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Lately T and I have been making daily pacts to keep me from ED behavior.

At first I found the pacts really helpful because the thought of having to tell her I broke a promise I made to her was just unbearable for me.

However, as time has gone on, I've realized that T doesnt ever ask me about the pact. She will just text something like, "should we make another pact for tomorrow?"

When she doesn't ask about it, it is VERY upsetting to me, and of course this comes at the end of the day as I am getting ready to go to bed for the night, so i usually end up in a total state of triggery mess and cannot even sleep properly.

I expressed last weekend via text how distressing this is for me. She said she was having a hard time following the texts. So then we talked about it not once but TWICE last week in therapy. I explained that when she doesn't ask about the pact, the pact loses meaning. If I KNOW she isn't even going to ask me how I did with the pact, I no longer have that fear of telling her I broke the pact which was my compelling reason to not purge. So basically the pacts become meaningless.

She told me that she doesn't like to ask me how I did on the pact because it feels sort of authortarian, like a parent making sure their kid did their chores after they were punished or something. I quickly told that is not at all how it feels to me and that in fact, I NEED her to ask in order for the pact to work. (this convo took place on Thursday). So Thursday night, she asked, "How is the pact going?"

But then Friday and Saturday night, she was back to not asking me about the pact and how did but instead just saying, "how about another pact for tomorrow?" The first night she did that, I let it slide and didn't make an issue of it but the second night in a row, I sort of lose my shit over it and texted her that I feel hurt that even after I asked in clear terms about what I need with regard to the pacts, she is still not hearing me or perhaps it just isn't important to her. I told her that the pacts lose their meaning when I know she isn't going to ask about them. I said that I am starting to sound like a broken record because I've already said this stuff several times before. lastly I told her that I see that she does a lot to try to help me adn I am grateful for those thins, but this issue regarding the pacts is painful to me.

I haven't heard back from her and sent those texts late last night. I know I probably pissed her off and seem like an ungrateful brat who eats up her free time with endless texting, but honestly so much of the texting lately has primarily been about her lack of follow up about the texts.

This issue is reminding me of my marriage in which I used to ask my husband to text me if he was going to be late so that I could plan dinner accordingly or stay at the gym a little bit longer before going home to make dinner. I would ask for this simple request time and time again and he'd say ok, he understood the importance of it....and sure enough, he would continue to not text me to tell me if he was going to be late. I should have stopped trying to change him in that area because it was pointless. It was never going to happen. He is not the type of person to ever take anyone else's schedule into account and it was like beating a dead horse to have the same conversation over and over again and the more we talked about it, the more angry and bitter and resentful I became. This is what is happening with T. I can rationalize that she does all of these wonderful amazing things to show me that she cares, but really...she is totally screwing the pooch on this pretty big issue that shouldn't be so difficult to do. But just like my ex and just like most people in the world, you cannot change them. You cannot control them. You can only control your reaction to them.

....which leads me to this question. Where I go from here? How do I react? I've expressed myself plenty about this at this point. I don't feel like I really need to say anything else to be more clear or firm about what I need. She just isn't getting it. So does that mean I just let it drop and forget about it? Or do I acknowledge to myself that this is something that makes me feel not very good about myself and my relationship and T...and do I take my business elsewhere? I guess my thoughts about that are that from what I've read here....just about EVERY T has some area that they are failing their client, where they are either negligent or their boundaries are too tight that it becomes a dis-service to their client. So what's the point in shopping for another T?

So then it becomes of a question of do I just quite therapy altogether and realize that I am wasting my money on this and instead just get my shit together on my own? Right now I'm feeling like therapy is causing me more grief than help and safety if I am being entirely honest. If I didn't love my T so damn much, I could easily walk away and feel like I am doing the right thing. I honestly think it would be better for me. But I love her so much that the heartache that will go with walking away seems unbearable.

So who knows what I will do, but I do know that its pointless to discuss pacts, make pacts, discuss what would make them more helpful ,or even talk about how her totally ignoring my simple request that she ask me how I did with my pact. Its a lost cause and if I've learned one thing in my life, its that the more I try to get her to hear me, the less she will care about me and the less she will like me...and the more she will dread having any contact with me.

So I guess I bury this issue if I am going to continue with her.
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My T calls it escalating assertion when you ask for something nicely and don't get the response you want or need and then you have to take it up a notch and then another notch - which it sounds have done so far with little success.

