Ok the last of the old threads I wanted to post on way back when.
You know what really annoys me about cleaning? I just did all the dusting and cleaning at Christmas and already the place is filthy and it’s only June!
Does it count if you look at the doorknobs and go, oh they are really grubby I should clean them some time. And then say it again each time you notice them but never get around to actually DOING it? By the way there are ooh about 19 doors in my house, most of them with door handles of the suffolk latch variety, not to mention things like cupboard door knobs so cleaning the door knobs most definitely makes it to the bottom of my ‘to do’ list.
Oh dirty dishes. Hm. Yeah gotta say that if there were food residue on them I’d clean them again. But I have been known to get a plate out that’s a bit grubby and go oh wtf at least it’s clean dirt, and use it anyway.
Clothes! I live in them all day every day. The only time I change during the day is if I’m going out in the muddy wet filthy garden then it’s gardening pants and riding boots. But not always, I’ve been known to wander outside and three hours later come back in with my normal clothes and trainers filthy. I should add that I don’t go to work so I don’t need to dress up, just leggings t-shirts and jumpers, day in and day out.
What about vacumming? Anyone else as allergic to it as me? There are literally little paths throughout the house where our feet have marked out the way through the dust on either side. It’s only when the dust bunnies start to encroach from the edges of rooms and the gothic cobwebs start brushing against my face that I seriously think about getting the vacuum cleaner out.
Lol and I’m a really obsessive type, obviously that doesn’t extend to cleaning though. I blame my stepmother with her rigid cleaning timetable that us kids had to follow religiously every day, especially the vacuuming. Am I still in adolescent rebellion or what???? Ah the freedom to control my own space 40 plus years later is still wonderful.