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Since my parents' unceremonious revelation that we were adopted by way of totally different means/circumstances than we were led to believe for 40+ years, we feel utterly lost and grief stricken. The fact that they spoke of something so incredibly important to me like they were discussing the effing grocery list is beyond me.

Our world has been completely turned upside down, on top of trying to work thru things in therapy. As much as I want to barrel in with both guns blazing, demanding they hand over whatever adoption paperwork they still have, I simply don't have it in me to do that. It's taking what little energy I have left just to get my bloody a** out of bed every morning and sound somewhat intelligent at the office and not this crazed mad woman I so sorely feel like.

I don't know how to describe what it feels like to all of a sudden to be told one completely different story of how you supposedly came to be when you've been led to believe something entirely different.

Where and how do I even begin to find out the truth? Yes, I've done some online searches about adoption in my country from that decade/era and then I emotionally hit a wall. I can't go any further because I can't deal with it all. My overwhelming feelings; their ignorance; et , etc, etc.. The fact my mom seems to believe everything is fine and doesn't understand where I'm coming from makes us feel even more lonely and isolated.

I'm at a total, total loss and just want to disappear without a trace. Who would notice anyway? I'm having a very hard time dealing with all this.

The Kid
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Wow this sounds so painful Kid. I can't imagine. My very best friend was adopted and no one told her until she was 17 years old and this really broke her down so I can't imagine finding something like this out 40 plus years after the fact. I believe you when you describe not knowing up from down anymore.

You are not invisible to me. I would miss you if you disappeared Kid.
Thank you Turtle...I just want to clarify something and that is we've always known we were adopted but were told we came to my adoptive parents in one way only to find out recently it may have been in a totally different way. This revelation is explained in my post called "Li'l one and I...don't even know know where to begin" which was posted Sept 8th (sorry...don't know how to copy / paste a link to another post within a post).

suffice it say, this whole thing is incredibly painful. My adoptive parents are NEVER going to understand how this has affected both of us. And, like T stated during our session last Thurs, they most likely do not have the emotional capacity / maturity to ever do so. That still doesn't make it any easier. I feel I continue to thaw out and the only thing left are all the tears from the melted ice.

The Kid
Hello Kid,
I am an adoptive mom and I cannot imagine what you are going through. We raised our daughter with full knowledge from day one that she was adopted and thru the years as she asked or was appropriate she had access to her story, her beginning. I can't imagine doing it any other way. I also know the importance of this to my d. To be lied to about something so very significant was terrible for your parents to do. As an adoptive mom, I wished I could fix it for you and do it the right way for you. I feel badly for you. I want you to know now, that whatever your birth story is, whatever your beginnings were, no matter how you came to your adoptive family, YOU ARE IMPORTANT,YOU ARE SPECIAL, YOU DESERVED MORE.

I'm with you in your pain.

Rebuilding Me
Thank you SO much RM and Turtle.

Even though I was told this new story a couple of weeks ago, it has taken this long for all the intense feelings to surface. This weekend and today, especially, have been incredibly difficult and find myself hanging on only by a thread. All I can do is lay down and cry and cry and cry and then cry some more.

I'm trying not to let all these feelings fully take over but it feels like I'm in mourning over something I don't understand. It's too much...

The Kid

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