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They are announcing layoffs at work today. Everyone is anxious and upset and waiting to hear if they are going to be affected. Both DH and I work at the same place to this could be a bump in the road or catastophic.

I want no NEED chocolate. It is the only thing that will soothe this horrible anxiety for even a few minutes. But when I cave and eat it then I hate myself for doing it. Why does chocolate work so well? Why does that feel comforting when nothing else does?

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Hope today goes all right for you and your H. Sending positive thoughts.

Chocolate works for me, too. I adore it. Really rich very dark chocolate works better, also I need less than if I try to get my chocolate fix from something lighter, and it's healthier and less sugary so I tend not be frustrated with myself when I eat it. Not the same with other kinds.

Dunno if that helps any. But, cool thread.

Oh I'm so sorry Frowner I can feel your pain and anxiety. A couple years ago my H was laid off for 1 year and I lost my job right after that. It's scary but even in that scenario we made it through if that's any comfort Frowner Hope the best for you.

I've read that the chemical makeup of chocolate does happy things for the mind, to put it in the least scientific terms possible, because I can't begin to remember the actual terms haha Smiler I wonder if certain things we associate with some comforting memory sometimes too. But yes, chocolate does soothe for sure.

Thinking of you and hoping all goes well Hug two
((Jill)) I wonder if you work for the same people I do... two rounds of layoffs expected very soon (you know... before the holidays because that's super awesome..). I'm really sorry and sending loving thoughts to you and your H.

I think chocolate helps for two reasons - the first is we associate it mentally with comfort as it is... and then the second is I believe it produces natural brain opiates that make you feel all happy. That's my story anyway. I can't eat much chocolate because it makes me ill but every once and a while I NEED some. Especially if caramel or salt is involved.

Thinking of you...
Thanks everybody. I only ate one small Halloween kit kat bar so I controlled my chocolate craving for the most part today. Now I just have to stay away from the chocolate. Roll Eyes

Today we just found out about the numbers. It will be a few weeks before individuals find out if they are being let go. We feel pretty good about DH job. Mine is much less secure. We have survived on just his income before and we can again. It just means cutting back on a lot of things but it can be done.

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