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Hi Everyone,

I decided to write this morning because I survived yesterday and used my DBT skills to help myself. However, I did lose ½ a day to my emotions since not hearing from my therapist who I recently returned to after he sent me to another therapist essentially because I was too much and he did not think he could help me until I worked through something else with a colleague.

I have not heard from him since last Wednesday’s session. After the session at his request, I emailed him a copy of the DBT diary card I made for myself (he liked it). In the email I asked him to let me know his availability to schedule because I will be away part of next week and he books up quickly. I did not hear from him even about the appointments.

On Sunday, after some significant challenges with my mom and brother at Grand Canyon, I sent a short email to him about what was happening and again I asked him to let me know about appointments.

Yesterday afternoon, I texted him only about setting up the appointments, suggesting that maybe he did not receive my emails. In my heart I know that’s baloney. I’ve had thoughts that he’s had a great and terrible tragedy in his life and that’s why he isn’t responding. I feel so sad about that.

I am still struggling a lot because I think I am going to have to leave this T. Being in wise mind, I know that his not responding between sessions is not me. I do not worry that he is singling me out and doesn’t like me or care about me. I do wonder if his not responding is an effort (completely inappropriate and ineffective) to be therapeutic. I wonder if he reacts to me like I am one of those people who is always dramatic and therefore he ignores me so as to not buy into the drama. I do feel like I am being punished. I realize those thoughts are my emotional mind. That is not me. However, if my therapist cannot respond to my need for outside contact or if he continues to deny or ignore my need for outside contact then I think it’s making it worse, just like the T who abandoned me after avoiding transference. I know my T cares for me like he cares for any other client. I know that if I am no longer his client I will no longer have a relationship with him. I get all of that and I can handle it again (more than tears just thinking about it- think about dying). However, I can’t deal with this anxiety between sessions when I actually need something (like setting up appointments). Maybe that is not the kind of therapist he his. Maybe he does not want to have to deal with anything outside of a session.

I start to assert myself but I do not follow through. We have not discussed out of session contact "rules.” I do not have clear boundaries and explanations for them. If he does have a no contact rule then he is not the therapist for me. I sometimes need to feel connected outside of the session. I did that with the T he sent me to and we checked in on Sundays for while. Then I didn’t need it.

It’s like I’m afraid of my T and I have to take what I can get to have anything (like sex or nothing to be loved). It’s obvious that I have an attachment injury from childhood.

On top of that, I’m dealing with my son's birthday. It’s tomorrow. This will be the fourth birthday since he died at 20. It’s been a very hard week. I’ve even gone back and looked at his obituary and guest book. I keep wondering if any of his friends even remember him.

I’ve used as many DBT skills as I could and am in a much better frame of mind this morning. But sometimes you just need to be “held.” Is it too much to expect that my therapist might not exacerbate the situation by ignoring me? Just because I’m using DBT does not mean that I don’t need true emotional support. I’ve actually had the thought that I might be instigating something between him and the T he sent me to (who I emailed this morning and I expect she will not respond as to not interfere with the current therapeutic relationship.) That’s the person I’m afraid I am. I've always been afraid I'm this horrible, instigating faker.

I want this to work with T because I want to get through this the pattern of being too much in a relationship and having unrealistic expectations and pushing people away, idolizing them and then hating them or being hurt by them.

I am really scared again and I don’t know what to do. I’m not going to reach out to him again. I assume I’ll just show up at my session on Saturday and the - - - - will hit the fan. As clear as my mind is my body is having a visceral reaction to losing another relationship. I don’t know what to do.
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I'm sorry NobleDaughter. It is so painful when T doesn't respond. I completely agree with you that not responding isn't therapeutic and I think that if he is against contact outside sessions that he should respond and tell you that. Has he responded in the past? My T has never given me any other number than his office so texting isn't an option but he does reply to emails and phone messages during office hours unless something unexpected occurs and that is excruciating for me so I feel for you.

I hope you can talk to your T about this and at least find out his boundaries about out of session contact so you decide if you can work with them.
We've hedged on the discussion about boundaries. I know that part of the reason he imploded was because of how often I emailed or texted. My day is getting worse. I cannot think about anything else. I feel like texting the other T and telling her I'm freaking out but I don't want to involve her. I mean why hasn't he at least responded about the appointments. I even seriously wonder if he died or one of his kids died. Going crazy.
Hi ND... I'm really sorry that you find yourself in this hellish place of waiting, believing the worst and just not knowing. Ts who are inconsistent and unclear do so much damage to patients. When you are healing an attachment injury you need someone who is absolutely dependable and reliable or it just becomes a reenactment of childhood... of taking care of your caregivers and of trying to be "good" so that they don't leave you or hurt you. They also need really clear boundaries so that you feel safe and secure in the relationship.

I'm sorry he is being so unresponsive and that you are struggling with what to do next. At this point I would probably shut down and just endure until Saturday's session.

I just wanted to say that I'm so sorry about your son's death. Hitting anniversaries are so hard and a time when you truly need that support from your T. I hope you can find some comfort and support in posting here.

Thinking of you
Hi TN and SomeOne,
It's 9 pm mountain time and I still have not heard from him even to set a appointment time. I haven't heard from the old T colleague but i didn't expect to because she wouldn't want to interfere with his client. I do appreciate your insight. Sometimes others can say the words that I can't seem to articulate. I didn't overeat again today. I chose instead to go to a healthy food market and get a good lunch. This evening I worked with colleagues on a service project for foster kids. I am trying to use all my DBT skills. In my mind I just keep thinking I can't believe this is happening to me, I can imagine that he'll have an explanation like he was busy but that's can't be good enough for me. I don't want to lose him. I want to process what I need to process. But that may not be possible. Thanks for your support and for your sweet words about my son.
Hello NobleDaughter,

I'm not sure what time it is your way but wanted to reply just incase you are still up.

