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Hi gang... I just wanted to stop by and say hello to everyone and update you on what I have been up to and why you haven't seen me around very much lately.

There are a couple of things going on that are sapping my energy and ability to post very much. For one, I have started a new class at school and for some (stupid) reason they have changed the entire on-line platform for my classes at the University. So I had to learn a whole new system which they made tons more difficult and confusing. And to add to my anxiety the professor has assigned a "group" project that we need to work on aside from our usual readings, discussion posts and weekly papers to write. It's so complicated to do a group project in the virtual world. We have to "chat" or skype or do group emails and trying to figure out the logistics of this has been a major headache!

The other thing going on is having to do with work. My big boss is here in town for the past two weeks. He usually works from home in another far away state where he moved a few years ago. I also work for his son who is in the office on a more daily basis. They are both miserable to work for. I think some of you may remember how they cut my salary that awful summer when I had two hospitalizations and was dealing with the trauma of abandonment by old T. I was so ill and suffering so much and trying so hard to keep things going but I was struggling and not up to my usual perfect performance, so I got penalized. Well, they are up to their usual tricks of harrassment and threats and just being generally annoying. I also had to sit through another performance appraisal with the manager of the office (who sides with my boss) and was SO hostile towards me it was shocking. My wonderful T was so helpful to me with this review meeting. I had a session an hour before the performance review meeting and my T did a lot to steady me and to prepare me to handle it. He told me that I am a wonderful person and that he would hire me in a second if I applied to him for a job. He also told me as I was leaving that "no matter what happens in that meeting, I will be here waiting for you on Thursday, as usual". That made me feel so cared for and warm inside and I held onto that very tightly for days.

Aside from this, I found out that there was an opening for my same kind of position in my office, most likely for a better salary, and I gathered my courage and applied for it! It's not a perfect situation and I will have to give up my office and sit out in the cubes again but I could really use the money and the main boss is much nicer. So I am anxiously waiting to hear something about that. My boss does not know that I applied... at least yet... not sure when and/or IF he will be told.

Lastly, despite the wonderful, warm, feel good meeting I had with T on Monday... when I went back on Thursday... really happy and looking forward to seeing him and telling him about the new job I applied for... well I walked in and there was his wife's large nameplate back on the office door next to his. It had not been there for the last two weeks so I thought that maybe they decided not to have her name so prominently displayed... of course I hoped she changed her mind and went somewhere else to practice her stuff...but that was just a fantasy as I knew that would not change because I was freaked out over it.

Well, I got so freaked out all over again seeingi her name there that I could not talk to my T and the session was a mess for me. And again, I could not tell him or talk about it. Especially, since the last time I tried to he appeared so angry and abandoning to me that he scared me to death. I just kept telling him that I did not feel safe and that the safe place was gone. I know he is confused by my behavior and reactions and he probably had no idea that seeing her name on the door AGAIN had me freaked out to the point that I was contemplating running out of there. I was so terrified sitting in the waiting room that she was going to open her door and walk out that I felt sick to my stomach and was struggling to stay present and not run. It was just awful.

And so, I called him on Friday and asked him if it would be okay to send him my thoughts and fears in an email since it has been just impossible for me to tell him how I feel about things. I don't like doing it this way and I really do pride myself on facing the scary stuff and talking to him directly but this has to be said because he is in the dark again and I am unable to feel safe and do therapy like this. I don't know what the answer is and I do feel hopeless that I will ever feel differrently about her being there. I just cannot imagine feeling good about having her on the other side of that thin wall. So while I AM going to write to him and try to explain my fears and feelings, I don't really have much faith that it will do any good and I fear he will just get pissed off and tell me to leave because it's HIS practice and if he wants his wife there I have nothing to say about it. I just want this to not be happening and I cannot change it so I feel frustrated, hopeless and helpless.

All of the above has been sucking all my energy in addition to the usual family stuff. I just wanted to let you all know what has been happening and why I have not been posting much lately.

thanks for reading,
hugs to all of you
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You have so much going on. It has to be incredibly stressful. That's great that you applied for the new job.

