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Just want to check in with you and tell you where I am at.

I am trying to work towards telling sweetP some of the awful graphic details of the r*pes. And that is really hard as in my life I don't really use the words I shall have to use. Awful words. And I don't really like the idea of ANYONE knowing some of the awful things that were done to me, to ME!!! Not just to A N Other, but to ME!!!!!!

I have gone so far as to write a list of them last night in my journal and there is another list to write on the opposite page of what difficult things I have done to cope with what was done to me. Have not written that yet.

In December I wrote two pages of what awful things were done to me in my life by six different people and it has taken until now to deal with two of those on a more superficial level. I gave him those two sheets, page one in January and Page two recently, which triggered the work on the abusive therapist. Returning to India, triggered a return to the India stuff.

I had my first assessment interview with Rape Crisis on Wednesday. That tore me open even though I refused to talk about the r*pes themselves.

I also had a ten day gap from my sessions with sweetP - that just felt awful from day 0. But I got through by arranging a phonecall half way through.

I did manage to say to sweetP yesterday that the elephant in the room that I am skirting around all the time, is the terrible terror I hold that if I talk about SEX things, (like r*pe etc) it will arouse him like it did the abusive therapist, who then manipulated me so that he could sexually abuse me.

sweetP just calmly said that it is not surprising that I fear that, after what has happened to me in the past. He did not reassure me that he would not abuse me. That scared me until I got home and pondered it. I then realized that sweetP would so not abuse me, abuse my trust, be unprofessional in any way, that he did not see that he needed to reassure me that he would not abuse me, as from where he is - it would NEVER EVER Happen, it is just impossible.

I have been sleeping badly and now my lovely husband has just flown off to Texas this morning. I always fear I shall never see him again but he does seem to survive these long trips. It is awful that he is away.

I rang sweetP yesterday after a long session about how much I miss my dad and how my sister was and is a mean and pretty nasty bully. (I admitted to him that I was avoiding India stuff by talking about my family, he had never heard me talk about my sister before). I had to phone him as I did not come away with any sense of emotional security, as I had not really connected with him. So I rang him and asked him if he thought I was doing okay. He did not say "but I have just seen you four hours ago! Why on earth are you phoning me?!" He was as kind and steady as ever. He did mention that I asked the same question at the end of the session but he answered it all over again, that he thinks I am doing more than okay but that he also appreciates that it is truly hell at times for me and that it can feel really horrible. he is so AFFIRMING of my pain and agony, unlike the ex C who was always trying to get me to stop telling her how awful it felt ....

I ended the phone call saying I would try and nudge towards telling him the awful graphic details trapped in my head. He said nudging slowly and gently sounded helpful but only say what I feel comfortable with.

Sorry for the long post, just wanted to let you know where I am really ...
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((((Sadly))))) Sorry for the big gap with sweetP and your H being out of town. My H will be over by you in two weeks time and I will be scared to death about never seeing him again too.

I know what you mean about wanting to hear your P say he won't abuse you like that. When I had the awful dream that my T had done something to me, but I had amnesia for it, I had another dream right after where he took my hand and told me that he would never, ever do anything like that and I was absolutely safe with him. I felt like when I shared those dreams with him (written dreams), I wish he would have said it in real life to me right then. I don't know why I need to hear it, him say very directly, "I promise I will be safe to you, Yaku." But I do. I still want it...

I hope you are able to ask him to say it directly. I know your sweetP would say whatever you needed him to say for you to feel safe.
Thanks BG, Mayo and Yaku.
BG: yes, it IS tough stuff but you know what? I am going to do it and I am aiming at this Friday, perhaps not SUCH good timing as I then go away camping for ten days. But hey, I will be with good friends.
Mayo: thanks for saying I am brave, I feel like a weary lioness, one of those who keeps trying but is really very worn out.
Yaku - wouldn't it be good if we could take our T's with us and travel with our husbands!

I shall ask sweetP to promise me he will be safe to me. I trust him a lot and when he says something I really hear him. He might say "well what is the point? Your abusive criminal T said all that and STILL abused you so why on earth should you trust me just cos I say I am trustworthy?" but I shall say that I need to hear him say it.
He is such a good man. I did not know a therapist could BE this good.
Okay - so I am intending to tell sweet P about the graphic details of the abuse. AND what poured out in my journal WITH that, was the tremendous sexual energy I have had since I started even mentioning the sexual abuse I suffered as a kid. And how I have been dealing with that since August.
so two questions:
1. I am scared of talking about such graphic stuff of the abuse but I have to as I don't want to live much longer with this tormenting me and I want to tell it now, infact the sooner the better. Is this good?
2. And is it weird of me to want to tell him that I have a tremendous sex life with my H since I started working on it with my H (from last August) and that I actually HAD to work at it and it has been as intense as my therapy and I was aware my P did not know. Is it weird to tell him this? I just feel suddenly grown up enough to tell him. Like if I can tell him about the horribly graphic details of abuse, can I tell him about the other present life stuff - the healing my sexuality stuff, - that is related?
I rang and left a message for sweetP today and that was at 9am and I heard NOTHING. I went to bed at noon and gave up on him. Wasting yet another day in bed feeling alone and hurting and I don't matter.

He rang at 4.45pm.

When he rings I don't want to talk to him. I am so upset. He promised he would text me a time if he could not phone back straight away and he FORGOT! and because he is so nice, and so sweet, I TELL him all this.

and you know, he understands. He even understands that I felt abandoned by him.

And I wanted him to move Friday's session nearer but he can't he is so full but he was so nice about that too. I said "it doesn't matter' and he said " well I think it does."

I have no idea how he understands what is going on in me, so well, but he does.

AND he manages to kindly point out that my feelings are appropriate without getting defensive and actually being kind about it all.

This man is GOOD. I might actually get through this. I might end up with a real life, where I can really live.
I just feel so emotionally secure after talking to him.

I am quite stunned that this is what is happening, as I have not felt it before in therapy. I wonder if in therapy before, I was so broken and traumatized that what the therapists were able to do, was get me out of trauma mode and more or less surviving.

Now 23 years on, I am able to actually address the underlying issues which are the small baby/child so abandoned and in pain. And no sense of being heard or mattering. I did not matter.

The therapeutic relationship I have with sweetP is such that I feel heard and met. I feel I matter. He does not negate or dismiss what I feel. He is always open to hearing and trying to understand how I feel and I am tentatively come out and try to tell him and let him know and I am stunned I am daring to creep out, shaking with fear but still daring to try. And he is safe, he is respectful, he is careful, he is gentle and I am beginning to feel safe. AT last.

I know some of you will think - yea, so?
but for me this is so new, so tentative, so novel, so unexpected.

I have huge traumas, but sometimes I feel so like a little girl running to her safe adult saying " that other girl pulled my pigtails" - it is almost as though the content (rape, abuse, torture) does not matter, it is the being met. All those things hurt, but having someone HEAR, and CARE, makes all the difference. the level of the trauma is not necessarily what it is about, as all loss and hurt is loss and hurt.

Does that make sense?
((((Sadly)))) Not quite there yet, but I can imagine...after years of not being safe, what it feels like to receive it. I am starting to do so with my T, but it takes so much risk, it is such a slow process. I am so glad you have sweetP with you to walk down these scary paths, step-by-step, and see that you can be safe in his care.

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