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Do you ever feel like all your relationships and roles implode at the same time? Since sunday night my 5 year old son had a major meltdown where he told me he hated everything including his house, bed, toys, sisters, life.

Monday I saw my weight loss doctor who told me that he thought I was too depressed and should take more and different drugs, I don't want to and we keep having the same conversation. He basically told me I wouldn't be able to change my overeating my emotions unless I did because therapy isn't really working. Then I saw my T who I could barely talk to because I was so upset about my weight loss doctor (weight loss doctor referred me to T and they are friends and colleagues). I wasted an entire session rather than talk about how the doctor thought I was a failure. \

Tuesday I wrote my T an email about how useless I felt and how I didn't know if there was any point to therapy and then had to leave a voicemail telling him I couldn't make my regularly scheduled appointment tonight because it is my 15th wedding anniversary and my husband wants to go out (I don't even want to because I'm not sure what there is to celebrate and I feel miserable). I don't hear back from T all day so I assume he is angry at me.

This morning my eldest harasses her younger siblings and is generally a pain because she is overtired and she is angry that I got my parents to babysit tonight and she wanted to be left in charge. When I tried to talk to her she was completely sullen and nonresponsive. I slipped right into righteous mom attitude where I basically punished her by not letting her go in to school because she wouldn't even acknowledge me or what I was saying. That standoff lasted 30 min. until my husband asked what was going on and I realized she was never going to give in and I let her leave. I feel like a complete failure as a parent and T is mad and my husband is there but not doing anything.

When I finally get in to work T calls and leaves a message offering me an earlier time today or a session on Friday morning sounding like his usual self not angry or anything. At first I was glad he called and then I realized he hadn't said anything about my feelings which makes me feel like crap. So a big part of me doesn't want to call him back at all. I want to cancel with my weight loss doctor, stop taking any drugs, and run away from my family.

I know this is long but it actually helped me to vent and realize I want so badly for everything to stop. I give up trying. I give up. I don't have it in me to try and keep failing.
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I want so badly for everything to stop. I give up trying. I give up. I don't have it in me to try and keep failing.

Right where I am at this moment. (((incognito))) I'm sorry. Sometimes it seems like the blows are coming from all around and we don't even have time to brace for them. Frowner I wish there were more I could do. Can you take the appointment with T and try to take a chance on sharing the feelings you are having? Maybe bring it in on a piece of paper? It might help...

I'm sorry. It certainly sounds like the saying, "When it rains, it pours" is fitting here.

It is interesting to me that when your doctor said therapy isn't working, you took that mean that you had failed. I interpreted it differently. I see it more as a reflection of your T rather than a comment about you.

I know how frustrating it is when meds are pushed on you when you dont' want them. I hope that you can find your voice and stand firm in your stance that you don't want to take them.
Hi incognito... as I see it your weight loss doctor triggered feelings of failure in you and because of that you also believe therapy is not working. May I suggest that your weight loss doctor is not the one to judge whether or not therapy is working for you. That is a conversation you need to have with your T. And it does not at ALL seem like your T is angry with you. He is not. He is working with you to find an appointment time that works for you because he WANTS to see you. There are many reasons why he did not address the feelings you are having via phone message. Neither of my T's would ever do that in a vm message. Always live on phone or in person. And perhaps he was just rushing and felt this topic deserved more time.

I'm sorry you are struggling so much and feel in so much pain. I'm against meds myself so I don't have much to offer there. But I do want to point out that your dh is wanting to go out with you and he wouldn't make the effort if he didn't want to. This is a good thing. Go out, have fun, see your T another time or day, and don't worry about the kids. we all feel like horrible mothers at one time or another. And kids always hate something or another... they are kids that get in bad moods and are overtired and whiney. And let me tell you something a good friend once told me. . "only good mothers worry about being bad mothers. Bad mothers never give it a thought." I think those are wise words.

Hope you can see your T and process all those yucky feelings that were dumped on you by the weight loss doctors.

What a terrible domino line of upsetting things.