Not sure what to say about your T and the nameplate. But I think the two of you can work through it together.

It might seem impossible now to you that there is a solution out there somewhere or that you will actually be able to feel safe with that nameplate on the door but you might find that you are surprised.

My T and I just finished working through the touch issue and I have to say, I didn't think I was going to be able to go back to him but somehow it's turned out that I actually feel more caring as opposed to less as a result of our many conversations about it. I'm even shocked myself. I think it just might be the fact that he sat there with me and was receptive and listened and talked it through with me.

Not to say that it didn't cause me some pain. I had a really bad week, the worst in a while. But what was on the other side of that week was well worth the pain. I feel a security and safety that I'm not sure I've ever felt. As I told my T, I might say I want control but I feel like a train speeding out of control and I need him to be in control. He was gentle but firm. But the boundary in the end protected me. I never thought I'd believe AG when she says that but having experienced it now, I truly do believe it.

So, I'm here to encourage you to keep expressing yourself to him. And if you have to do it by email, so be it. After his reaction last time, who could blame you? It might actually give him time to process it also and this way he will react in a way that will be more beneficial to you and less hurtful.


I think the email is a great way to express your feelings, giving your T a chance to reflect on everything this change triggers within you so he can be receptive to your feelings when he sees you again.

I really don't know how he will handle this, because he did seem to become a bit defensive when you first mentioned it, but the last thing I imagine him doing is asking you to leave.

I wish therapy didn't have to be so hard and painful for all of us.

(((TN))) I'm sorry you have so much going on, but as always, I'm amazed at how you are moving through it, forward, an inch at a time. I know writing to my T has been really helpful for communicating things that are either scary or complex and my abandonment fears make impossible to share outloud without dissociating and either blanking out entirely or leaving out huge chunks of what I really needed to say. Rather than avoiding discussing these issues in person, it has helped my T understand where I'm at enough to help me have that in person conversation with him. I've found it especially helpful to identify the feared responses (or hurt from his past responses that I don't want to repeat), so he is able to be more attuned to certain aspects of the conversation. I used to worry that it meant I was manipulating my T to respond in a different way (i.e. I had fully bought into my projections about his reactions being true). But, as I've gotten to know my T, I've found that not only is he not someone who feels the need to change WHO he is to avoid a reaction from me, but his reactions (when they hurt) are not meant how I have taken then. I've learned that while T isn't changable based on my feelings, he will change the way he interacts and expresses himself, so I can understand the truth of him better, discern it from the projections and transference reactions. He once told me that even though I write A LOT, he finds it to be such a blessing. He said it's like if I were searching for Boo in the dark, wouldn't I want to have a flashlight or candle, so I could find her better, not bump into her and accidentally hurt her. That's how he feels about those written communications...they help him find and protect the hurt little one without causing her more pain. Anyway, this is just meant as an encouragement, as I know I can be tempted, even in writing, to hold back in fear. I believe your T, while human and fallable like the rest of us, is trustworthy. Sorry this was rambly; written from my phone.
He once told me that even though I write A LOT, he finds it to be such a blessing. He said it's like if I were searching for Boo in the dark, wouldn't I want to have a flashlight or candle, so I could find her better, not bump into her and accidentally hurt her. That's how he feels about those written communications...they help him find and protect the hurt little one without causing her more pain.

Wow, Yaku. What a lovely analogy from your T. He really is a gem and so caring. You were not rambly at all and it helped to hear how writing things down for your T has worked out for you and even him. I think where my fear comes in strongly is that I am upset/angry/scared about something that has to do with his "personal" real life. Yet I get annoyed then because HE was the one who brought is real outside life into the supposedly sacred walls of therapy where patients should feel safe and shielded from his other stuff on the outside. And the fact that they decided that she use her maiden name does not feel like they/he was protecting clients but more like they were hiding something and being devious or worse, laughing that they pulled something over the stupid clients who would never connect them. Yeah right. Having traumatized, hypervigilant clients means you need to be MORE transparent instead of trying to hide stuff that would freak them out.

