I feel pain thinking and feeling my T doesn't care, but I also feel just as much pain and heartache thinking she does
A few threads ago I posted how I was in so much emotional pain, lying on my bathroom floor in the dark with the door closed (I live alone btw) and sobbing my heart out, thinking how my T was somewhere else in my city getting on with her weekend and there I was in so much pain, and she was unlikely to be even vaguely thinking about how I was or wondering if I was ok .
Then last Friday, when I was feeling very very fragile and very unsafe - and had convinced myself there was NOTHING else my T could do to support me; that this was as good as it got - she showed me she can support me in other ways. She came up with a few ideas as to how to help me be safe over the weekend. She offered to make a series of referrals. She even bought up the option of hospital - I had no idea she could do that let alone try to get me in there if needed. She offered to make me a hot drink to have while I sat in the waiting room while she made some phone calls. Then she got on the phone and kept phoning and doing all she could to ensue I'd have support over the weekend.
She also telephoned the agency that had had not one but two different caseworkers fail me. She was pretty cross with their lack of consistency and reliability. That came as a huge shock also. Really? Someone 'going into bat for me'?????
Yeah I know 'she was just doing her job' but I haven't HAD anyone be so proactive and try to DO their job to support me like this. Usually I have to BEG for help and it gets turned down. No matter how desperate I've felt, I've always been sent away. I've had other Ts who have listened to me express concerns for my safety - and just listened. And I've left their offices feeling they just didn't give a shit - either that or they've not believed me, thought I was just venting (when I wasn't always just venting - I did have real concerns about my ability to stay safe And felt so ALONE.
So to have a different response - it was so unexpected. And so desperately NEEDED. I really really don't think I'd have not really hurt myself really badly if I'd just had to leave her office and go home to face the weekend - or even the next half hour - alone, relying just on myself.
But it hasn't come without pain. I'm scared to think about it, scared to start processing it. I have such raw feelings about the whole thing.
On one level yes - it feels 'wow - she actually does care - it's like she really didn't want anything bad to happen to me' () and I feel a little bit 'safe'.
But scratch just the surface of that, and pain bleeds out. It hurts. Really hurts.
I think it's because it shows me what I've missed out on .
And I'm really scared it will make me WANT MORE.
And I'm really really scared as to how desperate the little girl within me is, to 'have a little more' care from my T.
I'm scared i'll lose control. I'm scared of where this will end up.
Why can't I just accept 'caring' and not have it be like someone is ripping my heart out???