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I am feeling really frustrated after today's session. I've been sick all week with a virus and didn't even think I'd make it to T today. I thought about just asking if we could do a phone session. But I managed to stop coughing for a bit and used a lot of hand sanitizer so I could shake his hand and not spread around my germs.

Anyway, we had a bit of a rough phone conversation on Tuesday morning where I told him that I felt that he did not want to be near me and that it feels like he could not sit FAR enough away from me. He could fall out the window if he's not careful. I told him I was not feeling safe with him any longer. He asked me what would happen if I allowed myself to feel safe with him and I told him then he would die or disappear. That I just could not handle another person who was important to me leaving me. It does not matter what he says to me I know this will happen and I just cannot stand to lose someone else right now.

So today he asked me what I needed from him. I had no idea what I needed except if he could bring "C" back to life for me. I was not prepared for this question but he seemed sincere. I had no answer for him. What would you say if your T asked you this question?

I gave him a Father's Day card today. I think I gave him one last year too. My mind is fuzzy lately. Anyway, it's weird that I'm giving him a card expressing my thanks for him being the good dad that I always wanted... while at the same time I'm still dealing with my irrational anger towards him for one day having to leave this world and ME.

He spent a lot of time telling me that it was okay that I loved my friend C and that he loved me too. We were best friends and kindred spirits. We were so much alike. Then he tells me that he knows I did not sexualize the relationship because he said that part of me has become blocked because of my past. That I am not sexual at all... okay I was not sure if I should be insulted or relieved. I have a terrible fear that I somehow became seductive towards oldT and that is why I got abandoned and I was BAD so I deserved it. My T says NO, I have never come across that way and he would recognize that in me if it were true.

Then he told me how much he cares for me and I spent the better part of our session refusing his care, not believing in it, and avoiding accepting it. He says since he is the one who cares and the one who is giving that care to me then it's mine to take because he gives it freely. I just can't accept it. I KNOW the moment I do then he will disappear too. And... can someone please tell me... what the heck that means anyway? That he "cares" for me. What does care mean? It's so ambiguous I don't even know what it means.

And if it's a lukewarm version/word for love then I don't want it. People care for their dogs and their jobs and even their cars. I don't like the word "care". It's never enough and I know that is where the anger and grief is. What he can give me is not enough and even if I did love him he is not mine to love and so what is the use of it all? Besides he "cares" for all his patients so I'm just lumped in with a bunch of anonymous people that I don't want to be a part of.

So once again I leave there angry and frustrated and annoyed. Every good feeling I had a few months ago seems lost forever or I have realized what an idiot I was for having them in the first place or I feel like it was not real. None of it. I was just fooling myself.

I am not doing good at all right now and I just want to give up.

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Your defenses are working overtime trying to protect you from what you need the most. It can be very threatening to have someone we depend on emotionally tell us they care. What if it was accepted by you, and that person did disappear? Anger is our biggest threat, and to let someone in and care about us, only to have them disappear again (reject) will make us very angry. Best to keep them at a distance by feeling hostile towards them. It is safer? Defenses need to be slowly broken down to accept care from others, only then will you find relief from your losses, past and present.
Every good feeling I had a few months ago seems lost forever or I have realized what an idiot I was for having them in the first place or I feel like it was not real. None of it. I was just fooling myself.

TN, I'm experiencing the same feelings with my T right now, for different reasons. I'm sorry for your pain, and I hope it will pass.

Your anger is completely understandable and such a natural part of grief, especially after a sudden and unexpected loss. No one (including me--sorry!) can say the right thing to comfort, because there is no comfort to be found after such a huge loss.

Allow all your feelings, and let yourself rest as much as possible.

Anyway, it's weird that I'm giving him a card expressing my thanks for him being the good dad that I always wanted... while at the same time I'm still dealing with my irrational anger towards him for one day having to leave this world and ME.

(((TN))) i think my T was trying to get at this in my therapy. people go through a developmental phase in adolescence called individual emancipation, where you still rely on your parents but at the same time are trying to break free from them. i think your reaction is healthy and not as weird as you think. i wonder if your anger at him is the part of you that doesn't want to need him, but knowing to some degree that you do. i'm no expert by a long shot, i'm just throwing this out there because it triggered a session i had where T and I discussed this and thought it might be helpful. please throw it out if it isn't.

and even if I did love him he is not mine to love and so what is the use of it all?

awwww (((TN))) i am so sorry for your pain

TN, i don't mean to sound like your pain is for my good, because it's not like that at all. but your post happens to be VERY helpful to me. it shed some insights for me that i've struggled with for SO long trying to understand, and you have seemingly done it so easily (the words you wrote...NOT what you're going through!). alot of what you wrote explains to me alot about my painful transference to my T. so i just want to thank you for sharing your session. i don't mean to make this about me ... sorry.

i hope you're getting the support you need here right now. it sounds to me like you're doing a really good job, as difficult as it is. take care, okay?
At some point in therapy when we have listened to what the child within has been through, we become that child emotionally. That is the time our adult self begins to "mother" the child within. It is at this stage in therapy when we start to let go of our dependence on our therapist, and any other 'attachment'figure. The child self might feel it will fall into the abyss and disappear, but she/he has a life long friend in its adult self~ The self that first reached out to therapy for help. From the moment our very first therapy session finished we walked away alone, and began the search for a safe place within.

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