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It's gone. My strength and my confidence is gone.

I have been in my profession for a very long time, and no one has ever indicated that I've done a poor job until...

I returned from vacation last week, only to find that another teacher moved my files into her folder, and later I was called into the office to learn that my teaching job was being changed from grade 6 (really I work with grade 6-8 this year) to 2nd grade. they did not ask, they just said this was what they had decided. I cried and stayed home the next day- I felt like I was being punnished.
Privately to the principal, I mentioned that perhaps another teacher who has a problem with me (we have had some difficulty- this year) was behind this.
Eventually they changed their mind, and I can keep my current position (working with older students)
An aside- I am afraid of working with younger students- as the age of little ones is about the age of my trauma history.
All is well I thought. Not so. That same teacher once again made me look bad in front a a parent, (lied) and portrayed me to the bosses as inept. I was so upset that I could barely speak and did nothing- or very little to stand up for myself. I just took it- like the stupid little girl I've worked so hard to reconsile with.
I am sad that people are so mean, and I am angry once again that I was a fu%#@*g wimp and let the woman railroad me. I am angry, sad and powerless. I should know better by now.
...and I did not even look to see what heading I was posting under- sorry it it is wrong.
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Aw, Mayo, I'm sorry you are feeling so down on yourself. You are no stupid, and it's not your fault if somebody is taking advantage of you- the fault is with them. I'm sorry that you are feeling powerless to stand up for yourself, it is an awful feeling to have no voice.

I'm so mad at at that teacher for being such a jerk! Why do some people find it necessary to put others down in order to feel good about themselves? Mad You don't deserve to feel this way- clearly you have been an excellent teacher in good standing for long time. Try see these negative messages where they are coming from, at least, it's not your fault.

I don't think that you have to worry about which heading to post under.

I'm glad that you get to keep your current position- you did stand up for yourself by talking to the principal. Good for you.

I hope you will be feeling a little bit more positive about yourself soon. I wish I had words to comfort you.

Mean people suck. I'm glad that you came here for support.

Mayo I'm so sorry this happened to you. I think you got good advice here about confronting the bullies. I hate bullies. And I hate when people are underhanded and dishonest. I'm sorry this happened while you were on vacation. Once in my old job I came back from vacationt to find I had a new boss... no one actually told me ... they just left his letterhead on my desk and that is how I knew. So cowardly.

It hard for those of us with trauma backgrounds to maintain our sense of self when confronted with hurtful situations. The little hurt inner child tends to make herself known and we feel angry at ourselves for allowing that to happen. I do understand. Can you speak to your T about what happened to you?

Let us know how you are doing.

Originally posted by Liese:

I would like to point out that in my view, you did stand up for yourself by speaking to the principal.

I feel so lost and disconnected. Ti seems my words and my actions are taken wrong. I live with a toxic person who is sicker than me and I am losing all the gains i made in therapy. Isolation is the only way. I reached out to mark last night- called him, but it went to voice mailand i did not leave a message- I can not go back to him anyway. My husband is is turning my kids against me, I am being slandered in my job- and i most be out of it cuz i truly do not see any thing I have done wrong. In the spirti of love your enemies- I anonmously bought my enemy flowers with an encouraging message, I have been trying to reconsile with my husband and no matter what I c
do- my words and actions are twisted as if i am to blame for something. the only possoble person who wants me to lean on him is in love with me, but he is married and has a family and I cant go there and after last night( i called him on the phone) he thinks I am insane so I probably wont hear from him which is a good thing in a waay because I could not take the guilt of messing up his life. My husbaned is turning my only lovlies against me and that is my children. so I am lost and alone, and fringhtene din a was thiat i have never experienced. I have nothing left.
God says he only gives us what we can handle- but he has given me too much this time. This is not edited as I do not even have the strenght to re reread my dribble. You guys are my only hope right now. but I should tell you- even though I am very sad- I am not going to hurt myself.
I can be stripped of all things and still survive.

Thank you Monte- your words are quite comforting. i am being stripped bare. Did i tell you that I am living in the basement of my house- the house i pay for, the house i have alwasy paid for. no room for me upstairs unless i share a room with my husband.

I was wrong to send her flowers, i thaoutht it was right, but the whole love your enemies shit is shit. God is not helping me and i can no longer help myself so I have to run- I just dont know where yet.
I am resilient and I will get throught this. I just cat see dthe outcome yet. I will sta in thouch . and thanks your words do help.
"If you will only love me in my dreams, then please let me sleep forever."

