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I've been angry at my parents for a long time. They were in many ways abusive throughout my childhood as well as being emotionally neglectful, self-absorbed, critical and punishing. Before they went away last summer I had honest conversations with them telling them I wanted them to stop treating me disrespectfully and telling them I was angry at them for what they did when I was a child including doing nothing after I told them I was abused (CSA).

They left for the summer and since they came back they have said nothing to me about our conversation. They have withdrawn, they don't call, they don't ask me how I am doing, they avoid talking to me one on one etc. I've been hurt and angry about it even though they are complying with my request that they stop criticizing me in the present (weight, appearance, what I do etc). It hurts that they would rather not talk to me than attempt to address my complaints. During the conversations they each separately told me how difficult it was to hear me when I was a teenager tell them I was abused and how they didn't know what to do so they did and said nothing. I told them it wasn't really fair that they left me alone as a child and teenager to deal with something they couldn't handle as adults but they didn't even say sorry instead they just explained how it was for them.

For most of sept and oct I was angry and frustrated with them and trying not to react that way and I talked about it with T. For the last couple of weeks in therapy I've been talking about my relationship with my husband. yesterday in the last 15 minutes T asked me how it was to see my mother this weekend and I said fine. He asked me whether I was angry and I said no I stayed superficial but I started crying because what he said reminded me of my husband as well as my parents. I said that and he kept going back to my mother. Why didn't I want to bring up what we talked about in June? why didn't I think it was important anymore? I told him my parents wouldn't change so i wasn't going to talk to them anymore but even though he agreed they wouldn't change he seemed to think it was important to keep talking about it (though he couldn't explain why).

By the time the hour was up I was holding my breath to avoid sobbing and wailing and he was still talking at me. Then he got up mid-sentence because time was up and said something like we will need to talk about this further. I think even though I've given up the fantasy that my parents will be different and care about the real me it doesn't stop hurting. I could cry for hours about what my parents wouldn't or couldn't give me and it doesn't change anything. Isn't there a point where I can stop grieving? Isn't it okay that I could see mother without feeling all the anger and pain? Maybe it isn't denial.

I'm so angry at T because I think he isn't happy unless I leave therapy feeling broken and hopeless. He completely ignored some of the stuff I told him about handling things better with my daughter and my in laws and focused on my mother and how angry I was at her. Do you think it is crazy or stupid that I am not angry and miserable ever time I see my parents?
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So nice to see you around. Couldn't help but wonder if perhaps your T just doesn't get it? I have read that sometimes abreactive work is contraindicated. I also read about a T who doesn't believe in it at all. It would seem to me that the least he could do is to help pull you together at the end of the session instead of leaving you feeling broken and hopeless. Although the common denominator here is that your parents didn't see and also left you broken and hopeless and so is it possible there is some transference going on?

I don't think it's crazy or stupid that you are not miserable every time you see your parents and, in fact, being superficial with them just may be the way to go. Your mother's brand of intimacy seems to be to criticize and to just generally be not supportive. Who needs that kind of intimacy?

I'm sorry for whatever is going on between you and H.

thanks for the hugs Liese.

I think that being superficial with my parents is the only way to go because I'm not willing to stop seeing them completely and I don't think that I can insist they change and think about me in anyway. My mother has never been supportive and doesn't even try to be. Both of my parents believe it is their right and duty to tell their adult children what they are doing wrong in order to help them.

I am sure there is some transference going on with my T but I'm not sure that it is only transference. I don't want to waste a session talking about being angry he pushed the topic because he will say he doesn't insist on topics and he isn't trying to break me (which I believe) but that won't stop it from happening again. I feel like he can't change either so why bother talk about it. I could change it if I took complete control of what we discussed or if I got angry and refused to talk about something when he brought it up but I can't do that either. So yes I'm as trapped in my relationship with my T as I am with my parents or my husband. Transference I hate it.

I could change it if I took complete control of what we discussed or if I got angry and refused to talk about something when he brought it up but I can't do that either.

It's taken me a long time to be able to be more assertive with my own therapist so I completely understand why they would be hard to do. My therapist is also much less directive than yours sounds and doesn't insist that I talk about anything. That being said, I am wondering why you can't do either of those things with your therapist? Maybe it's not all transference and your therapist is taking too much control of the sessions? It's hard to get a feel for what is going on but could that be possible?

So yes I'm as trapped in my relationship with my T as I am with my parents or my husband.


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