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Ok - so I saw my t before I went on vacation. My next appointment should have been the week after I came back (last week) - I never heard from t.

So forgetting about how I feel about it - what am I supposed to do now? Should I e-mail and ask what happened? Should I just wait for her to contact me?

Any thoughts?
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My T makes it quite clear to me that Icontrol the frequency of my appointments, not her. Did you not confirm the date and time of your next appointment before you went on vacation? If you did; why were you expecting her to call you last week? If you didn't, then wasn't it up to you to call her and arrange a session on your return from vacation?

I would be inclined to call or e-mail her and confirm the date and time of your next session rather than expect her to contact you. They are yoursessions afer all not hers!

Sorry if this sounds a bit harsh, but as the client, don't we have to assume at least some responsibility for arranging our sessions?
Hello Smiley, like Beebs, I’m interested to know how it went, did you email her again and did she explain to your satisfaction what had happened? I would hope that there was some clear and simple reason for her not sending you the time of your appointment.

Hope all is well with you, good to see you around here again ((((((((( Smiley )))))))))


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