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Hey everyone.

I'm brand new here... I thought I should introduce myself, and hopefully have an interesting topic to go with it!

I'm 24 and live in Winnipeg.

.. Anyway, here is my attempt at something interesting to talk about!

What "kind" of therapy/counselling do you find most helpful for YOU? You can take this question any way you wish (type of therapist, type of therapy, what approach works best for you, male or female therapist, how they respond to you, is humour helpful when appropriate, or not, etc.)

For me, I much prefer a female over a male therapist... Simply because I feel they're easier to talk to in a general sense. I do enjoy humour (when appropriate)... I don't like when anyone assumes anything without asking me first. I find it very helpful when they're not completely "by the book" and it actually feels like they're listening.

Your turn!
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I prefer male psychiatrists or therapists. They seem way more easier for to talk to and probably because of the transference issues and looking for a father figure and I know I will only find that in a male so that is who I go for. I have been seeing mine for 10 years and he does not go "by the book". I love it. He uses a lot of humor and sometimes sarcasm and he is really straight forward. He tells me exactly how it is whether its what I want to hear or not and does not worry if it will make me mad because he knows I will realize he is right and always come back. I also need someone who is available between sessions at least a little bit. I also like the ones that sometimes act a little like a father. He has yelled at me some and pushes me to do thing I dont want to but that is what I respond to really well.
I didn't have a clue about different types of therapy. I think my general idea of therapy was close to CBT, sort of working on changing thoughts and behaviour with somebody who explains what and why and you begin to understand.

But when I came across two words: "psychodynamic" and "transference" I realized it is more about feelings and it seems to be working. This is what I was looking for and waiting for all my life. I don't know if my therapist goes by the book. He may, since he is not a master therapist yet... I remember once, just after we moved on to the transference stage, maybe he was sort anxious of excited and ready to get on with the "real therapy" and asked me to think what I would like to work on and what I would like to "achieve" during the next 3 months. I told him: Nothing, I don't want to achieve anything. I just want to stay here.
Basicly, piss off, I'm not going anywhere. You don't talk like that to the emotional side of the brain.
I think he understood. Smiler

P.S. I hope I don't repeat myself.

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