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I just wish I could let this being "cared about" thing go .... I just don't really think my T cares about me and I know if I tell him that, he will tell me he cares about me .... but I won't really believe him ... I've tried to ignore this feeling but our sessions are empty and I think it's because I don't feel cared about ... I feel like I have myself stuck in a corner and I don't see a way out .. Does anyone have any insight? Could it be as simple as maybe he's just the wrong T for me?
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It is hard to say without knowing more. It is possible that you just don't have a good connection with him because he isn't the right T for you. It's also possible that you have defenses that are getting the way of his caring for you so you can't feel it even though it is there.

How long have you been seeing him (sorry if you said in another thread)?

Thanks for answering ... I've been seeing him for 3 years ... Left the other therapist ... after several months ... started having panic attacks with her ..she double booked me and I freaked ... I've felt much safer with him ... but he's also very busy ... has a packed schedule and he teaches ... he does no texting or emailing .. that I know of anyway ... I haven't asked .. I don't know how he would have time ... actually, with his schedule ... my sessions have gotten really boring, we go over my daily life, how I'm coping, etc. but I just don't feel that emotional connection .... I'm completely open to the possibility it's me ... but I also don't want to rule out the idea that it's time to find someone new ... he doesn't seem very emotional to me ... he seems to downplay emotions ... he would react the same way to a conversation about peanut butter as a conversation about me needing him too much ... the same even keel ... and i'm freaking! I feel like I'm looking for some emotional cues from him about what's important and i can't find any .... I don't feel like I've made any progress in three years although when I look at things I've done, maybe I have and maybe I'm just not giving myself enough credit for the changes ... though small .. but significant ... the only thing I can think of is this caring thing .. not feeling cared about ... but it just seems so stupid ... i wish i could get it out of my head ....
Hi Liese,

I have no good advice but I wanted you to know I relate. I have the same worry. I've been seeing my T for 2.5 years and just recently told him I didn't think he liked me. He didn't try and tell me he liked me (I wouldn't have believed him) but he did tell me all the reasons I have trouble believing he likes me. It was intellectual but not emotionally connected. Tonight I told him that I cared about him and our sessions too much and he gave me an intellectual answer as to why which left me feeling off, like there is nothing personal in it. I'm feeling confused and thinking about quitting.

I've gone off on a tangent but I wanted you to know I read this and could relate but I have no idea if there is a solution.
I may be muddying the waters, but I have just spent two weeks raging at my C for not caring about me, and she getting equally frustrated back, as she protests that she does.

Then yesterday I FELT she does. Like a door in my heart opened up again.

Weird but true.

So your T may care for you a lot and you cannot feel it yet, or he may not and you are right and picking up a lack of real care.

Hard to know, huh.
Hi Sheychen,

I am so glad to hear about your experience. It really helps. I'm so glad to hear that other people feel this way ... Maybe I am just starting to feel safe enough to talk about the subject with him. I have indirectly and once or twice and a little bit directly probably not as much as I NEED to ... so I admire your courage.

I think he is caring but sometimes I think he projects a noncaring image on purpose ... of course, I make all this stuff up and really don't know unless I ask him ... Smiler
Most of my sessions seem to be about whether she cares or not, as it is crutial to me as a lot of my early childhood I felt very uncared for and was very isolated and alone so her caring is crucial. So ASK!
It is always an interesting session when talking about such things, and brings an intimacy too , with it, as you cannot really talk about being cared for without the heart being engaged at some level, even if the heart is confused.!
Okay Sheychen, I asked and I'll try to report as objectively as I can and you can give me your take on things ... I should mention he practices CBT ... so that could explain some of it .... although i do believe that he acknowledges the important role of emotions .... but our sessions do lack a bit of emotion and he has told me in the past that he thinks most people overreact ... leaving marriages and stuff like that ...and that most problems can be worked out ....

I should mention that when I first started to see him, he told me that I should feel good after our therapy sessions .. not bad and that if I feel bad, I should call him .... I really liked the part about feeling good ... because I want to feel good and it gives me a baseline .. I felt so bad with the last therapist that I started having panic attacks when I was seeing her and going home after sessions and drinking ... so I liked that I could actually feel good .... You figure, these people know what they are doing ... or should anyway ....

Just a little background stuff:

I went into the waiting room 2 minutes late ... his secretary knocked on his door but he didn't come out until 8 minutes later .... So my session started 10 minutes late .... He's usually very prompt ... so it's unusual for me to sit there for 8 minutes .... He really sticks to his schedule ....

