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***Triggers for invalidation, if you are sensitive to it. References SU.***

I am sorry I have not been available to support people around here. I can barely read threads right now or I get pretty triggered. I feel like crap for posting when I've got nothing to offer, but I know others will say that's OK, it's not a pay to play sort of scenario.

So, having lost my few remaining hours and finding myself unable to perform some essential duties and to stay out of crisis long enough to apply for jobs, much less hold one down, my H asked me to at least try to apply for disability. I didn't want to do it, because I don't feel deserving of help and also, I'm terrified of how we'll react to the invalidation of being told we don't need help. When the mortgage company did that last year, I felt like they were calling me lying and manipulative and went very sensitive issues type stuff over it.

So, as part of the process, I am looking over my medical file to see dates I saw the psychiatrist. I felt so invalidated by her when I saw her, but I assumed it was just my negative transference toward all females in authority. She had said something like she's never met a mom who was actually seriously suicidal, like no mom would ever really feel or do such a thing. So, I felt like I lost the right to feel that way. She said I had high executive function and did a good job using my resources and I felt like I must not need meds then. I explained in detail how bad it got and tried to share about my dissociative symptoms and how they factored in. I explained in detail about my history of experiencing this stuf. Today, I saw her post-session notes for our three meetings. "Major depressive disorder, single episode, mild." I realize she have more actual notes, but that it could be "mild" after all the stuff I shared with her was like she was in complete disbelief, just because I had to numb out and dissociate into robotic analysis while I talked to her. She supposedly had worked with dissociation a lot. Now I'm feeling like I lied, exaggerated, manipulated, but I know I have not. I've almost been in the hospital at least twice in the past few months.

I thought I just had bad transference toward her, but now it seems she just really didn't believe what I told her. I thought her dismissing some of my descriptions of what I experienced meant she just didn't understand what I was trying to explain, but she probably thought it was bullshit.

Add to that my GP put something in my file when I warned her my pap might be a difficult experience. She said she put in child abuse NOS and described what I told her, but the automated chart translated it into a continuing condition of "Perpetrator of child or adult abuse from unspecified person." The statement itself didn't make sense, but to label me a perpetrator freaked me out enough that I had to send her a message to clarify right away and she explained what she had actually put in the chart and was baffled by how the system labeled it. Frowner Ugh, sorry. I just needed to get all this out. I feel like obviously there is nothing wrong with me, just mild depression, so why am I wasting T's time with three sessions a week and texts and all that? I know that's stupid, because T has seen me for months and this P only saw me for an hour and fifteen minutes total split over three sessions. Still, it feels like if somebody says they think I'm not really hurt, then I'm not allowed to be, not allowed to need help. Frowner
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Oh Yaks. Firstly - yes this is not a pay or play system. You have helped me and others a million times before - no one keeps a scorecard.

I don't have anything to say, reading about what the EFFING woman wrote has got my blood boiling and the only sentences I want to say have lots of FUCKs in them.

Sorry. Not being helpful am I. No wonder you are triggered by the report and the woman. I think it shows more about her lack of skill knowledge and poor attitude to people than your level of mental distress. HOnestly - this situation is about her inability to do her job properly and not that you haven't got serious and urgent needs.

The thing with the GP - I think their labelling system is crappy - because it said "from unspecified person" - i did think that meant that someone else did it and not you, but after reading it again, totally get why you freaked.

That P woman has pissed me off. I would be seriously angry about this.

I have the same feelings of people not believing me and that I am not really sick. Hugs Yaks. Talk it over with your T - this whole thread. It is really important.
I'm sorry for that P making you feel invalidated. I have come to see how so many people are able to carry out their lives and you and so many others are such a great example with all of this that you deal with. It's been amazing to me to read how much you do and you are still able to comprehend and have compassion for others and be truly helpful!

Hug two
(((SD))) Nah, what you said was hugely helpful, because it made me feel I'm not crazy for being upset about how that P treated me. Thanks for being affronted on my behalf. Smiler

(((hopeful))) I am really not carrying out at all like I used to. Wish I were. But, apparently, doing so required excessive dissociation. A balance is important as I learn new skills, but I spent a whole lifetime being invalidated, told I didn't really feel, experience, remember what I thought I did. I don't need a mental health professional doing that to me.

I did talk to T more about it today and he was a combination of angry that P's diagnosis seemed dismissive of much of what I reported to her and understanding how she might overlook my distress and see only my functionality, because of how I shut down when I don't feel safe. He says, he can see I am shutting down, because he knows me so well now, but somebody who doesn't know me won't see that I am protecting myself by not sharing (basically lying about how bad things are or hiding) rather than just somebody who is actually feeling OK. A sort of self-invalidation thing I do to get around that. He thinks unless she writes otherwise in response to the claim or else my file has more detailed notes (like it did with my GP) that her diagnosis will kill a chance at a claim, because he is an MFT and she is a psychiatrist. He thinks it probably won't matter that she spent less than 1.5 hours with me and he has spent hundreds. He is quite cynical about health care, insurance companies, the government and doctors who might be beholden to any of these groups. However, he can't remain cynical for long, so he said when we lose out because of our integrity/honesty, God always provides in another way. Seeing him be baffled by her analysis and hearing him say it made him angry she didn't take it as seriously as he would expect made me feel a little less like maybe I am just making a mountain out of a molehill. Part of it was me being triggered, but partially, she believed what she saw (numb, dissociated, analytical, I don't know you and can't feel safe yet) me over what I tried to tell her was going on. There's nothing I can do about that, but hope that her other clients have had better experiences. The health ratings I've found online say not. I wonder how she got to be head of the psychiatry department at that hospital... Frowner

Thanks for sharing your story. I wish H didn't pressure me to apply. I know I can't really work right now, but I don't feel I "deserve" help either. It feels like because I could just dissociate (was SU from another part today and did so in order to do dishes and laundry and stuff with Boo--I'm paying for it already, but whatever), I should just do that. It feels like because I could choose not to do this whole feeling, healing, connecting with myself thing and quit therapy and hold down a job, I don't deserve help. I know that's not true, but it's how I feel. Kind of like a functional drug addict or something. I have to do something that is awful (especially in the long run) to get by, but I can get by without bothering anybody else, so I should just do it. Needing, receiving help, burdening others, not being independent...those things are some of my hugest triggers. And allowing myself those things to have others not recognize them or actively invalidated them always ends up in crisis. I just don't want to risk this and I'm kind of mad at H for pushing me to do it, knowing it will fail. Just like with the mortgage stuff. And then he got so mad (at them, not me) when it failed and he'll do that again and I'll take it personally, because I'm too sick to be of use to my family, but not sick enough to need help. Sorry for ranting. I am just feeling like the most useless, despisable person on the face of the planet. Confused

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