now. (((hugs))))

I know how hard it is to not text and reach out when you are needing to be connected with T. I am wondering if perhaps instead of focusing on trying to not text him if you focus instead on being more concise in your communication with him. Please accept my apology in advance if this sounds harsh or if I am over-stepping some boundaries here, but your texts to him earlier were a little confusing and I am wondering if perhaps you could have had more impact by saying a bit less?

Sometimes I have a tendency to say way more than is necessary to get the point across and later I look back and wish I had edited a bit. I often have to remind myself that sometimes, less is more.

What sort of response do you think you might have gotten had you simply stated, "I need to know you care" or "I need contact today to feel connected"?
Hey Yaku,
I just want to emphasize again how I apologize if I have over-stepped my boundary. I want to help and hopefully I haven't hurt your feelings or shamed you in any way by stating what I did. I can very much relate to what you are going through and I feel that we are similar in many ways and both struggling with the need for a lot of out outside contact with our Ts. Sometimes its easier to help someone else than it is to help ourselves and I just wanted to offer my honest and candid take on your texts to T in the hopes that it might help you a bit.
I struggle with the concise stuff, too. It's a matter of always worrying about being misinterpretted...and also, my texting is a form of acting out, which I don't seem to have much control over. It kind of just comes out of me. It's weird. It's (seemingly) out of my control...just like the ridiculous number of posts on here. I HATE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! (No, you did not trigger that judgment, it's always there).

On good days, texts are all kept to less than one "page" and sometimes just say I am needing to feel connected and T isn't consistent on his responses no matter how often, long short, how direct my texts are.

Also, I have asked so many times for guidance in making the comm stuff better and giving him so many hints on how communicating with me works, so if there is a way that things get across to him better, I would hope he would tell me!

EDIT: It's ridiculous, but it makes me feel like he is making me guess until I "get it right" and then he will reward me with response. Otherwise, like he's trying to shew me away by ignoring me. I know it's probably not true. There are times T sends me 5-10 page texts rambling at me as well, so I can't imagine he is expecting me to change. Also, we've had several times where my phone didn't receive texts (a known issue with my model that was only recently fixed by an update) or his didn't send them (accidentally saved in drafts), so I am always worrying something is broken again. Frowner
Poor T. I wish I weren't so rigid. It's ridiculous, but I would rather him cut me off entirely than be inconsistent.

Maybe I will post on here next time I feel like texting.

Thanks you guys. I really appreciate the support. I am just very, very tired. All the family stuff going on lately has me a little more worked up than usual and my sister who is staying here is crossing some boundaries on me (scheduling massage clients without telling me and then expecting me to watch my nephew who has extreme separation anxiety and screams a lot for the 3-5 hours she is gone). Earlier, I had a fantasy about running away and renting a motel room (or getting myself checked into a hospital) and staying in bed for days and then started crying about how I would be abandoning my little girl. But, with the amount that I am emotionally "here" lately, I guess I'm doing that already. Frowner This is just how I get when my self-destructive thoughts are heavy, and then I go back to wondering if my previous dissociation was preferable to connecting to this part of me...
Heard back from T:

"No problem with the texting. Sorry the going is rough. Wish I could make it easier. I would have no problem with talking Fri by phone if you would like. I suggest you continue your study (first chapter [Codependency] book and some more time on the study of "the word.") I have had appts straight thru today and also into the evening so I am limited. Sorry."

I am sad that he is such a good T and I just keep taking from's making me tired. Frowner I reiterated the problem was my projections/paranoia, not him. And I said I'd like to do a call, but also feel guilty for not paying him.

We'll see what happens.

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