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like in blind hope against all reason?... and how do you give up this hope if you see its highly unlikely to get what you hope for and you'll end up more hurt anyway?

i seem to hold on blindly and stubbornly to things i hope for and dont' want to give up on - like the hope i might be able to get a 2nd appointment, even though she has told me (more than once) that she can't do that. that killed the hope for a while, but it seems to sprout up again at any opportunity... and i really dont know the point of it, why am i asking for more hurt and disappointment, like i havent had enough?!

just wondering if anyone else experiences this blind hope... and ... is there a cure?

maybe this hope is not really about something concrete like a 2nd appointment, but about the things i never got (AND WILL NEVER GET) but this is how it manifests itself...?

i tried to talk about this with my T, talked more about hope in general and she seemed to think hope is a good thing. she said maybe i felt hopeless a lot as a child and now its good that i can have hope. i said maybe some hope is bad, like when you know you can't get what you hope for. anyway didnt get very far, i think i was feeling rather hopeless about it (or the hope that i was starting to have caused me to quickly go to other extreme to squash it before it can grow again).

sorry for the confused ramblings... anyone else understands?

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Oh - I think HOPE can be extremely painful! When you don't hope you can't get hurt, or let-down. Hope is a risk!

Have you seen the film 'clockwise'? It's an old one (1980s I think) but there is a line in it that really struck me about hope. Maybe watch it sometime (it's a comedy actually, so it is funny!)

Maybe hope and want and need get all mixed up together? But, yes, I do understand what you are saying!

Yeah, for me hope seems tied to some big things. It seems to pop up sometimes during parts work. It SOUNDS like a good thing, but when little hope pops up, yikes, the realistic one gets so mad, if you know what I mean.

Just the idea of hope can sometimes bring me to my knees emotionally. Yet I would not want to not have it.

Hope is a four-letter word.
I don't agree with Martha Crawford. She writes,
The work of psychotherapy is often to chase down and sort through the flock of slippery and Pernicious Hopes in all their diverse and daemonic aspects. To capture one at a time, examine it, to challenge and question its true mission, to uncover exactly which god this particular Hope obeys. To exorcise it.

Yes, it's true that hope can lead us to dark places, but I think a greater truth is that at least we are moving. We are looking, seeking. We are on our journey, traveling our unique path. It won't be a perfect path, but it is ours. We may be looking in the wrong places, but most will learn that and move on. We must explore our hopes and learn what they teach us. Yes, I know as we all do, that with hope comes risk and pain and disappointment. But with hope, I am still living. Without hope, I have given up. I have started to die.

My hope for you, Puppet, is that you continue seeking - not only a therapist who meets your needs, but also some understanding of your hope (needs) that will guide you to fulfillment you never thought you could experience. You can. Keep the hope.

Red Tomato
thank you everyone for your responses and food for thought - and for understanding!

sapphire blue,
i'll look that film up, a comedy sounds good, and i can appreciate british humour Wink what is the line, or do i have to watch the film to really get it? and thanks for understanding! its strange that even though it's risky like you say, i seem to get more comfort from hoping even though i know there is the risk of disappointment (but maybe that is not fully felt as i concentrate on the hope part)

i so agree, it's a four letter word!
i go from one extreme to the other as i also have a lot of internal conflict about hope. a part of me hopes and another tries to squash it, and it goes back and forth.

thanks for the link. wow, i was speachless after i read it, will need to read it again as there were a lot of new ideas for me - somewhat dark but beautifully written.

my head hurt too reading it... thanks for the hug!

i always thought of hope as a good thing - i also think its the only reason i survived (mentally, there wasn't anything physical to prevent me from surviving, but without hope i would have withered and died inside). i am also very very stubborn with my hope - i guess i needed to be, it was my only 'hope' for survival. but maybe i need to adjust a bit now, and distinguish between the different types of hope...? the parts in the article about grieving really made sense to me, and i know i've probably been using hope to avoid that.
but... i dont know if i am ready to give hope up!


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