For example, if you saw one Therapist and left them because you didn't feel they believed your story, did you have the same problem with the next Therapist?
Do some issues carry over no matter the Therapist?
Even if something is transference based, what do you do if you can't get past a certain feeling?
For me and my siblings, we tried to tell many times, even people who visited saw what was happening and they would eventually go away because when they did speak up they were dismissed from our lives. Several times they were reported and Social Workers would come and even though they were told, nothing was done. So, when we did speak up, no one believed us and nothing changed.
I am going through a difficult period right now and I have told him I feel as if he doesn't believe me (what happened to me when I was younger). He told me he did believe me. I said I can't FEEL you truly do believe me. He said, "I do."
I sent him a letter this week and told him if he doesn't believe me and if he really isn't 'with me' in the room, I just need him to tell me. But don't tell me you do believe me and don't tell me you are really present if you truly aren't.
This is so hard. So hard.
Feeling he doesn't believe me is such a huge stumbling block for me right now. I am so confused and I am not able to tell what is real in the here and now and what is from my past. It feels immensely complex and I just want to give up.