And so I don't think you should feel like a spoiled brat at all. You did take it up another notch with your text. And now, if she doesn't listen to you, I would think it would have a huge impact on your relationship with her because she is basically ignoring your needs.

She needs to know how much this means to you and the fact that she doesn't seem to be hearing you on the issue is just making things worse.

She needs to be able to separate out how she thinks you might feel about asking you (authoritarian) from how you think you would feel about it (helpful).

Good luck,


((((Group hug))))) thank you all for the replies.

T did reply to my 6 texts in which I basically poured my heart out at how upsetting it was that we just talked about this and how I needed her to ask, and I don't feel heard etc...

What she wrote in response to all that hurt, fear, etc. was "Ok. I will ask how did today".

I was hurt she didn't acknowledge how upsetting it had been to me and her words that she would ask today about the pact really back no comfort because now she has shown me that her word means nothing.

So I wrote back, "Thanks. I appreciate it, but no more pacts. It places too much pressure on you and sets me up for feeling hurt. I sense that you are mad that I expressed how hurt I was by this. I'm sorry, but it seems this pact dynamic is not really working for either one of us anymore and just creates really awful feeling. I do not want you to terminate me over this ,nor do I want to quit over this, but it feels like that is where things r headed adn this upsetting to me".

She wrote back, "I am not mad, nor am I terming you. If we don't do pacts, what do we do?"

I haven't written back. I don't know what to say. i notice that she didn't challenge my assertion that this places too much pressure on her and that it isn't working for either of us anymore. Which makes me think she is relieved about not having the pacts anymore.

I don't really know what to say.

You are not offending me. I agree, less therapy is in order. I will consider your idea of recording my ED behavior for the week and then turning it into her at the end of the week. Maybe I will discuss this possibility with her tomorrow. I don't see why it would be harmful in any therapeutic way for her to simply ask me how I did on my pact. It feels great to be able to say, "I kept it!" and it feels awful to say, "I didn't keep it" and that feeling of shame at reporting when I broke it has been effective in keeping me safe. Until she stopped freaking asking about it.

You nailed it. The pact loses all meaning without the follow up and accountability. I don't understand why its so hard for her to grasp that, or why its so hard to simply ask how I did with the pact. I think I will try to work things out with her rather than shop around for another T. She has done a lot to help me, so I do think it is premature to terminate over this issue.

I agree...she needs to make a distinction between how it feels for her to ask me (authoritarian) versus how it makes me feel (cared for). This is MY therapy after all.
Thanks, DF. I agree her response of "What do we do now?" is totally lame. I honestly feel like she doesn't care one way or the other what happens to me or how I feel about any of this.

What should I say in my reply to her? DO you have any suggestions?

I am not in total agreement about why it would be bad for her to ask me about the pact, because for me it was the only thing keeping me from doing it. So if something can that be damaging? I dunno. I will re-read what you wrote and give it some more thought. Thank you for the reply.
Well that makes a lot more sense. I can see how that would be an unhealthy dynamic if I were to say, "You didn't ask, so I binged". I can honestly say that nothing like that has happened though. I do say things like, "what's the point of pacting if you don't ask" or "I feel silly for placing so much importance on the pact when you later forget to ask about it". But I don't threaten of try to guilt her for failing to ask. I just tell her I feel hurt and abandoned by it and then most recently, that I don't feel heard when I've told her I need her to ask. What really gets me is that on Thursday she assured me that she would ask me about it going forward. And then she didn't. And she isn't even sorry that she broke her word.

I like your suggestions for what to say to her about the pact. I think i will save that for my session tomorrow though, though I might leave out the part about getting her shit together. Smiler
In a recent journal entry to my T, I had someone pipe in about him "doing his f---ing job" to push me to talk about stuff when I retreat. Eeker He has told me specifically not to edit that stuff out, because it's important the honest feelings get out there. So I put it in and then apologize immediately, which makes me seem ridiculous, but I'm sure he's used to it by now.

