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Possibly ****triggering**** for parental (especially educational) neglect.

Sorry to be posting so many topics. A lot of BS coming up in my life. Got a call from my 20-year-old sister (the next one in line after me, my first "daughter," crying and saying my little brother skipped school today to "study for a test." He has apparently been skipping regularly, lying about homework and such, and he might fail 8th grade. He's a sweet kid, capable of As and Bs if he has someone keeping him engaged. My mom is basically never home (something she did any time she got a new boyfriend throughout my childhood). His dad, who isn't "with" my mom anymore, also lives there, but checks out with alcohol and pain medications for a serious, chronic back injury. Neither parent will do anything about it. When my sister tried to tell my mom she needs to do anything, my mom refused to talk about it. She will ignore it until my brother actually fails and then berate him for not taking care of is her M.O.. Usually, this is when we'd make our home available for some stability and discipline. However, 1) my oldest sister and my nephew are already staying here; 2) my home is no longer considered a "safe" place by my sisters, because of H's condition; and 3) I'm supposedly supposed to be resisting my codependent urges, but I'm not sure that counts when you're trying to save an innocent kid from having his life effed up from neglect. I feel so helpless and angry (I know H can't help his condition, but if it weren't for that issue, my family would be coming to me for more help). I am going to try to get involved in my little brother's homework situation a bit, but it will involve the expense of commuting an hour a day if I have to go and sit with him and make sure he is doing his homework.

He starts high school next year (if he graduates middle school) and if these habits continue, he is crippling his opportunities for further education. I am so angry that he has no emotional support, such educational and emotional neglect...yet I cannot be angry about the "worse" things that happened to me. I considered being ignored the way he is to be "lucky." Now, I see how disgusting it is. I was so upset, I texted T out of instinct to ground myself and now I'm paranoid that he will inform someone, even though it's not "technically" abusive. I want to save him! I want to save them all! How the F--- do you give birth to children and then forget they exist or otherwise make them invisible. I'm literally sick right now. And so triggered. I don't understand WTF these people are thinking!!!
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Yaku I'm sorry all of this is so triggering for you and I can totally understand why. It's triggering for me too in some ways. I realize you want to do everything for everyone but you have to take care of yourself for your daughter. And negligence IS abuse. Your mother is being abusive by not giving your brother the attention and guidance he needs to succeed in school. But there is only so much you can do.

Can I make a suggestion? If he is having trouble with schoolwork why don't you contact his school and find out how to get him tutoring help. Have someone meet him in the library in his neighborhood and spend an hour doing homework with him. You may be able to find a college student or senior high school student who could do this for not much money (which BTW your mother needs to fork over). Maybe your 20 year old sister can help with finding the tutor. This way you wont' have to commute, your family does not need to come to your house and your brother will do his HW plus have someone to talk to about school.

Aside from that your mother is LEGALLY liable if he is not attending school and could get into big trouble if the school finds out. Then maybe she will pay attention and talk about it.

Meanwhile, please don't beat yourself up over what his happening and how it's making you feel. I have no idea how people have kids and then basically abandon them. It really makes me sick to my stomach. There is no one in this world more important to me than my son.

Make some calls and have your sister interview a few tutors. It will take a bit of effort but the payoff will be enormous and your brother will be grateful for this help one day.

Good luck.
TN - Thanks for the suggestion. I know there is only so much I can do. The problem isn't that my brother doesn't have access to tutoring. There are programs at his school and he has four older sisters in the area who would take turns helping him if he were willing. The problem is that no one will lay down any discipline and make him go. He falls behind half-way through the year and then gets so humiliated trying to catch up that he just gives up. This is the third year in a row that he has been on the verge of failure, not because he is stupid, but because he has NO structure at home. And I'm not his parent, so I can't do it. When I tried to intervene with my sisters, my mom told me to back off, that it was her job...and then did nothing. I'm just so angry right now. I'm sorry if my previous post is triggering. I will put a note on it.
Yaku... don't worry I'm fine.

This is a very sad situation. Parental neglect is a very serious thing as we know ourselves but I'm at a loss at to what could be done to help your brother. Is he the only child living at home now? Can he go live with one of your other sisters?

It sounds like he needs a stable influence in his life before he gets in with the wrong crowd of people and ends up in trouble. I cannot imagine how upset you are over this. And it's hard at his age to force him into doing something he does not want to do. Maybe he just needs someone to believe in him and in his ability to do the work.

Sorry you have this do deal with now too.

My oldest sister is staying in my living room right now. When my other sisters were in this position, they would stay here. He would not be at risk here, since we know H's condition and now have "rules" in place, but I think it would make my sisters who suffered very concerned and hurt. My other older sister lives in a dangerous city, twice as far as I live. My younger sisters (19, 20) both live at home with him, but my mom won't support them in getting him to take care of business. Frowner How can she not care? I really do not understand this woman. Did she assume that the way she did things "works" just because I always succeeded in school? I'm feeling like it was my fault that I didn't show or tell her how damaging it was to be raised this way. The best I was able to contribute is she has never kicked any of my younger siblings out since I stood up to her. I guess I can't take it on. Obviously, it makes no difference to her. She is just wound up in her own stuff and can't "see" her children at all. Ugh.

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