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I told my T that I joined an online support group for people in tberapy, but I didn't tell him which one. I sometimes hash out here subjects that I later bring up in session, but I don't usually say that I discussed it here first. If my T happened to find this site, it wouldn't take him long to identify me. However, I don't think he would go online looking for me (or other clients) on support forums. And if he did happen around here and see my posts, I don't think he'd mention it. So I feel pretty safe in that regard.
Extremely private! I try to keep a lot of identifying details off here and friends and family don't know I post here. Mr Mallard knows about my membership and I don't suppose I'd be that bothered if he read any posts. My T knows that I've been involved in support forums for a long time but that's really as far as it goes. Sometimes I'll use a post on here as the basis of a journal entry, which I'll then use as a talking point. But I wouldn't direct a T or friend here, no.

I try to keep my online footprint pretty minimal in all areas of my life really. I tend to use different internet handles on sites where I definitely don't want my identity to be linked back to me - or other profiles on other discussion groups. So, I'd use a different handle on a cooking or gardening forum or commenting on the Guardian website than I would on a forum where I'm disclosing more personal information about the contents of my head! My caution extends to my use of Facebook and Twitter; having my real name out there on Twitter fills me with horror! I'm quite private and I'm somewhat leery of the power of Google. It is amazing what Google can dig up.

Ha, I realise I sound pretty paranoid. Big Grin Maybe I am. But for me it's more about me being in control of what I show to the world. Being circumspect creates a feeling of safety, which then helps me feel more comfortable with being open.
I can't imagine my T indulging my asking her to come on the board to read my messages, if I did share, I'd take it in. I do not take in posts, but some content around them.

I'm paranoid they may read sometimes, but I also know that my Ts likely have no desire to stalk me on the internet.

Like Affinity, my Ts know I'm part of various support groups. I talk a lot about my bulimia one in particular because we are very close and I hang out with some in the city here.

Only friends who have merged in to my personal life from here know I post here… and this place is as private as it can hopefully be for me. That is why I've gone back and fourth on keeping a password on my blog many times.

I try to keep things as absolutely private as I can online in general. Even if the information is extremely vulnerable, private and sensitive… I try to communicate, behave and share my ideas in a way consistent to my regular life.

I'd never tell an SO, unfortunately. I'm not at the point where I would trust someone yet in that way. I would also never tell my friends. There are sometimes I feel like crap and I don't want people in my daily life hovering or knowing or sharing.
Good question...

Mr Fishy knows I post here and I can't imagine reads anything - I think he'd just ask if he wanted to know anything. He sometimes asks if there are any good threads I have joined in with, or asks after a friend also on here. T knows I am on a forum but not which, she asked me once about it, but not it's name - I think she knows I wouldn't tell her Smiler but can't imagine her reading here. I think she would be keen to respect my privacy if she knew anyway.

Do you share with T what you write here? I didn’t with Ex-C and I won’t be telling new T. I did mention an online group and quoted a few things from it but she wasn’t impressed, just like she wasn’t impressed with recommended books I got from here or any book for that matter, I was asked if I wanted to self-help or have counseling!

I haven’t discussed this site with anyone purely based on the information I have posted, I did discuss some subjects from here with ex-C which were fruitless! I’ve learnt a lot from many posts on this site which took away many fears due to understanding things I never got from ex-C.

Would ex-C use this site, I wouldn’t have a clue, for all I know she could be posting here herself but I’d never guess it was her… If she did, she’d have know it was me posting.
I've told T that I "belong" to this community - but not the name of it.

I've told someone in my IOP therapy group about the forum and gave her the link, but I didn't disclose my "name." She hasn't mentioned it, so I guess if she checked it out, it didn't speak to her.

That's all. So no one IRL (not counting IOP girl, because we don't hang out, she's 35 years younger than me (although when she talks, I think she is channeling my life), and the chance I will ever see her outside of IOP is about 1%.)

I've directed T to specific links on my blog, and she says she considers it private and won't read there unless I ask her to. I actually read one of the posts (My Heart Therapist) to her today and it brought tears to her eyes.

But no one else except you guys know about my blog. I try to be very careful about it at home, because I think my partner would be upset to find I've been doing it for months now, without telling her. I could never write about SU if she read it. And I need that freedom.

I've told my T that I do go onto a forum, but I have not told him which one. He is all for it, and encourages it if I think it is healing, which I have told him it is. He has never asked the name of the forum, but if he did I would not tell him. To me, this forum is a private community and I'm pretty protective of it. Smiler
I told T but she is not a computer person so I don't worry that she'll ever try to find this site. Even if she did I don't think anything I have ever written would surprise her.

Nobody else knows. The email I used to register on this site I have never used anywhere else. I don't even know if I still remember the password to that email account.

I don't talk about therapy to anyone I know. Only bout four people know I am in therapy. Only one person (hubs) knows my therapist's name. (I am not counting the friend I ran into as she was coming out of T's office. Even after 2+ years I avoid seeing her as much as possible.) I just don't want anyone's opinions, advice or thought about therapy or my therapist to pollute my experience. Plus I don't want anyone else I know deciding to see her themselves. For some reason I just can't handle sharing her. I despise all of her other clients, her friends, and her family.

Yeah, I don't have any attachment issues... Wink
i've brought up various subjects that have been discussed here with T, and he did ask what the name of it was and i did tell him. i don't think he'd ever check it out, though, and it wouldn't matter if he did since i tell him most "stuff".

the place is very private to me. other than T, nobody has a clue and it will stay that way.

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