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I hate this... there is so much crap going on in my life. I hate it when general life stuff interferes with my therapy journey. My session today was talking about the crap. It was needed but I hate when other factors interfere.

I can't seem to calm myself. I know the session wasn't wasted. It's not that at all. It just wasn't what I planned but it was important and now I have to wait for my next session.

Does this happen to others?

I'm sorry I'm so vague. I am so afraid of posting and sharing.
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Hey RM this has happened to me a LOT over my time in therapy and it is incredibly frustrating because the session can feel wasted. It can be very hard to wait and hold onto so much stuff on your own, especially when there are huge stresses in your current life.

Can you see your T again this week so you have the chance to talk about what you wanted to?

What has gradually helped me with these sorts of moments is knowing that my T is going to keep on being there and that there WILL be another session and another and another and as many as I need for as long as I need. I have had prolific abandonment fears (and they still crop up from time to time) that make relationships and life almost impossible sometimes.

Hugs to you xx
Thanks for responding.

I told my T how I was feeling and T said that it would still be there for us at the next session. Plus, she would hold onto it for me until then. But the kid inside won't calm down and she wants more of her T. I'm overwhelmed and sad and I can't stop crying.

I too have major abandonment issues.

I wished I could figure this out. I don't understand why I am so triggered.

Unfortunately, I understand all too well where you're coming from - ie., being triggered and crying after that type of session with T. You feel like it was the absolutely last appt you're ever going to have with her and you won't see her again. I get that sick, sinking feeling as soon as I get home. But, after some frantic emails afterwards and one reassuring confirmation she WILL still be there in two weeks, it doesn't feel quite as dire. Their consistency definitely's just the delay in between that's hard to bare sometimes.

Sending a cyber hug.

The Kid

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