Sometimes when it gets this bad - I just go to bed or vedge out for a bit, as being up and about only makes things worse, sometimes I do the opposite and go out for a long swim. the spirals that I get into are very compulsive, esp the failure one and if I can spot it early on and do something completely different to change my whole mood, I give myself good stars.

Hope you go out and just appreciate each other. Remember the good in each other. Have a cuddle. BE glad for small things, see if it helps.

You might have seen your T today or maybe decided to wait until Friday, which ever you did I wish you well in it. He will be happy to talk about your feelings and how you can crash and feel really useless and he will help you with some perspective on that.

thanks for venting, I appreciated knowing how you are doing.
Thank you for the hugs and support. I really felt much better after venting here and decided to see T today. I was late because traffic was so much worse at that time of day which made me anxious because I am never late.

Then T asked me a few questions about what the weight loss doctor said and why I felt like he said therapy wasn't working. Then he started talking about the fact that I often feel like I'm wrong and that I shut down and try to figure out what I'm doing wrong to avoid conflict and him rejecting me. He told me that it was like I had a faulty alarm system that was always going off and warning me that there was danger and I had to realize that the alarm wasn't necessary. Basically he said that I will always feel wrong but I need to stop shutting down because of it. He said I feel wrong whenever intense and painful things came up and that wasan't a surprise considering my life experiences but I needed to challenge that feeling in order to experience something different.

I didn't say much other than to tell him I understood in theory but I didn't know how I could actually do that. As time ticked on I wished I could start to talk about some of the things I mentioned in my first post but I just couldn't say anything. Near the end he asked me if I felt wrong and I said yes. He said of course you think I've been telling you all about what you do wrong in therapy (which is true but I also feel wrong for not telling him I needed to talk). Then he said that I was doing therapy exactly right for my life experiences. He ended by saying maybe what he said would make more sense on the replay because I record all my sessions. I was so upset it was over I got up and picked up my recorder and it was off. I choked up and said I don't even have a replay and I ran out of his office. I think that is the first time I opened the door and didn't wait for him to check his schedule and confirm our next appointment. I ran out of the office almost slamming the door behind me because I knew I was going to break down when I left.

I waited 15 minutes and left him a voicemail apologizing for running out and told him a lot had gone on this week and I wished I had been able to talk about it but I knew it was my fault. Luckily my husband was very supportive because I spent a good chunk of our anniversary dinner telling him about it and trying decide if this is the time to quit therapy altogether (maybe), try a different therapist (no because I think mine is good and my issues with feeling judged and fear rejection will come up with anyone), or call and ask him if I can come in Friday to try and talk about what I want to talk about (my husband's suggestion).

I was hoping that my T would call or email me at the end of his day today in response to my voicemail but I didn't hear from him. I wish I wasn't me because it seems like my fear of conflict, judgement, and rejection prevent me from working on any of my other problems.
((((( Incognito )))))

It sounds like you are really struggling with EVERYTHING at the moment and I'm really sorry you are in such pain and confusion.

Something you wrote that your T said though leapt out at me and I wonder if you haven't had a chance to take it in yet - where he said

Then he said that I was doing therapy exactly right for my life experiences.

Wow to me that says a huge amount, it's so positive. And shows how accepting he is of you and not at all judging you or thinking that you are doing things wrong. I wonder if hearing that comment will give you a little space to just be where you are, and not feel like you have to keep struggling to understand and change everything so much. To maybe have faith and hope that you are actually doing the work, and doing it correctly?

I hope so, because I get only too well some of how you're feeling right now and it's a bad place to be. Sending you lots of support here Incognito.

Thank you LL for your support. I appreciate that you could give me support even in the midst of your pain of being Tless again. I think you are right and my T is very good, accepting of me, not judging me and it doesn't seem to help me open up and talk to him about the things that are important to me. It also means that I don't think finding another T would help me I tend to think I am permamently damaged and I don't know what to do. In many ways I wish I hadn't started therapy. Now I'm so attached to my T that I can't imagine stopping but going hurts so much.

I called today and asked if I could see him tomorrow morning which was the other appointment he offered me yesterday. So I will try again to tell him what is going on. I think 3 times in the same week is a first for me.

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