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Hey Sheychen,
Welcome to life in the fishbowl. Big Grin

But seriously, the reason you see such a disparity is that this forum is "open view" so to speak. You do not need to be a member to read any of the forum posts, you only need to be a member in order to post. So there is a large silent audience out there who very consistently reads the postings but choose not to join in the discussion. There are also probably a number of people who land on here because they're using a search engine. Again, since the content is open on the web, all the posts are "visible" to search engines.

I know of many people who lurked for some time before deciding to become members and post. I know I did so for about a month. The truth is that we discuss difficult subjects that a lot of people would hesitate to talk about in an open forum. Add to that worries about exposing your identity and you can understand why people would hesitate. I believe that the more people who contribute to the conversation the stronger we are, but I also completely understand someone's reluctance to join in.

They may not be ready to speak yet, and I would so want to respect that. For those of us who were abused we had NO choice about what happened to us or how fast, I believe a very important part of healing comes through our knowing that we are in control now of what we say and when we say it. So I would want to respect anyone's choice to NOT post. In this type of forum, I think a sense of safety is paramount. So my hope is that the people who aren't posting but are reading are also gaining from the conversation. That for those of us at a point in our journey where we can speak, this is an opportunity to pass on the healing that we've received and bring good out of the evil done to us. I love the idea that the life and growth my T has passed to me, may be reaching out tendrils and new shoots in places I have no idea about.

I want everyone to be welcome here, whether they post or not. Smiler

Hope that helps make sense of it.

Why are there so many views, and so few posts?

My unwise and simplistic answer- Because there are so many topics.
Lots and lots to look at. Not everyone can relate to others stories. I know that's the obvious answer, so I will shut up now. Except to say- the more universal the topic- usually the more posts.

Deepfried- I hope everyone feels comfortable on any givenn post. To my knowledge, none are exclusive. If they were, this place wouldn't work. It would be to much like the real social world. We are all accepted here- one and all.

I’ve noticed that the view count isn’t actually one per view but more like 3 each time a thread is looked at. And if you’re actually posting, I’ve seen that it can be as much as up to 5 per post - depending on whether it’s your thread or someone elses. So in fact a number like 3000 isn’t 3000 actual views but probably more like half that number.

Also the view count doesn’t automatically go up immediately, there seems to be a time lag (which makes it hard to work out exactly how many views it clocks up each time you look at a thread.) I checked this out because I noticed that when I looked at new threads that had zero replies zero views the view count STAYED at zero even though I went in and out of it several times. It only registered views after a certain amount of time (I assume this is because the site itself only updates such things at certain times rather than it’s being an instant thing.)


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