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Funny title, I know. Bear with me, if you can!

I am trying to normalize some of my behaviors, and while I do plan on asking my T about this eventually, I have a few questions that I am wondering if you wouldn't mind answering....

1. What would you do if you took a plate out of the dishwasher/cabinet and you noticed a small spot on it?

2. What are your thoughts about having to change out of your street/work clothes before sitting on your couch?

3. How often do you wash the doorknobs in your house?
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1. Same as DF, except my rinsing it is usually a pre-wash, and then into the dishwasher (wasteful...I know). My sister sometimes does dishes here and seriously leaves chunks of food on dishes. It's disgusting. My mom washes dishes the same way. Ugh.

2. I "work" out of my home taking care of my daughter and other kids, so this is a non-issue for me. Any time I start to feel icky, I will change my clothes, though. So, sometimes I will change more than once per day. Like, I will change before going to therapy or band practice or other places in the evening.

3. When they are dirty or whenever I clean the room that the door is in. Most of our door handles have baby-proof things on them now, so I can barely even see the door handles.

Cleaning is definitely not one of the way my OCD type behavior manifests itself. I do have to have all clothes I hang up or fold go the exact same way (and sometimes categorized by type of clothing, then color, etc.). And I need things to be symmetrical, whenever possible. My house isn't super neat or clean (impossible with a toddler), but there are certain things I am insanely picky about, like the way my dishes are put away, the way towels are hung, etc. I have had to just not look around my bathroom when we've had others living here, because the towels don't match (different towels and hanging different directions) and it gives me anxiety attacks. Sometimes, H will tie a towel in a knot around the rack just to see if I will have to "fix" it. A-hole. I also used to organize my daughter's cloth diapers by color, which H thought was ridiculous.
1. What would you do if you took a plate out of the dishwasher/cabinet and you noticed a small spot on it?

Tiny small? I would see if it would come off and put it away. If it was larger than a tiny speck, I would hand wash and then put it back in the dishwasher.

2. What are your thoughts about having to change out of your street/work clothes before sitting on your couch?

Well, I am at home most every day so I don't worry about this, but when I used to work in an industry that involved many germs, I would change immediately and strip in the laundry room and go straight to the shower.

My bed? No street clothes. My kids try to lay in my bed in their school clothes and it makes me nuts!!!!!!!! Ick, ick, ick!!

3. How often do you wash the doorknobs in your house?

Every time someone is sick, multiple times. Otherwise, probably once a week to once a month. It depends on who is cleaning. Wink
Is this an OCD test? Cuz I think I'm winning!


I'm just curious. I can not eat off of spotted dishes, and my dishwasher isn't the best, so I've found myself re-washing several dishes each time I run it. I thought I was strange, but am glad to know I'm not alone!

I also can not sit on my couch in clothes that I've worn out of the house. My bed? No way. When I have kids I hope that I either mellow out, or they learn quickly what is and is not ok!

I read somewhere that doorknobs are dirtier than toilet seats because they are rarely cleaned. I wipe my doorknobs (all 6 of them) every week. Even so, I am so OCD about hand sanitizer, and have found an organic, alcohol free sanitizer that doesn't dry my skin, and I use it constantly.

I do wonder, though, if it is OCD or if I am just germaphobe....?
Oooo interesting...

1. Probably wash it off or put it back in the dishwasher for a second try.

2. Always change out of work clothes but that's because I wear a uniform so have to for health and safety reasons. If I've just come in from outside/shopping etc, no I wouldn't, apart from to talke my shoes off.

3. Gosh, I think the answer is when I think about it which isn't that often, but it would be to make them look shiny rather than because I was worried about germs.....


I would just wash it by hand and then scrutinize every other thing I took out of the dishwasher. Anything resembling a spot I would hand wash, Then again - I don't have a dishwasher.

I change from my day work clothes, to my evening work clothes and then to bed. On the weekends, I wear the same jeans both days, unless I get dirty. Sit on my couch? Hey it's my couch and I'll sit on it if I want to. LOL

You all clean door knobs? Geez I'm lucky if I just get the basics done once a week.
Ok the last of the old threads I wanted to post on way back when.

You know what really annoys me about cleaning? I just did all the dusting and cleaning at Christmas and already the place is filthy and it’s only June! Roll Eyes

Does it count if you look at the doorknobs and go, oh they are really grubby I should clean them some time. And then say it again each time you notice them but never get around to actually DOING it? By the way there are ooh about 19 doors in my house, most of them with door handles of the suffolk latch variety, not to mention things like cupboard door knobs so cleaning the door knobs most definitely makes it to the bottom of my ‘to do’ list.

Oh dirty dishes. Hm. Yeah gotta say that if there were food residue on them I’d clean them again. But I have been known to get a plate out that’s a bit grubby and go oh wtf at least it’s clean dirt, and use it anyway.

Clothes! I live in them all day every day. The only time I change during the day is if I’m going out in the muddy wet filthy garden then it’s gardening pants and riding boots. But not always, I’ve been known to wander outside and three hours later come back in with my normal clothes and trainers filthy. I should add that I don’t go to work so I don’t need to dress up, just leggings t-shirts and jumpers, day in and day out.

What about vacumming? Anyone else as allergic to it as me? There are literally little paths throughout the house where our feet have marked out the way through the dust on either side. It’s only when the dust bunnies start to encroach from the edges of rooms and the gothic cobwebs start brushing against my face that I seriously think about getting the vacuum cleaner out.

Lol and I’m a really obsessive type, obviously that doesn’t extend to cleaning though. I blame my stepmother with her rigid cleaning timetable that us kids had to follow religiously every day, especially the vacuuming. Am I still in adolescent rebellion or what???? Ah the freedom to control my own space 40 plus years later is still wonderful. Big Grin


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