I am so sorry your T is hurting you in this way - I can't imagnie how not replying about scheduling appointments could ever be seen as therapeutic - to me it just sounds mean. I absolutely know the agony of waiting, nothing in your control and the overwhelming feelings and panic that they will never come back. I hope you are managing to hang on in there - I don't know what DBT skills are ... but you sound ilke you have been coping really well through a tough time so be kind to yourself.

I also wanted to say how sorry I am to hear about your son. I can't imagine how hard that is for you - and his birthday must be a tough time for you. Hugs.

Really hope you can have a good talk to your T in your next session about all of this.

AnnieLake xxx

So sorry about all that you are going through. The stress that you are under comes through loud and clear. I wish I could do something to help. It doesn't sound like this relationship the way it is is healthy for you. Maybe you need to have an honest discussion with T about out of session contact, how you felt when he didn't reply to you. It's so hard but it should be worth it.

You've been making some really good decisions and should feel good about yourself anyway.

How have things been since you have been back with him? That would be hard for me to go back to a T who was having serious countertransference issues with me.

And I'm so sorry about your son. I can't even begin to imagine what you have been going through. That's got to be about one of the toughest things to have to endure.
I did hear from the old T (the colleague my T sent me to). After letting her know that I knew she cared about me even though my emo mind says she doesn't. She replied: "Your right! I do care. He (T) will contact you when he can because he cares too." Liese, this is not the T I had transference issues with. So everything is okay. He did not abandon me even thought I thought he was when he sent me to his colleague. I went back to him after his colleague said that I had made the necessary progress. Long story but it was okay with me. Part of this is how I relate to men and it's things that I need to deal with. I don't know what I'm going to do when I do hear from him or see him on Saturday. Everyone's posts are helping a lot, especially today with Justin's birthday. Sadly, I still have a lot of focus on the issue with my T. I guess it's a good distraction for grief.
Well, I made it through Thursday and Friday thanks to my old T. I asked her if she could see me and she was not able to. But she supported me with text messages and once again assured me that T is treating me like any other client and he does care. She said I must process this with him or we will not be able to move forward. I told her, "If this is how he is with all his clients then I don't want it." I was relieved when he texted me last night to confirm our 1 PM appointment. I almost didn't answer him to give him a sense of what I was going through but then I decided that was covert and stupid. So I replied, "I'll be there." Long story short, I went in today prepared to be completely honest. I was not as nervous as I expected and it turns out that my oldT did give him a heads up that I was waiting to hear from him. At first he through he did not get the emails. Then when he check he realized he did get them. I told him everything. One good thing I realized was that the pain I was feeling about him not responding was not like it used to be. It didn't feel like we "broke up" or like he abandoned me. Hallelujah! He told me "he owns not responding," and he apologized. Part of it I think is that he's so busy that if he doesn't respond right away, he forgets. Anyway, we now have a plan for between session communication. Smiler I was clear when I left him today that he was not trying to get me to fire him. I know the limits of this relationship but I can't say I don't enjoy being with him. He incorporates gospel principals in therapy and I love hearing him talk about the gospel. When he tells me that Heavenly Father loves me and that I have infinite potential because I am a Child of God- I totally get it. THANK YOU for your support!!!
ND I am really happy to hear how well things worked out. It was good that your oldT supported you through this and that you were able to go in to see your T and be open and honest. That is the best way to work things out and find solutions to ruptures. I think we are both wiser for what we have been through in therapy before. I'm glad you like your current T and that he "owned" his error. My T has told me that if he does not answer me in 24 hours to send a new email and then if that is not responsed to I need to beep him and say "hey what's going on?" He is so non-dramatic and VERY clear about his contact policy that it takes much of the angst out of it for me. There was really only one time when I didn't hear from him that I was convinced he wanted to fire me and that was transference mostly from oldT.

I'm glad it all worked out for you.

PROGRESS-FEELS-GOOD I had another session on Tuesday that was very difficult. I was distressed after it. To sum it up, later that day I spent six hours on an email to my T, which started out with this: "I don’t know what happened in our session today; I just went blank. One minute we were just talking and then you opened the book (Healing the CHild Within) and I was feeling so protective of myself. I felt like curling my legs underneath me (extremely difficult in a pencil skirt), laying my head down, closing my eyes for a while and then maybe I could answer your questions. When I started to say something, my mind started denying everything. I've even thought, maybe I should just try to stuff all of this back down."

I want to share my T's response (it's our new between session communication).
He said: "It seemed to me that you went blank because of how intensely we were challenging your false assumptions about yourself. You are truly the opposite of what others have defined you to be. You are overcoming the 'dream of the world.'"

First, it made my heart flutter. Then I realized he is right. I did blank because of the war in my head. I realized that I KNOW that the false assumptions are wrong. I realized that I KNOW that the false assumptions are wrong. I have such a light feeling today. I'm not quite sure what he means by me 'overcoming the dream of the world' Any thoughts?

That sounds terrific. You will have to ask him what he means if you want to know for sure. But a dream is something that is not real, right? And, so there has been this unreal way that the world has been treating you and you are overcoming it and realizing that you are not that nor do you have to be that. Does that make sense?

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