For what it's worth, when I first read your post on my phone at church, I thought that the idea of T asking me about a pact wouldn't work for me either. I would surely want him to do it, but for me, taking the onus of responsibility in reporting my sensitive issue type thoughts and behaviors was an important part of my process of building trust and safety in the therapeutic relationship. For me, it wasn't necessarily a matter of personal responsibility, but more...learning to say hard things voluntarily and wait through the panic that it would cause abuse or abandonment to find out, "Nope, T is still cool with me." That said, I would find it about ten times easier having some sort of structure around it like DF is describing with a check-in sheet. Everyone has different things that work best for them, though. It would feel good if T was worried about me and asked, "How was ___ stuff this week?" about some of my particular struggles...but it feels good in a different way that he trusts me to take ownership of sharing those things. I don't think there is anything necessarily wrong with asking your T to check in with you on stuff either though. I know others have done that.

One way I work with T to keep the responsibility on me that things are getting addressed while getting HIM to ask about them so that I feel like he even cares is to text him agendas for our sessions. I wait until I'm in a good enough place to intellectually determine what things we absolutely need to talk about, send him a short list of what I want him to bring up, and then let him ask about that stuff in more detail. So, I am taking responsibility for making sure we check in on that stuff, but it takes the pressure off of me to try to do initiate in sessions when I blank and freeze from fear of it not being OK, and it helps me to feel he cares and is interested and is safe to share with, because he is asking specific questions about the topics in question. Do you think having a running agenda that always includes that sort of a check-in or sending your T weekly agendas might help? I know sometimes, I end up not remotely wanting to talk about my agenda items, but sometimes it can be really helpful. Just a thought. ((((LG))))
T and I talked this morning and things feel even worse now.

She basically said that the reason she doesn't always ask about the pact is because she's too busy. I understand. She has a four year old and a partner to keep happy. She also said that sometimes she gets confused as to whether or now we have a pact. I told her I didn't understand how that could be confusing. SHe said, "Well I guess you have a better memory than I do because sometimes I don't remember if we've made a pact".

Even though I understand about her being busy, what is is still upsetting to me is that she doesn't seem to care that I was so hurt over it. I felt like she was cold and uncaring today. She did tell me she still cares, but I didn't feel it. Instead it just felt cold. I didn't get any affirmations about our relationship or words of encouragement that we can get past this.

So as of now, we are not doing pacts at all. She is willing to do them but says she sees them as being too demanding on both of us. But how I can make a pact with someone who feels burdened by them???

I ended up getting off the phone feeling even more distressed than before we had the session so i texted her immediately after asking if we could talk again later today because I don't want to spend the next 30 hours feeling this awful about the relationship. I said that I wish she had said more affirming things about the relationship and said that I want her to be warm with me again and asked her what I need to do or not do in order to feel that. She has not written me back. I doubt she will give me another appt today because she seemed anxious to get off the phone. I felt like she was annoyed and put off that I was upset she let me down with regard to the pacts.

Early in the convo she said that she suspects that I am trying to get her to terminate with me. I said, "What am I doing that is giving you cause to terminate?" and she said she is not terminating with me, that she isn't going to, but she wonders if i am trying to get her to because I'm used to everyone else abandoning me.I said, "So are you saying that by expressing my feelings about being hurt that I am acting out?" and she tried backpeddling and getting out of it by saying, "I didn't say you were acting out" and I said, "but isn't that what is implied when you said that I am doing things to get you to terminate?" and she said no. So then I said, "So what specific behaviors that I am doing make you feel that I am trying to get you to term with me?" and she couldn't come up with anything. I said, "the texting so much?" and she said no. "my expressing being let down regarding the pacts"? and she said no. She was completely inarticulate when I challenged her on this. I was trying to get her to admit that she is 1. annoyed and 2. thinks I am acting out but she denied both. Yet still suggested that I am trying to get her to terminate.

So the conversation basically went nowhere and then we had to end. It didn't end well and now I feel worse than I did yesterday. Oh, and we had an appointment shceduled for tomorrow adn she said, "so tomorrow i need to move your appointment to 4pm, or do you want to even keep that appointment?" and I said, "Well we had an appointment, why would you suggest I cancel it?"and she said, "well, I don'tknow" . So then I texted her later and asked if she suggested I cancel it because she didn't want to meet with me again so soon.

Seriously feeling very shitty about things right now. I feel like in order to have a good relationship with my T, I have to be this perfect little angel, I cannot express any disappointment towards her or my therapy and if I do, she is a cold bitch.

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