Anyway, our sessions are always kind of blank slateish ... he infrequently asks about things we talked about in our previous sessions ... it's kind of like, so what's going on today? ;

so I told him that I was feeling really panicky about the trip (we're leaving tomorrow for Nova Scotia - my husbands father died) and that I didn't think I'd be back in two weeks (I meant to see him because I felt so crappy after my last appointment, but I'm not sure he took it that way) ... and I'm surprised I'm back 3 days after my last session .... It's always hard for me to call for extra sessions ... but I did it ....Anyway, so he starts to ask me questions about the trip and why it might be causing me anxiety ... and we talk for a while about that .. nothing earth shattering ....

So then I make the big departure and I tell him I was bringing up the caring thing again, and I wish it would go away but it doesn't ... His response was pretty measured ... and he just defends himself and says .. well I'm here, I'm listening to you ... I'm not taking notes, I don't answer the phone .. I'm not playing on my computer .... kind of like, what more do you want? So I tell him, well, you're schedule is so packed and sometimes it feels a little like a factory ... and one comes in and we put a little paint here and the next one comes and we put a little paint there ... and i also tell him that I tried to put myself in his shoes and imagined seeing all the people he does and the students he teaches .. and how could he possibly care about all those people ... so he's kind of getting frantic, well this is exactly what he tries to teach his graduate students, make eye contact, put the pen down, let people know you care ... and well, maybe it is a little like a factory, the 3 goes out and the 3:45 comes in ... but I'm here for you 100% when you come in here .... and he is ... but then I tell him, well every week, it's like a blank slate, and there's no continuity ... actually the session before, he did ask me how an event I attended was (Eckhardt Tolle for you Buddhist fans)... and it felt nice that he remembered ... so I brought that up ... and his response was, well of course, he remembers who I am .. and that's his style ... he's a here and now kind of guy ...

so then he starts to rattle off a bunch of stuff really fast, like it's really important stuff that he has to tell me .... and then he says, oh, the times up ... and i ask him what time it is because it didn't really feel like 45 minutes and he tells me 3:07 .... and I should have gone to 3:10, I'm thinking because i started 10 minutes late ... so now I'm getting 42 minutes ... and I'm thinking, well this is just proving my point, isn't it? He has to stick to his schedule .. and here I am complaining, well, you know, it's feeling a little like a factory .... and he's just thinking he's over the limit ... the session should have ended at 3:00 if I'd gone in on time .... so I tell him, well I came in at 2:25 and he asks me, you were late? and I tell him, no i sat out in the waiting room till 2:25, Karen knocked on you door and you didn't come out ... and he looked confused, as if he hadn't heard the knock .... and then I ask him for 2 more minutes .. that I'm not really feeling this cared for thing right now ... and so he makes eye contact for a really long time, I guess to prove he cares and then I leave and he rushes off to his next appointment .... so I went to the bathroom and had a good bawl .... and then I pulled myself together .... At the end of the day, I think it says more about him than me .... that maybe his practice has turned into a little bit of a factory ... and maybe he is doing too much teaching 2 graduate classes ... but maybe I need someone who isn't so rushed all the time? Or mabe I can accept it's him, and I can cope with his busy schedule because what he gives me during those 45 minutes is enough? at least I'm not having panic attacks like i was with the last one ....

So what's your take? I'm trying hard not to run like everyone else!!!

Also, a little more background, he never explains why I'm feeling what I'm feeling ... hasn't talked to me really about attachment issues ... I told him that he was my wire monkey and he said that was okay .... so we touched on it ... but he doesn't talk to me the way all your therapists seems to . ... he hates labels and diagnoses ... if I press him, he'll tell me I have adjustment disorder ... and we're working on self-image stuff ...and I'm a people pleaser ... but he seems to like to keep it all covert ... and it drives me a little crazy .... I want to get better but I can't read the map ... He's got the map ... and he won't give it to me .... I want to see the map!!! There must be a map!!! How can I stay in therapy if I can't see the map?????

