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Prior to my session, I sent my T an email with what I wanted to talk about during our session. When I arrived, she printed the email and held it in her hand while we talked about the prospective therapist I interviewed and the upcoming appointment with pdoc and medication and anything but what was written in the email. I was so angry at the end of the session for not talking about what I intended to talk about that I handed her payment as I announced that I can't do this anymore and walked out. Roll Eyes

Anyone else follow rabbit trails instead of sticking to the intended agenda? Who is the saboteur?
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I am always chasing rabbit trails. Sometimes I'll think I want to work in a certain area or direction for awhile but change my mind by the next session because something else has caught my attention or my angst. Wink Or I'll go into session intending to talk about one thing and end up babbling for an hour about something else. Or I'll go all superficial and make small talk about daily happenings and things I've read instead of delving into "issues".

Anyway, I definitely think the sabateur in my case is me, not T (who is always ready to talk about whatever), but I can't say for anyone else. It is frustrating to feel you've wasted a session, I know, but none of it is really waste, I think. Even the superficial sessions are relationship building and bonding in their own ways. And then. . . there's always the next week. Smiler
DR -
What a bummer. One thing I loved about how my old T operated was that she knew how incredibly hard it was for me to bring the stuff out that I needed to discuss. I would often send emails also letting her know what I needed to talk about b/c it was easier to put in writing than to try and actually open my mouth about it in session. She knew that about me. She would save the emails and she would gently bring it up and poke and prod a bit until we could start talking about it.
I feel like that would be a good thing for your T to do with your emails....

Hang in there DR
I am relieved to know I am not the only one this happens to. I will bring it up at our next session but I realize this is a pattern of mine. I let other people run over me with their agenda's. I minimize the importance of what I have to say. I had wanted to talk about a breakthrough I had with a younger part and when T ignored her I got angry. If what she has to say isn't important then how she feels is even less important! I was mad at T but I was also mad at the the little girl for feeling so needy.

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