I am fully aware that my mind occasionally drifts off to remembering that my T said he had his kids coming by for Christmas tea and that tomorrow he is taking them both off for a visit to see his parents and he will meet his sister and brother in law there.
Why on earth he disclosed all that I don't know. I think he thought he was being 'real'.
But for me it just means that I seem to yearn/ache to be magically included. Of course I wish his loving mum and dad were kind of my mum and dad, (what on earth did *I* do to be denied loving parents?? etc etc) and I would so like to have him as a brother and his sister as a sister and also I wish I was there - just enjoying being like his kid, him taking me for a lovely visit to his family.
Oh I know, they might not be so lovely, I might be rose tinted about all this....
but actually knowing him, they are probably one of those loving caring happy balanced families I used to dream of as a kid.
My own family is lovely, (I don't mean my birth family of course) my own kids are lovely and well balanced and very happy and we have a GREAT time together.
But I guess my little me wants to be there, with him, loved by him, cherished by him. Heck, it STILL hurts.
I can never have that. I cannot do a darn thing about it.
Does it get anyone else like this, or do we guiltily try to bury it deeper in the mind when we think such things?
and worse, it means that I cannot contact him for a whole week which is unheard of this past year, so it hurts that I just have to manage somehow.
AND whilst I am on a roll, I gave him Christmas gifts and card etc, all carefully thought through and funny and all that. And of course, he did not give me a card or ANYthing. It must be rule 434:never give a client any kind of card or small gift. Blurgh.