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had a session this past week, and T said he does origami and that he "could make me a T-rex or blah blah blah" and i said "you do origami" and he confirmed. i kind of wonder if he was offering to make ME an origami figure. was he? if he was, i most certainly want one! but i feel so foolish for asking. was he baiting me? how do i ask for one and not sound pathetic or needy, or desparate? crap! i'm 52! this is so silly! but i really want one of his creations SOOOOO bad!!!! WTF?!??
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Take him up on it! It may even be something to try in session (to learn). Or you could bring in origami paper (craft stores usually have it) and day "so you offered to make me a dinosaur! Here's the paper! Let's see!" That's what I would do with my T.

I have three paintings from T when we painted together I keep them in my art room. I have a collection of cards or written index cards or reminders from my Ts over the years. Crystals and rocks, too and two very peculiar small gifts that would thrill a 3 year old. I've just realized I take in a lot of T trinkets. You need some too.

No shame no shame no shame! These things help and can be looked back on fondly. You're never too old for a T-Rex!' Or to ask for a whole farm for that matter! Making some with T then taking them all back could be really connecting.

I know it's impossible to ask but know that the benefits can outweigh the shame you pay up front.
How about saying, "So, when am I getting my origami?" Then you don't really have to ask for it.

(I love origami. Learned to make my first paper doll in first grade from a Japanese student teacher. Smiler In fact, I make cranes from the little paper wraps around napkins and tea bag wrappers. I've been leaving them in restaurants by the sugar/salt/pepper for years. I often wonder what people think when they are found. My mom would often confiscate them and in going through her stuff, I've come across several in little boxes or stashed here and there.)

YES! You need the origami. It does represent a lot. Perhaps you might discuss with T what it means to have him gift you something. Just as most Ts would want to discuss when we give them something.


He wants to make you the T-REX. He wants to give YOU something from HIM. Bring it up again. This warms my heart. My T offered me the painting off his wall above his desk!! I said "No, I can't take your art" and regret that I did not jump up and grab it. I still want that painting. Now it's not there and I wonder where it is. I want to ask him and am afraid.
(((cat))) thanks for the encouragement and suggestions! i tape my sessions and i've often thought that i have the best gift of all, his voice! but, it would be nice to have something more tangible, something i can actually see and hold.

RT, that's way cool that you leave origami around for others to find! it's seemingly small stuff like that that can really make somebody's day, so i'd bet good money you've spread an awful lot of smiles with your craftiness! hugs! (((RT))) and yes, although he may have forgotten about something we spoke about a long time ago, a T-Rex is very representative of something in my past... a good something Smiler

(((VH))), you think he wants to make me one?!?? hmmm...maybe he does! Smiler in which case, that gives me warm fuzzies that he'd want to do something like that for me! i will bring it up with him one way or another. i'm sorry you turned down the painting and later regretted it. Frowner i wonder what would happen if you asked about it?
RT, I asked about the painting today that I did not take off the wall.......SHIT......he gave it away during down-sizing and re-arranging a lot of stuff. I thought he was going to say he gave it to another client.....he gave it to the local charity store. I drove as fast as I could over to the store....BOO HOO. Someone else bought it. Oh well. I'll get something, eventually, from this guy!

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