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what helps you go to therapy when it is something you are dreading or scared about or overwhelmed by or just plain not wanting to go, and yet know for sure it is a good idea to go... what helps you to go?

struggling w this right now for my appointment later today, and it comes up on and off for me at other times

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Hi Jane,

I've struggled with this in the past, especially with my previous two therapists. I would actually bribe myself - if I went to my appointment and got there on time, I'd treat myself to something special on the way home - dairy queen, starbucks, french fries, etc. If I dawdled so that I was late, but still went, I'd treat myself to a piece of my favorite candy (smaller treat, but still a treat!)

I actually have to still do this when I go see my family - I need that dangling carrot to get through the rough patches...
Well, telling people who will so, "Nope, you shouldn't cancel" sometimes helps. I tell H and close friends that I just don't want to go and they remind me that it's so important, even though it's hard.

So, I will tell you here, "I know it's so hard right now, Jane, but it's important to go see your T and it will be OK." (sorry if I'm too late).

Also, just riding out the cancellation period helps, as I don't want to spend $125 for nothing at all. Roll Eyes
What helps me is knowing that I don't have to talk about anything I don't want to do, and if there is something I need to say but am worried we are going to spend a bunch of time on it, I can tell my Ts that I am about to tell them something but I only want to spend 1 minute (or whatever time limit feels comfortable to me) talking about it. They respect that and don't push me on it and there is a lot of safety in knowing that I can set those limits.

Another thing that helps me is knowing that I can end my therapy session at any point, if necessary.
hi jane,
what helps me go is that i know there's a part of me that will really regret it and be upset if i dont go so i have to do it for her. also, if i dont go it means i have to call first to cancel - which i would find very hard, so in some ways its easier just to go.

if there's something really big and scary and overwhelming that you aren't ready to face yet, you don't have to do it all at once, maybe just start with very small steps. you have started already because you acknowledged there is something there. hope it goes well for you!


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