I am supposed to go and visit a good friend out of state, stay with her and her family for a week, then stay on and house sit while they go out of town for 10 days, then they get home and I have 2 more days with them before I go home. Total time gone is three weeks.
Imagine you were the friend I'm supposed to visit. How would you handle it if I called/emailed and said I couldn't house sit? I could still come visit, but I'd have to leave after a week, or reschedule the trip for a later time. (This would give them a month to find someone to stay at the house with the pets.)
I have so much going on right now that I don't think I could handle being home alone for ten days in another state without my support systems. But I am terrified to actually cancel on her, because I don't want to disappoint her. She knows that I've been struggling with depression the last few months, and that I've really had a rough go at it, but she doesn't know the extent of all the details.
Every time I think about being out of town for three weeks, I can't breathe. Yes, my T and I have good plans in place for communication while I'm gone, so the T situation is somewhat out of the equation, but... still, being gone for three weeks? Dealing with being alone for 10 days? Can't breathe...
Sorry I'm so wishy-washy right now... thanks in advance for your thoughts.