Thanks so much for the hugs, BLT, Eliana and Sadly and the encouragement too.

Liese... I am sorry things have been so difficult over the topic of touch with your T but I'm glad to hear that in the end you are feeling much better about things and about having the long conversation over this issue. But didn't your T agree to hugs and touch? I do understand how sometimes even having that at all can raise other confusing emotions. I hope if I do find the courage to push the "send" button that my T will be understanding of my feelings and not be angry or defensive or punishing in any way. I just need him to hear me.

Hugs TN. Great idea about the email - I email so much, my T just keeps encouraging it. It can be incredibly helpful and cathartic. I too would have freaked with the name plate. I could imagine doing just as you did.

I would like to say that your T is going to be a perfect T about it (I am still a big fan) - but I think the way he reacted (and didn't think) previously means I have no idea how to guage his reaction. TN - just remember what ever he says or reacts - you both can fix it. You have done the right thing in emailing your feelings and thoughts - Yay to you for doing that.

My clever and wonderful T text me tonight as I have been having a rough time. In response to me saying a number of very negative adjectives about myself and my life - she said 'recognise that these are old beliefs and not statements of fact. Practice being a mindful observer and hang in there".

This might be helpful for you perhaps. I am going to try and keep this advice in my mind over the next week and see if I can take it on.

Good Luck TN, please update us when you can.

This seems very significant. I don't think your T is a devious type of guy. But I totally understand the transference getting in the way. Have you felt this way before? Try to connect the dots.

And the fact that they decided that she use her maiden name does not feel like they/he was( protecting clients but more like they were hiding something and being devious or worse, laughing that they pulled something over the stupid clients who would never connect them.

Keep up the good work.

Well, I did find the strength to push the send button last night to the email telling my T what has been going on with me and how it has felt. It was pretty late and I was exhausted and I just want to get this overwith and so I pushed send.

I got a nice, reassuring email response this morning. He told me I was important to him and he was safe. He thanked me for what I told him and said it was helpful to him and it made a lot of sense. He also expressed the hope that I would be able to tell him more of my experiences and allow him to know me better and that we would be able to work through this.

I was really relieved to get this email from him and it helped to calm my nerves. I am just really very tired today. I hope I am able to deal with all of this in person tomorrow when I see him.

Oh My god. That man is a saint. I am back at the top of the Fan Club.

You know what TN - it doesn't really matter if you can't discuss it in full in person with him - you have emailed him what you are feeling - he already knows and he also knows how difficult it will be for you to talk about it. You have done the majority of the hard work already.

So glad you sent that email.
I think you are amazing.
At some point he will understand....
it just seems this is one of his blindspots but he is getting there....

when my t finally gets something that he has spent ages on trying to understand, I give him a dog biscuit.

well, it makes us both laugh.

He gives me gold stars which go in the front page of my file.

Oh well, you have to laugh, cos sometimes it just hurts too much otherwise.
Thanks Yaku... yes it's a beginning and although it's not going to be easy each positive result builds on the next.

SD... you make me smile about the fan club! I'm lucky that I have such a really good T. I need to remember that today.

Sadly..LOL at the dog biscuit. My T has a few blindspots but I think it helps that he is now aware of them and I know he is a good enough T and smart enough to give them a lot of thought to make them less "blind".

Echoes... how are you? Thanks for the wish for a good session.

I see T in a few hours from now and I'm really nervous. He will want to talk and I'm not sure I can talk about this stuff without floating away. I'm also really nervous to walk into reception and having to sit there and wait for him. It used to be an oasis of calm for me knowing I would see T in a minute or two and now it's like I'm on pins and needles and ready to run if I even hear a noise. Not a good frame of mind to be in just before therapy because then my mind freezes up and I cannot focus.

I'll let you all know what happens later today. After T I have to go get my hair done. Luckily, my stylist is a happy, cheerful person so hopefully I won't be sobbing in the chair.


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