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Hi Everyone...

I am sorry I have been so quiet for awhile. There are a number of reasons for my not posting or being around. I was away in Italy for almost 3 weeks in June visiting family and I returned with killer jet-lag which has prevented me from staying up past 9 pm LOL... and I am a night owl usually.

The trip itself was a mixed blessing. I know many people would love a trip to Italy but when you are dealing with family complications it is not always fun. First, the trip was very physically taxing for me. It was HOT HOT there and no air-conditioning to speak of. And yes, I know I am a spoiled American Embarrassed

I spent the entire time dripping wet and apparently attracting mosquitoes and flies too. I had about 25 bites on each arm, including hand and fingers! Most of them swelled up worse than bee stings. I think I am allergic to Italian mosquitoes. During dinner one night a fly bit me so hard I jumped out of my chair and screamed. Aside from that I had lovely swollen ankles from the heat and at times it was very painful to walk. I didn't sleep much from the awful humidity and that made me very irritable to be around. Of course we had to do a lot of walking around and I could not keep up with my marathon running dh and my young son. I felt SO miserable.

Aside from the physical aspect of things, there were the family dynamics that were upsetting to me. My mother in law loves to make these little critical comments that sting and make me upset and feel insecure. That sends me into trying to be invisible. I had to face an old attachment relationship that did not end well some years ago and things were pretty cold between us. Being ignored was hard as I had dreams of sitting and talking things through and finding some peace and/or closure. That did not happen and in fact I feel that things ended worse than they were before.

We had to attend my MIL's 80th birthday dinner and a family wedding that I did not want to attend. I survived by ducking out of the wedding after dinner and calling my T at home on a Sunday night. He was super wonderful and said all the right things to help me get through the few days left before coming home. I did confess to him that I had a complete meltdown before the wedding.... throwing things and screaming and crying that I just wanted to GO HOME. I felt like Dorothy trapped in Oz.

I also had to face down my fears of flying and of going through airport security. Xanax helped with that. My T suggested getting a prescription before the trip because he said in this instance it would help me and he didn't want to know I was suffering needlessly. He knows how I get anxious about taking any meds but he was calmly and quietly reassuring about it and it worked fine.

I was very fearful of going through the new x-ray machines where they can see you w/o your clothes on and then setting it off and having to get patted down by some strangers. I was careful in how I dressed and didn't set off anything and I just had to walk through the old-style doorway x-ray. Took 3 seconds and it was over. I survived it. The flights were fairly smooth and with the help of xanax and my Ipod, I was able to sleep awhile which made time go faster.

I saw my T the day after I got home. It was wonderful to see him. He had given me a transitional object (my dragon) to help me through the time apart and he also allowed me to take a picture of him with my cell phone. I have never had a picture of him and it was something I really really wanted/needed. I don't think he was totally thrilled with the picture request but he put aside his feelings for what would help me. Have I mentioned that he is wonderful?

Our sessions since I have been back have been really good, connected and the attachment never wavered. I did miss him a lot and he told me he was often thinking of me and wondering how I was doing. We did have email contact and I think I emailed him 3 or 4 times over the 3 week period.

Aside from that, work has been horrible and miserable. I came home to a pile of work and then I had to back up another person who is now on her vacation and that is extra work I don't have time for. My bosses have been harrassing me at every turn and I had a blast out argument with one of them yesterday. All of this drains what little energy I have left in me.

I have a lot of threads to catch up on and there have been some good discussions going on while I was gone. I wanted to send hugs to everyone and I hope I will be feeling more energetic soon and will begin to participate more often.

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Welcome back Tn! I totally get it! I have been back in forth with the whole attachment with T also and we connected really well this week, which was good since he'll be gone the rest of the week. I so need my therapy after seeing family as well. I'm glad you made it through. I would so love to see Italy, need a buddy next time? lol. Sorry don't mean to make light, really. I just had a long family visit and fit therapy in, I'm probably the reason he needed the rest of the week off. Lol. How do you tell T what you really need? Take care.
Hey Tn,

Lovely to hear from you. You went and you conquered lots of demons and you did so well! Glad that your T kept you strong and was with you in spirit and there via email.

