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Hello everyone,

I’d like to start a thread about becoming a T.
About a year ago, after a catalyzing experience on the long and winding road towards healing, I got this really clear idea that becoming a therapist was a real professional future for me.

Reading posts by people already being counselors (Mallard) and others training as T’s (Catalyst) reassured and intrigued me as to the phenomenon of the healed/healing becoming healers themselves.
Lately, as the start of my four year’s training course approaches, I’m getting all nervous about my capabilities.

On the plus side:
- I really like the idea of connecting to people on a deeper level
- I’ve always found the topic of psychology and therapy incredibly interesting
- I’m fascinating by the infinite ways in which a therapeutic healing process can unroll
- I want to accompany others in their healing process
- I’m fascinated by the therapeutic relationship (and I don’t seem to be the only one )
- I’m good at: non judgment, openmindedness, seeing things in perspective, tolerance for (anyone else’s ) vulnerability, …
- I’m a good listener (when I put my mind to it)
- I’m looking forward to continue my personal work in a more intense way during the first year of training

- I still often feel unstable, fragile, full of doubts, inexperienced and confused/blurry where y own healing is concerned. I’m counting on the idea that T training will help me to acquire not only lots of skills, but also the steadfastness/constancy which I find so crucial in my T’s personality
- I wonder if I will ever learn the skills needed or to what extent do you already have to have them as fixed personality traits and to what extent can you acquire them in training.

Basically, I’m asking for some feedback from all those out there already working as T’s or in training. And anyone else, because, judging from the compassion, empathy and clarity of responses on this forum, so many of you in this community have incredible healing capabilities.
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Well I am not a T or a T in training. I have had a lot of therapy. I can say this though being a T can't be an easy job that's for sure!! But I have had former Ts of mine tell me that it is a rewarding job. One T told me that she LOVES her job. Another told me that it was such a privilege to be let in on people's most intimate issues, feelings and journeys. I think they do teach you a lot in school now too. Ways to deal with your own vulnerabilities etc.
Hi Turtle, Smiling Penguin, Mallard & Athenacus,

Thanks for the feedback! I'm in a bit of a - down - state right now but grasping at all the available resources to hang in. One of which is this place and the wonderful people in it.
SP: I'm all too familiar with the kind of person you'd better run from. I have been in therapy on and – more often – off over the last 16 years and the one of the reasons I went off the T’s in question was exactly this attitude. It makes me quite determined that is NOT the kind of T I want to be Smiler
I also do know what you are pointing at, that one is never done with the processing. I wouldn’t want to, either, just getting a bit edgy approaching the start of the training course and only just crawling out of a desperation episode – which turned out to be a fertile experience for growing anyway… And thanks for pointing out that I feel energized about the challenges in my personal work. It helps SO much to realize how much I am looking forward to this training course.
And Mallard : It does more than help!. Thanks for ALL your insights, which are all familiar in my head, they just have trouble trickling down into the rest of my body – where they also need to be felt.
Athenacus: thanks for taking the trouble to reply despite your workload. I'm quite happy too with the list I made and it's funny, since I've made it up, more reasons why I want to be a T keep popping up in my head Smiler
And thank you , Turtle, for wrapping it all up in such a powerful way: that’s what I also think of when contemplating a future as a T, how fulfilling a profession it can be.
I’m going to print out all your replies and put them somewhere I can read them when things get rough – which surely they will at times.
Big hugs from me and take care

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