Thank you everyone- I will continue to post and look for your support.

Draggers- your quote now makes perfect sense to me.

I did call Mark- he did not ans. He sent me a txt, and I will call him during the week. I co not really know what my hesitation there is.

My husband is sorry for the billionth time, but no change is no change. I have to get out. His words are nly that- empty words. (heard it all before tooooooo many times) He is a sick bastard. selfish too. and lazy. Sorry- but there it is.

You guys are great- I am hanging on- but i just feel so alone.

I tried to be very bad- go out and get drunk, really drunk. I had 2 beers and couldn't drink like i used to. (too bloated) it was stupid- but i have to laugh at my sad attempt. Roll Eyes

thanks all
Hi Mayo,

I'm kind of new so I don't think we met.

I just wanted to offer my support. Just from reading your post I think you conducted yourself professionally. If I was one of the parents that heard a teacher say negative things about another teacher I would be quite upset. She is the person who made herself look bad.
Try not to be hard on yourself. Coming back from vacation is difficult enough without so much drama. Now that you know who is behind all the stuff you will be prepared next time. I hope this helps.


so sorry that you feel all alone. i am glad you called mark. our school used to have an assistant principal who used to bash the principal to anyone and everyone who would listen. even though i liked the assistant principal, she lost my respect when she did the bashing. and one of my kids had a teacher who used to bash the other kids to me. i used to wonder what she said about my kids to the other parents. didn't like it all. i never trust that kind of stuff. sometimes it's hard to take the high road and feel like you are not standing up for yourself. actually i had a pta situation where my co-pres and i didn't get along. I never gossiped about her but she did about me and somehow everyone wound up hating me. it was a terrible year and scarred me terribly. i couldn't understand how i turned out to be the bad guy when no one else was involved except me and the other woman. at the end of the day, i think everyone was afraid of the other woman. she sure intimidated me. but, i still find all that stuff very confusing and usually wind up getting hurt.

thinking of you. let us know how it goes this week.


I just wanted to offer my support.

thank you Twin- and welcome.

you know we are all here for you right? - yes Draggers and I am counting on it, and thank you sweet, sweet draggers.

sometimes it's hard to take the high road and feel like you are not standing up for yourself- Yes Leise, you are so right.
I dread going back tomorrow

I booked another ski trip so next week will only be 4 days. I have something to look forward to.

Thanks all, I am so glad you are here. I am much calmer now.

I so want to handle this without Mark, want to stand on my own, but I will call him.
Mayo just sending supportive hugs and prayers your way. It's impossible to manage all the really difficult stuff you are trying to manage without much support. Needing outside support and guidance is no shame- rather a necessity. *Nobody* would have the inner resources to deal with what you are dealing with all alone, it wouldn't even be good to. Sometimes the best and most loving thing we can do is overcome our past traumas and reach out for help from someone we at least basically trust will not harm us. Doing that is really scary and takes a lot of strength and a lot of courage. I'm so glad you are reaching out here.

Hugs, prayers,

Sometimes the best and most loving thing we can do is overcome our past traumas and reach out for help from someone we at least basically trust will not harm us

Thanks BB, I did txt Mark. He called me and tried to squeeze me in today, but not enough time- so I will see him on Wednesday.
Thanks for being a friend.
I don't have a handle on what this "do it alone" thing is- or my resistance from help from Mark. In any case he will help me to think more clearly. It is like I don't want to depend on him any more, IDK.
that's a really difficult place to be in. However, if he is the most trustworthy person to turn to now, I think it makes sense in your situation to kind of make yourself do it. You really need some support right now! you are in a really tough place. I pray Mark will be able to give you the support, peace, and clarity you so desperately need right now. You are such a good person, who doesn't deserve to be treated badly!


Mayo... so sorry you find yourself in such a difficult and upsetting situation at work. I do think it's good that you allowed yourself to reach out here and to reach out for your T. Maybe it's not that you don't WANT to depend on him anymore but more that you are a bit afraid to depend on him due to the hurt he caused you with that erroneous text message meant for someone else? I know that would have cause me a lot of pain.

I hope you can get past all of that with him and that he can help you find some clarity in the situation. I'll be thinking of you tomorrow. Let us know how it goes.


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