I am currently on vacation and away from T. I haven't been missing her - I have totally forgotten her - out of sight, out of mind - and when that happens I get really angry at her, me, the attachment, therapy etc. Such mixed up feelings. I didn't email her for a couple of days and she assumed I was in a bad mental place. I told her to F off and that i forgot who she was, she just kept on with our scheduled Skype session and just smiled sweetly - actually no laughed at me when I said i was angry at her, hated her and I wanted her to F off. She has a way of totally disarming any anger I have and we both usually end up laughing.

I envy you missing your T. For me, missing my T is too strong a feeling for me to cope with and I just numb out. I am still learning.

Lovely to have you back TN. Missed you
From sunny and hot and humid Indonesia
May I ask, what part of Italy (you don't have to be too specific) did you go? I have family from Italy as well, near the Naples area, although I've never been.

Hi Kashley...

I was in northern Italy, just outside Turin (Torino). I was in the wine country area. Just hills covered in vines and hazelnut trees very beautiful.

Then, I was in south Italy, just south of Naples. We stayed in Amalfi and visited Ravello, Corbara, and Sorrento... all located on the gorgeous Costiera Amalfitana (Amalfi Coast). I hope you can go one day. The scenery is so beautiful it is hard to take it all in. Sheer cliffs and mountains on one side and the Bay of Naples or Bay of Salerno on the other side and Vesuvius looming in the distance.

I have had a life long love for Italy and I have been there now 23 times. It was just this past visit that was so difficult and was mostly due to family dynamics, my own emotional issues and just going the wrong time of year for me. We used to always go in September and the days were cooler and sunny and nights were crisp and I loved it. I always worked the grape harvest and there are many small town feasts and festivals that time of year too. Now that I have a child, I'm relegated to the hot summer months to travel because of school.

Just wanted to thank you all for the responses and empathy/sympathy.... but...

Aside from the bad stuff there were some bright spots. Didn't want you all to think it was a totally bleak time.

Seeing my son enjoy himself thoroughly with family he hardly sees. Watching him adapt to a new language. Laughing as he tried to catch lizards (even though I hate them). He had a really great time and I'm glad.

Aside from that... I bought 2 great pair of shoes and a purse. My dh bought me for my birthday a pretty cameo necklace and earrings. And... I finally got the set of beautiful, hand-painted ceramic dishes that I have wanted for many years. I also loved seeing my cousins that I have not seen for 13 years and enjoying a huge family dinner outside on the terrace with them while hearing beautiful Italian music waft over from the nearby Piazza. I loved all the ice cream I ate (guilt free), the nice restaurants we went to with my dh with my son and with other family members. I enjoyed sitting in my hotel room with airconditioning and reading a trashy novel while looking out the balcony doors at the azure Bay of Salerno while my son and dh played and swam in the water. I so much enjoyed the lemon ice we got from a man selling it along a desolate mountain road from his little cart. It was made from his own home grown lemons and it tasted just like it used to when I was a child in NYC. All natural lemon not aritifical stuff! The lemons that grow in south Italy are HUGE. Oh and the Limoncello is just fabulous there. Most people make their own.

I enjoyed picking out little gifts for my T. I had fun looking for Ferrari's with my son....he complained that he sees more here in the States than he did in Italy LOL. I also enjoyed playing checkers with him under a shady tree in the winery courtyard. It was interesting to visit my nephew's middle school and to see his summer camp. I also got to meet my great-nephew for the first time (he's 5 now).

So it was not a totally horrible trip, it just was physically taxing on me and I had so many demons to face that it took so much energy. Some of the things that were very special to me and that I always enjoyed doing were not available to do or no longer could be done. I had to face some grief there and I missed my T but I survived. T said he was very proud of me for what I accomplished and that I did much better than *I* think I did. We are still processing some of the grief.


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