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When i went to T yesterday i was feeling better then i had been in the last few weeks .i didn't want to talk about anything heavy. i told her i didn't feel like talking about stuff and i told her why. so we talked about this story i was reading and she wanted to know the ending so we talked about that some and got on the subject of my grandfather.
I have fond memories of my grandfather. and i was telling her about them. i told her about how the mother was so angry with me because i didn't care that he had died .my T asked me how old i was and i didn’t remember but i guessed i was about 7 or 8 years old. She said that young children lacked the ability to understand the concept of death and that to me he just wasn’t there. The mother had once again had made it all about her and interrupted that understanding. i was able to accept that answer it made sense to me.
so last night i was thinking about all this and wanted to know exactly how old i was. i remembered that i had my grandmothers bible and it had a copy if his death certificate. as it turned out i was 13 years old when he died .definitely old enough to understand the concept of death.
this sent me into a huge panic. The mother was right i had no reaction to him dying at all. it made no difference to me. i am completely scared that even at that age i was already dead inside .that i had no emotions at all.
I don’t want to say anything to my T about this because i don't want her to think that i lied to her about how old i was .i also don’t want her to think that i am a horrible person.
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((Granite)) BG made the important point that you were just doing what you needed to do in order to survive. I have some similar memories that disturb me (or used to. Not so much now) because I thought I must be a sociopath or something. When I was 12 my dad had a heart attack and I felt absolutely nothing. I didn't care. I didn't have feelings about him, positive or negative. The same thing happened recently when he nearly died after heart surgery. What's worse..a part of me actually *wanted* him to die. I felt like the worst person in the world. It was very hard to share that thought with my T. So incredibly hard. But you know what? She was completely accepting and even validated why I would feel that way. She didn't think I was horrible at all.

Your T isn't going to think you are horrible, because it simply isn't true and could never be true. Another thing I'll share with you - my T has told me over and over and over again that I can ALWAYS come back and change what I say. That it didn't matter if I thought I was 7 at the time and then realize that I was younger or older or whatever. Your T won't think you lied.

Be easy on yourself.
I agree with everything already said!
Plus, we know that some things just don't "process" very well. I remember hearing that my beloved Grampa died, and I just felt shell-shocked. I credit him with saving my life, and yet my reaction certainly wasn't indicative of that. (and I was 30!)

I'm sure T won't think you've lied to her! You would be wise to share your concerns with her, actually.

Be gentle with yourself, granite. You were so young, and your coping skills were so limited still!

Hugs to you,

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