And one last thing ..... you've probably got the point by now that he's not a big emotional kind of guy ... he's really nice ... and he, most of the time, gets the point across that he's a really nice guy .... and he never talks about intimacy ... he knows i have acquaintances but that I long for those deeper connections with friends .... we've talked about that ... so how can CBT help me get those things? Anyway, so he doesn't usually use warm and caring words but over the past four months at different times he has mentioned that he doesn't think I trust him ... he's brought up that therapy is painful and a lot of people quit because it gets too painful .... and he told me that I am not alone and over the phone, he told me we're working together .... so all of a sudden, I feel like he's drawing me in a little - which he's never really done, there's this professional distance always .... So I'm starting to think that maybe he wants to hear more of all this emotional stuff that I'm so good at keeping hidden ... and then I bring up the caring thing and I kind of feel like it blew up in my face .... He insists he's caring, so I decided to be the big person and say, okay, so it's me .... and he says yes, it's your insecurities .... see ya, miss 42 minutes .... I have to stick to my schedule and I can't take the time to make sure you are feeling okay ....
So if anyone wants to reply, that'd be terrific! It would be nice to know that someone else would feel the same way ... I guess it's so hard to validate my own feelings .... and that's what I really have to do ..... and when I can learn to do that, I will be a free woman!!! Who cares what he thinks? if I am not feeling not cared about .... why aren't I trusting that feeling???? But what is it exactly that would make me feel cared about? Can I put it in words? When he defends himself, it reminds me of just the way my father used to defend himself .... I never ever got, you're right Liese .... It was always that I was too needy ... or too emotional ...too something ... so what if the truth is that I am? Or that I need more than average reassurance? Isn't that what he's supposed to be helping me with? Why do I feel so ashamed for needing????
Welcome to the board Liese. It seems that you have joined here during a quiet phase. Some people who post a lot have taken breaks and I myself am struggling with the horendus pain of being abruptly terminated and abandoned by my T of almost 3 years. It left me in a place where I don't have much to offer others on the Board.

If you have a background of abuse and neglect and trauma then you would have abandonment issues and perhaps you may also have an attachment injury. Those who suffer with this need a lot of reassurance. They also struggle with asking for what they need and feel that needing anything is wrong and then they struggle with shame. I'm not saying that this is your issue at all but just suggesting you may want to discuss this with your T or read up about attachment theory.

The not so good news is that if your T is basically CBT then he probably will not be well informed on attachment theory. It may also be why you are not getting the warm fuzzies from him. CBT Ts do not necessarily want to delve into the past and what makes us feel the way we do. They basically want to just change our behaviors and send us on our merry way. They are not into feelings just behaviors. Psychodynamic Ts are the ones who will be able to provide more of what you are looking for in terms of reassurance, learning it's okay to get your needs met and to work on attachment. I think you feel that you want to be closer to him but it feels dangerous and then you move away? Does intimacy seem scary? Are you struggling with asking for what you need?

I know it's hard but you may want to try to talk to your T about these feelings and then you would have to make the tough decision as to whether or not you can work with a CBT T if he is not going to provide what you need to heal.

I share a lot of the same thoughts and feelings as you do so you are not alone nor crazy at all. You will see if you read the old threads that most of us here share the same feelings.

I look forward to getting to know you better.

Hi True North,

I like your picture! And Au Contrare (I took spanish, so I don't know why I'm even attempting French!) I disagree with your statement that you don't have a lot to offer right now .... you were able to verbalize exactly what I was feeling!!! And so succinctly and eloquently! It was really helpful ...

So sorry about you losing your T of three years ... I feel your pain ... I have to be honest, that is one of my fears .... whenever there is a car accident in the paper, I always read it to make sure it isn't him .... I hope you find the strength to start looking for a new T .... there has to be a nice therapist out there for you .... according to my research, loss is a part of life .... I hate that part of life and struggle with it too but you'd be kind to yourself to get the support you need!!!

According to my family, I had the perfect childhood! They could never understand why I was so unhappy .... And so, the only trauma that I've been able to identify is the trauma I caused myself and the situations I've put myself in .... I do feel like I've made a lot of progress with this T ... My T before this one was psychodynamically oriented and she was the one I started having panic attacks with and would go home drinking after our sessions ... so I don't know if it was her or the whole psychodynamic orientation that didn't fit well with me ... but I hesitate to go back to that model for those reasons ...

I do like to think that he cares (at least in this moment in time).... in his own way ... and maybe as long as I can maintain that optimism and basic trust for the majority of the time, I will be okay ....

But what did you think of the 42 minute session when there I was complaining about not being cared about? After a while, I started to think that maybe he cut me short on purpose .... simply to drive home the point that he and I can have different feelings ... that he can feel that he's being caring .... and I can feel like, well, no that wasn't really caring and it wasn't really the connection I was looking for ... I have trouble in that area ... especially with my mother (surprise, surprise) ... I always think my feelings and emotions have to match hers to the detriment of my own ... always .... and actually last week for the first time was able to separate myself from her and feel something different and decided it was okay! He will never admit that he does these things ... we had a little fight last year when he went to Italy and I kept harping on it ... and he finally said that, well, you hired me to help you ... and that was the closest he came to admitting that he wasn't abandoning me ... just trying to set me off ... or push my buttons, so to speak ....

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