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This is really bugging me right now!

I had my session today and after a while I brought up my difficulties in looking for a job. This is a difficult and complicated area for me, and I have tried to bring it up a couple of times before, but it always died prematurely as a topic when T tried to suggest some kind of unsolicited solution before I felt like she even vaguely understood what I was dealing with. Last time I tried to broach the subject, she started talking about "reality testing" and I checked out then and there.

This time was not much different. I barely started talking about it when she started badgering me about whether I had ever had any positive experiences applying for jobs or volunteer positions. I could feel myself shutting down but I managed to tell her I felt like she was arguing with me and not listening. She said that from her perspective she was not "arguing with me" but trying to help me find a resource (I guess a positive experience to draw from.) I told her that every time she tries that strategy, it doesn't work. She said yes and she wasn't sure why. I said I wanted to know why she kept on trying it. She said that was a valid question. I said it didn't work because she was trying it prematurely. I said I didn't even feel entitled to my feelings and she was already looking for alternative ones. I didn't say but wished I had said that I really didn't feel like she even understood the complexity of the problem at all.

At that point I felt like I was falling apart but I had to compose myself because it was already past time. T was kind of trying to apologize and say reassuring things but in the frame of mind I was in they all sounded kind of patronizing. So I had to leave and cry in the car on the way home and it totally sucked!

Later this evening I called a friend and talked to her instead and she was so much more helpful than my T because she actually listened and validated about the difficulties I was having instead of jumping to try to solve them.

Seriously, I like my T a lot, but why is it so hard for her to just listen and validate sometimes?! I can solve my own problem if she would just be interested long enough for me to understand it myself and feel like I'm not a worthless human for even having the problem or not having already solved it myself.

Grr, anyway, I just needed a rant about that. Sorry I have not posted a lot lately but my life has been a little crazy...
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BLT, my T does the exact same thing and it drives me effing nuts! It's not that I don't know what to do in certain situations, it's that I am not doing it and that is my problem. My T is awesome too and very intelligent but she just can't seem to see this. I don't get it. She seems to act more like a big sister in these situations, rather than a T.

Thanks for ranting because now I know I am not the only one who gets pissed at her T for this. Hope your life evens out a bit.

It sounds like your T definitely should have spent more time trying to understand you and helping you process and understand your pain. Sometimes I just don't think they really understand the landmine they are stepping on.

I can't tell you how many times I wished my T had just validated my feelings. That approach generally has a much better outcome. After I feel validated, I can usually stretch myself to see other points of view or alternatives or whatever. Actually, I just gave him a great article on mentalizing by Peter Fonagy that addresses just this thing. I know that he wasn't trained that way and probably your T wasn't either. It's a great article and it's short too! My T read it and liked it and will incorporate his suggestions into my therapy. Don't let the title of the article throw you. I'm not saying you have BPD. I just really like the method Fonagy describes. Here is the link:

mentalization based therapy

I don't know what has happened re: your work experiences but it sounds like you have had some painful experiences. It's hard to know where you T was going with the reality testing but what came to mind for me was that perhaps you have a different skill set than the jobs you have been applying for. Maybe the pain you have experienced is related to simply being in the wrong place as opposed to there being something fundamentally wrong with you. You are so smart. You are incredibly motivated. I'm sure you have lots of great skills but maybe the types of jobs you have been applying for haven't drawn on your strengths? Just a thought.

Thanks, Liese. I wound up emailing my entire post to my T, so at least she now understands where I am at with this! I didn't have time to read the whole article but what I did read made sense. In my case I don't think it's been so much of a mismatch between my skills and what I've been applying for, as a mismatch between my temperament and the demands of the job market (especially in the height of the recession last time I was seriously looking.) So I think it's not so much that the experiences themselves were terribly bad as that I had ongoing difficulty which I felt alone in because I didn't feel adequately heard.

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